I’m pleased to introduce our newest member to the team, Alan Hamade. Alan is taking on the role of Operations Manager. He has a ton of industry experience, having worked for over 30 years in the business. Most recently, he was the Manager of Securities Services at Qtrade Financial, Canada’s #1 online brokerage for six years running based on the Globe and Mail’s annual survey.

Alan will be taking over some of Colette Madill’s responsibilities. Colette recently left the firm to pursue a more accounting-focused career after obtaining her Certified Management Accountant designation (CMA). Along with overseeing the account opening process and facilitating client trades, he will also be a key resource in helping us evolve our backoffice operations and processes.

I expect that Alan will be a great addition to our team. The firm has experienced a faster pace of growth in recent months and his experience will help ensure that our backoffice continues to hum. If there’s one strike against him, however, it’s his allegiance to the Maple Leafs, which we find puzzling given his local roots. David Toyne, on the other hand, is ecstatic to have another Buds fan on the team.

Get to know our newest employee a little better:

  • Favorite restaurant: Ichiro (Steveston)
  • First industry job: Vancouver Stock Exchange, 1980
  • PC or Mac: PC
  • Favorite 70’s rock ballad: Two out of Three Ain’t Bad (Meat Loaf)
  • Asset Mix: 90% equities / 10% bonds
  • The Bachelorette or Dancing with the Stars: Neither
  • Most admired athlete: Darryl Sittler
  • Favorite thing about Vancouver: Stanley Park Seawall
  • Guilty pleasure: Chocolate

Welcome aboard, Alan.