We think it’s important to check in periodically with our clients to ensure we are on the right track. Recently, we surveyed about half of them to get their feedback. We thank everyone who took a few minutes to participate.

The results are overwhelmingly positive. Topping the list of reasons why our clients have entrusted their investment capital with Steadyhand are our distinctive “undexing” investment philosophy, low fees and practice of transparency. We’re enormously grateful for the strong endorsement our clients have given Steadyhand across the board.

When the words our clients used were plugged into a wordle-like program, it came out like this:

As you know, we are active communicators. On that front, our clients told us they favour the Blog, the Quarterly Report and the Monthly Newsletter. Manager meetings and account statements featured less frequently, although we remain committed to enhancing the content and accessibility of both (new features on our statements are about to be launched).

Our clients also gave us encouraging feedback that they would or already have referred people to Steadyhand. That’s consistent with our increasingly frequent experience of signing up new clients who have been given a nudge by a colleague, friend or family member who is already a Steadyhand client.

The Steadyhand team is hard at work. The bar has been set very high based on your feedback and it’s our intention to continue to earn your confidence in everything we do.