By Tom Bradley

I’m pleased to introduce our newest member of the team, Cheryl Shkurhan. Cheryl is taking on the role of Investor Specialist and will work closely with Chris, Scott, David, Sher and me in helping our clients build and manage portfolios.

Cheryl holds the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) designations and brings a diverse background and skill-set to the firm. She spent the past nine years working for the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI), resolving investor disputes. There she was an investigator, Manager of Investigations and prior to leaving, Manager of Policy. Before OBSI, Cheryl worked for Coast Capital Investments for 10 years in the roles of Investment Adviser, Branch Manager and Chief Compliance Officer.

Cheryl has a strong understanding of many different aspects of the business and is enthusiastic about bringing her knowledge and experiences to Steadyhand. She’s passionate about our investment approach and our goal of helping our clients become better investors. And that’s not just lip service – she’s been a Steadyhand client for three years.

Outside the office, Cheryl is an avid cyclist (she finished the GranFondo Whistler earlier this month with a great time) and enjoys cooking and gardening (she’s also studied horticulture). And like a few others in the office, she appreciates a good glass of wine. Get to know our newest employee a little better:

  • First industry job: Richmond Savings Credit Union
  • Favorite restaurant: L’ufficio
  • Asset Mix: 80% stocks / 20% bonds
  • PC or Mac: Mac
  • Favorite sport/pastime: Cycling
  • Worst investment: A junior gold stock
  • Favorite thing about Vancouver: The weather
  • Mad Men or Breaking Bad: Mad Men
  • Chianti or pinot noir: Both
  • Guilty pleasure: Dessert

Welcome aboard, Cheryl.