By Tom Bradley

I’m pleased to introduce our newest member of the Steadyhand team, Jennifer Lacuesta. Jennifer is taking on the role of Client Service Administrator. She has close to 10 years of industry experience, having worked at Deutsche Bank (in the Philippines), GrowthWorks, and Haywood Securities.

Jennifer will be playing an important role in many of our client service and trading functions, from processing client trades to opening new accounts and facilitating transfers.

“J-La” (her nickname, as she reluctantly told us) is a great addition to the team. Steadyhand has been growing at a faster pace and her experience will help ensure that our high administrative standards are maintained. Outside the office, Jennifer’s three children keep her busy and she has a passion for arts & crafts and jewelry making. I’ll never find myself scrambling for a last minute anniversary gift again.

Get to know our newest employee a little better:

  • Favorite restaurant: Top of Vancouver (Revolving Restaurant)
  • First industry job: GrowthWorks, 2004
  • Apple or Samsung: Samsung
  • Maiden name: Jennifer Lopez (no kidding)
  • Favourite Jennifer Lopez song: Jenny from the Block
  • Most admired person: Audrey Hepburn
  • Best TV show: Fashion Star
  • Favorite thing about Vancouver: The scenery
  • Guilty pleasure: Shopping

Welcome aboard, Jennifer.