By Tom Bradley

Sher took a call yesterday from a woman who wondered where I’d gone. She was a regular reader of my biweekly column in the Saturday Globe and Mail and noticed it wasn’t there anymore. Indeed, the Globe has been freshening up the Investor section of the Report of Business and as a result, the column has been replaced with some new features.

I’ve enjoyed my association with the paper and may continue to contribute in another way and/or on another schedule. I’ll admit to feeling a little like Trevor Linden when his consecutive game streak ended at 482. I hadn’t missed filing a column for 6½ years. It had become a big part of my life.

The point of this post, however, is to say that I’ll continue to express my views (there’s no turning back) in this space and in other forms. I enjoy writing and have lots to say about picking stocks, building portfolios, hiring fund managers, running investment firms, setting client expectations, assessing market cycles, allocating assets and calling out the wealth management industry for its sometimes appalling practices. (For those of you who aren’t familiar with our website, you can receive everything we write by subscribing to the blog or see the highlights by signing up for our monthly email newsletter, which you can do on the homepage of our site.)

I also want to thank those of you who have followed the column and the blog over the years, and who have encouraged me to keep calling it the way I see it. You don’t know how important your feedback (good and bad) has been for me.