Read what the media has to say about Steadyhand.
March 24, 2025
Clare O'Hara of the Globe and Mail reports on Purpose Unlimited's acquisition of Steadyhand (subject to regulatory and unitholder approval) and how the partnership aims to enhance Steadyhand's digital capabilities and expand its ability to deliver low-fee, transparent investment services to more Canadian investors.
March 24, 2025
Investment Executive reports on Purpose Unlimited's acquisition of Steadyhand (subject to regulatory and unitholder approval) and how the deal aims to combine Steadyhand's personalized client service with Purpose's technology and wealth management capabilities.
March 17, 2025
Navigating the world of investment fees can be challenging, especially with no mandatory requirement for firms to report total costs. In the Toronto Star, David Aston sheds light on this issue and highlights Steadyhand's low and innovative fee structure.
November 14, 2022
The Financial Post interviews legendary Canadian investors Kim Shannon, Bob Bertram and Tom Bradley about their careers.
July 26, 2022
Steadyhand Chair and Co-founder Tom Bradley is being inducted into Canada’s Investment Industry Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame was launched in 2013 to recognize outstanding achievement in the investment industry and currently has 55 members.
April 29, 2022
In the Globe and Mail's popular Financial Facelift column, advice-only financial planner Janet Gray suggests investors looking for personal contact and low fees should consider Steadyhand. "One exception [to portfolio managers that require a substantial minimum investment] is Steadyhand, which sells its low-fee funds directly to the public with continuing client service."
June 21, 2021
David Aston highlights a few of the firms, including Steadyhand, that have taken a stand against the highly controversial practice of paying tailing commissions to discount brokers. "You can purchase Steadyhand and Leith Wheeler mutual funds directly from the firms themselves and get quality investment advice in the process."
December 15, 2020
"Loyalty to long-term customers — what a concept." The Globe and Mail's Rob Carrick highlights our loyalty discount for longstanding clients.
November 9, 2020
There's a "little-known niche in the financial world" where you can get professional advice, low fees and great service as a smaller investor. David Aston profiles the direct-to-investor mutual fund space — and Steadyhand — in the Toronto Star.
January 25, 2020
"So, what are these elusive independent lower-fee firms that provide top-rated actively managed mutual funds?" Jonathan Chevreau provides a rundown of four fund companies investors should know about.
December 9, 2019
For income investors, dividend stocks are an important part of a diversified portfolio, but they shouldn't be the only component. Steadyhand President Tom Bradley discusses some alternative sources of income generation with Morningstar's Ruth Saldanha.
August 15, 2019
A profile on our Equity Fund and its current defensive positioning. "O’Reilly and his team are positioned defensively and favoring holdings that are either negatively correlated with markets or have the strength and resilience to ride out a potential market decline."
March 11, 2019
Morningstar's Shehryar Khan recommends the Steadyhand Founders Fund as a core option for your portfolio: "Steadyhand is one of the country’s most transparent and investor friendly firms."
November 8, 2018
Dianne Maley looks at how the investment industry communicates with its clients (spoiler alert: poorly) and commends Steadyhand for its "clear, comprehensible website, management blogs and performance reports."
May 31, 2018
Morningstar profiles our Small-Cap Fund, with specific reference to its investment approach and composition, a year and a half after Galibier took over as manager.
September 1, 2017
"One of his [Tom Bradley's] top priorities as a money manager is to protect his clients’ assets. If that means forgoing some potential profit to reduce risk, so be it." - Gordon Pape writes about the current positioning of the Founders Fund in the Toronto Star.
August 31, 2017
Morningstar highlights our small-cap manager's (Galibier) investment process and some of the fund's holdings.
April 10, 2017
Gordon Pape provides a rundown of Steadyhand as the firm celebrates its 10th birthday: "This is a company you should know about, especially if your taste runs to conservative portfolios, low fees, and good service."
January 25, 2017
Steadyhand was selected as one of two finalists for Morningstar's Steward of the Year award. "Steadyhand remains the poster child of a good steward."
May 3, 2016
Adam Mayers highlights Steadyhand's It's Not Rocket Science books: "It takes a lot of effort to succeed as an investor. One rule is to stick to your guns. It’s just one of the insights found in Bradley’s books, which are well worth a little time spent reading."
October 28, 2015
David O'Leary highlights the importance of co-investment. "It is worth mentioning that a small minority of fund companies publicly disclose co-investment information directly on their website for all to see. To my knowledge that list includes one firm, Steadyhand."
June 30, 2015
Morningstar highlights Steadyhand's corporate culture. "Founder Tom Bradley adopted industry-leading stewardship practices right from the get-go. He kept the firm's fund line-up simple and gimmick-free."
June 19, 2015
David Pett delves into Steadyhand's approach and traits. "Steadyhand's success since opening its doors in 2007 is largely due to the fact that it operates very differently from any of the big six Canadian banks."
