By Scott Ronalds

Google Reader, the popular RSS application that allows you to subscribe to and read blogs, is calling it quits. The service will be shut down on July 1st. Google cited “declining usage” as the main reason why it’s being turfed.

If you’re like me and are a fan of the Reader, or read this blog through it, the news is disappointing (whatever happened to Google’s mantra of Don’t be Evil?). But there are a number of alternative RSS feed service providers. Here are a few worth considering:

  • Feedly - One of the most popular alternatives; offers a function where you can import all your Google Reader feeds.
  • Netvibes - A dashboard and reader that you can sync across your desktop and mobile devices.
  • Flipboard - A service that allows you to view and share content in creative ways. Available for Apple and Android users.
  • Digg - In development, but with big aspirations.

There are other alternatives available as well. A Google search, ironically, will point you to them.

Another option is to subscribe to your favorite blogs directly via email (most blogs offer this service). You can receive ours in your inbox by visiting our Blog homepage and entering your email address in the box on the right of the screen.