The Steadyhand Retirement Withdrawal program helps retirees draw a steady income from their portfolio without worrying about selling investments at the wrong time, such as market downturns.
The program is based on an approach known as the Spending Reserve Strategy, which involves:
The key benefit of this strategy is that it provides you with protection from market volatility and greater peace of mind. You aren’t forced to draw from your growth or income assets at an inopportune time — i.e., when stocks or bonds are down. As well, you still earn a return on your cash reserve, based on the prevailing yield of the Savings Fund.
Market pullbacks are a natural part of investing and cannot be avoided. When they occur, the spending reserve strategy allows your portfolio time to recover while you continue to draw a regular income from it.
What makes the program unique is that we will advise you when to replenish your cash reserve by selling some of your investments. Our advice is based on our evaluation of the current investing environment.
You’ll receive an email from us every quarter advising you whether we recommend any action. If we suggest it’s a good time to top up your cash reserve, you simply need to call us to place the necessary trades. We assist with determining which holdings to sell and help with any calculations.
We’ve designed the program to make it flexible. You can make changes to the amount and frequency of your withdrawals if your personal circumstances change, and you are never locked into any terms.
The program also has no extra fees associated with it, making it a cost-friendly strategy.
If you think the program suits your needs, we encourage you to read our Guide for more details or book a meeting with one of our Investor Specialists to learn more. If you’re ready to enroll, the process is easy — simply call us at 1-888-888-3147.