By Tom Bradley

What came off as a well-crafted April Fools prank (it was Scott’s genius) has inadvertently served as a reminder of what our clients care about.

In the Monthly Newsletter we sent out yesterday, we announced that Steadyhand had been sold to the Canadian Consortium of Colossal Financial Institutions (CCCFI). Amongst the reasons mentioned for the deal, our Toronto David was quoted as saying, “Canadians love their banks and we want some of that love.”

In the emails that flowed in, there were some great stories, but it also served as a powerful reminder of how much our clients care about our independence, ‘non-bankiness’, and our irreverence towards industry practices.

Geez, that's a scary way to start a Monday morning!

You bastard you completely got me I immediately thought where do I go now??

You got me … my heart sank, I thought oh no after leaving what felt like a CONSORTIUM OF CDN BANKS.

You did “gotcha” me ... Remember, us older guys have weak hearts.

Unfortunately I had popped a couple of Tylenol before finishing the article - well done!!!!

Do that and I'll transfer to the Cyprus Fund!

All joking aside, we know how important our independence and client focus is. It’s important to us too. We apologize if we’ve caused any heart palpitations or mental distress, but I won’t promise that we won’t do it again.