by Scott Ronalds

TD has a green chair. AGF has a tiger. Vanguard has a ship. Fidelity has a pyramid. Steadyhand should have a __________.

We posed this question to clients at our recent 10-year anniversary events in Toronto and Vancouver. While we’ve never been keen on adopting a company symbol or icon, we thought it would be interesting to canvass our client base to see what associations come to mind when people think of Steadyhand.

The responses were great. We had close to 100 different suggestions, ranging from the obvious (steady hand) to the obscure (Duke of Palmerston). We often brag that we’ve got the best clients in the country, and this exercise reinforced it. You guys are a passionate, thoughtful and creative bunch. Below are some of our favourite submissions.

Brain surgeon
Ship’s steering wheel
½ tortoise, ½ cheetah
Thumbs up
Wild salmon
Victory sign
Climbing wall
Bernese mountain dog
Cycling team
And my personal favourite … Phil. Steadyhand should have a Phil.

Although you shouldn’t expect a salmon or genetically-modified tortoise to accompany our wordmark anytime soon, should we change our mind on an icon, we’ve got a stellar working list. And if you want to weigh in on the matter, we’d love to hear your thoughts in the Comments section below.