By Tom Bradley

At Steadyhand, we’re big on client-manager alignment. We think it’s important that investors work with professionals who share their interests. As clients and regular readers know, we walk the walk in this regard. Each year we publish the amount the Steadyhand team has invested in our funds. Scott has just updated the numbers for June 30th, 2010 - Showing you the Money: Co-investment at Steadyhand. On average, our employees have 81% of their financial assets invested in the Steadyhand funds. In absolute terms, our employees and families have $15.0 million invested in our funds.

In addition to this, we are taking the alignment a step further. I’m delighted to announce that Steadyhand has four new shareholders - Neil, Elaine, Scott and Chris. When we started the firm, Lori, Neil and I committed to broad employee ownership, but for tax planning and other reasons, it didn’t make sense to formalize it until recently. Now we’re making it official.

For me, one of the joys of building Steadyhand has been working with our team. To a person, they are talented, turned-on, passionate about investing (and how we do it), supportive of each other, and not inclined to take themselves too seriously. And importantly, their interests are totally aligned with our clients.