Posted by Scott Ronalds
I must admit that before I started working at Steadyhand last year, the term blog was pretty much a foreign concept to me. ‘Blogging’ sounded more like a slang term or a new extreme sport from New Zealand (to go along with bungee jumping, river sledging and zorbing) than a form of internet communication.
Needless to say, I quickly discovered the meaning of the word (for those readers who are still unsure, it’s basically an informal web log), as Tom and Neil had already set up a blog for Steadyhand and were posting entries every couple of days. I’ve even posted a few of my own now.
I’ve learnt that blogs are a great way to communicate opinions and information and learn more about certain topics or read what others have to say about timely issues or events. In the world of investing, there are a number of articulate blogs written by Canadian investors that I enjoy reading. Below are just a few:
Canadian Capitalist
Larry MacDonald’s Investing Ideas
The Wealthy Boomer
Crunch Money
Financial Jungle
Four Pillars
While I don’t always agree with everything they have to say, these bloggers often offer well-thought opinions and analysis on financial matters.
Another site that offers a ton of information and opinions from Canadian investors is the Financial Webring. The webring forum is “an informal group of websites which promote individual financial education and empowerment.” Whenever there’s a new development in the investment industry, you can be sure that there will be a thread on it in the forum.
If you’ve got some downtime this summer, check out some of these sites. Some of them are pretty blog damn good.