By Tom Bradley

I'm pleased to introduce the newest member of our team, Salman Ahmed.

Salman will work closely with me monitoring our fund managers and doing investment research. I first met him through our dealings with Morningstar, and he impressed me as a curious and critical thinker. He brings great depth and intellectual capacity to the firm.

Salman has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Concordia University and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. He started his career in Toronto at Mercer Investment Consulting in 2007, where he worked as an Analyst. In 2011, Salman moved to Morningstar Canada, where he held the role of Fund Analyst, and later, Associate Director of Active Research. Most recently, he worked for Morningstar’s Investment Management division as an Investment Consultant.

Outside the office, Salman enjoys cooking, reading, basketball, soccer, travel and trekking (he’s already knocked Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam off his bucket list). He also has a strange obsession with Kim Jong-un photos (I’m still not sure what to make of this).

Some short snappers will help you get to know Salman a little better:

Favourite meal: Burger ... definitely
Most visited website (outside the office): The Score
Best book on investing: The Intelligent Investor (Benjamin Graham)
Technology you can’t live without: My phone (Blackberry Passport)
Favourite Toronto sports team: None
Guilty pleasure: Ferraro Rocher
Strategic Asset Mix (SAM): 100% stocks
Bird or Jordan: Jordan
Grouse Grind or paddle boarding on English Bay: Grouse Grind
Favourite holiday spot: Southern Spain

We’re excited to have Salman join the Steadyhand family. We’re hoping green grass in February and cherry blossoms in March will help him and his wife Ashley Redmond ease into the wet coast lifestyle.