January 21, 2015
HighView Financial Group's Dan Hallett recommends the Founders Fund as a conservative fund pick for an RRSP.
November 8, 2014
The Founders Fund is highlighted as a low-fee solution for investors who "seek the comfort of knowing someone is at the helm, overseeing your hard-earned savings in turbulent financial markets."
February 11, 2014
Steadyhand is highlighted in the Globe and Mail's Report on Funds as a winning low-cost fund company. "What sets the firm apart is the clarity, frequency and simplicity of its communication."
October 28, 2013
The CFA Institute's Charlie Henneman highlights common traits of successful investment practices discussed at the 2013 Wealth Management Conference, where Tom Bradley was a speaker.
September 14, 2013
David Hodges discusses our latest co-investment numbers, "...the men and women behind Steadyhand—one of Canada's no-load, non-commissioned mutual fund companies—want you to know that if you're a client, they're eating what you're eating."
June 1, 2013
"Opportunities are far richer in the small-cap space, where there are a lot of stocks that are orphaned, overlooked, undercovered or not covered at all", notes Wil Wutherich (manager of the Steadyhand Small-Cap Fund) in an article on market-beating funds.
February 4, 2013
BC Business looks at a "stellar class" of Vancouver money managers who consistently beat the averages.
November 30, 2012
Rudy Luukko highlights the Steadyhand Income Fund as a standout at this year's Morningstar Canadian Investment Awards - "The fund has performed exceptionally well over its nearly six-year history."
November 24, 2012
Dan Hallett highlights the Steadyhand Founders Fund as one of few funds that fits the bill for investors looking for a simple, low-fee balanced portfolio.
October 10, 2012
Morningstar updated their Stewardship Grades for 2012, covering 26 mutual fund companies in Canada. Steadyhand was one of only two firms to receive an "A" grade.
October 1, 2012
Advantage Magazine speaks to Tom Bradley about Steadyhand's origins and its "simple, straight-shooting approach to wealth management".
June 15, 2012
The Globe and Mail's Shirley Won looks at the top performers among Canadian fixed income balanced funds for the three years ending May 31 and finds "Stellar returns from Steadyhand Income [Fund]."
May 9, 2012
The Canadian Business Journal profiles Steadyhand. "Different from the industry standard of many financial organizations that have become consumer product marketers, the team at Steadyhand is wired as investors to its core."
March 21, 2012
Jonathan Chevreau reviews Steadyhand five years after inception. "Steadyhand now has respectable five-year performance numbers to further its noble cause..."
February 22, 2012
Rudy Luukko provides an overview of the Founders Fund. "Because of his commitment to invest alongside unitholders, Bradley will have additional motivation to do well. 'I'm going to have a good portion of my net worth in this fund', he told Morningstar..."
February 1, 2012
Gordon Pape highlights the Steadyhand Income Fund as a fund especially suitable for RRSPs. "In a few short years, this has evolved into one of the better funds of its type."
November 15, 2011
Morningstar recently issued updated Stewardship Grades for 26 mutual fund companies. Steadyhand was one of only four firms to receive an "A" grade.
October 18, 2011
MoneySense Magazine identifies Steadyhand as a good investment choice as your portfolio moves above $100,000. "Portfolio strategy is included with the low cost of their funds, and Steadyhand's fees fall as your portfolio grows."
July 27, 2011
Eric Lam discusses some of the advantages of investing with independent mutual fund companies. "Steadyhand is one of the few fund companies in Canada that sells directly to investors and is very open with its staff disclosures..."
December 21, 2010
In the Toronto Star, Rudy Luukko highlights Steadyhand as a company to watch in 2011. "Among Steadyhand’s other key attributes are its timely and informative client communications, and the personal touch that a small firm can more readily provide."
June 30, 2010
Jonathan Chevreau highlights the grades received by various fund companies based on Morningstar's new Stewardship grading system.
April 1, 2010
"I'm delighted to see that there's someone out there who 'walks the walk' about taking a long-term perspective on capital markets", writes financial advisor and author John De Goey.
October 28, 2009
Karin Mizgala writes about Steadyhand's investment philosophy and commitment to transparency with respect to returns and fees. "Their statements are simple, clear and easy to read - a rare and welcome occurrence in the industry."
May 12, 2008
Morningstar's David O'Leary reviews the Small-Cap Equity Fund. "In Wil Wutherich, Bradley has found a veritable stock picker."
August 28, 2007
Brian Lewis writes in the Investment Executive about how Steadyhand is cutting itself away from the herd: low fees, concentrated portfolios, a straightforward line-up, and an emphasis on the Web in reaching clients.
April 19, 2007
Geoff Kirbyson writes in the Winnipeg Free Press about Steadyhand's distribution model - selling directly to clients, that is.
March 12, 2007
Can active managers earn their fees and beat market indices? Alison MacAlpine poses this question in a roundtable discussion with Tom Bradley and three other panelists in the February 2007 edition of Advisor's Edge magazine.