By Scott Ronalds

The hot investment topics of 2014 included resources, interest rates and the U.S. economy, among others. But there were a lot of other issues to write on, such as upcoming regulatory changes, index-linked notes and of course, real estate.

We were busy once again on the keyboard. Below is a list of our most popular blog posts last year, as judged by you, the readers (well, actually judged by Google Analytics according to which postings received the most views).

1. Index-linked Notes: To Who's Advantage? (Nov 5)
2. Carry on Bravely (Oct 7)
3. An In-depth Look at the Canadian Housing Market (Dec 2)
4. The Investment Fee Tree (May 5)
5. Fixed Income's New Reality (May 8)
6. Canadian Real Estate: A Crack in the Tree (Jul 30)
7. Staying Calm in the Calm (Jun 24)
8. Four Questions You Need to Answer About Your Current Asset Mix (Sep 23)
9. The Long-term Forecast: Hazy (Aug 8)
10. Rolling, Rolling, Rolling (Jul 21)

Thanks to all our loyal readers! We look forward to keeping you well informed in 2015.

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