
Cutting Through the Noise

December 16, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

The Steadyhand Holiday Letter

It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes, or bags. “It”, of course, is the Steadyhand Holiday Letter. 2013 has been a memorable year in the markets: Stocks have pushed forward without a flinch. Indeed, there’s been no sign of a stock market Grinch. Bonds were weaker, which is no surprising ...

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December 10, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Volatility Meter

It’s one thing to explain to investors that capital markets move in unpredictable ways and diversification can dampen a portfolio’s volatility in the short term, but it’s quite another to actually show them. Which is why we’ve built a Volatility Meter for our website...

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December 4, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Let's Not Get Carried Away

It’s been a great four years, but let’s not get carried away with this market. It’s time to be patient. This was one of the messages Tom emphasized on BNN this morning. With the strong run in the markets, stock valuations are now at the upper end of a normal range...

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November 28, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Best Canadian Balanced Fund ... Again

At the annual Morningstar Canadian Investment Awards last night in Toronto, Serena Ryder was the star of the show (although it was tragic she only did one song), but Steadyhand did OK too. Our Income Fund was recognized as the Best Canadian...

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November 27, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Year-end Distributions

The year-end distributions for all our funds (with the exception of the Savings Fund) will be declared on December 13th and paid on December 16th. The Savings Fund will pay its regularly-scheduled monthly distribution on December 31st. As a reminder...

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November 25, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Less is More

I enjoy periodically perusing the list of new investment products, as there’s usually a good laugh in there somewhere (remember the FocusShares ISE-Reverse Wal-Mart Supplier ETF, and my favourite, the HealthShares Dermatology and Wound Care ETF)...

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November 18, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Go Long

Long term. À long terme. A largo plazo. Langfristig. However you say it, it’s one of the most widely used terms in investing. It’s also one of the most vague. Long term means different things to different people. To some investors, it’s a few years. To Warren...

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November 7, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Emmylou: Portfolio Review

We last heard from Emmylou around this time last year, when she needed to set aside some money for a ‘sabbatical’ to Europe. She spent the summer exploring and had a rich experience on the continent. She recently checked in on her Steadyhand portfolio...

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October 24, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

BlackRock: Creating a Better Mutual Fund?

The world’s largest provider of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is launching its first mutual funds in Canada. BlackRock (the parent of iShares) announced this month a suite of seven balanced funds, the BlackRock Strategic Portfolio Series, which will be built...

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October 21, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Hard Assets: Picasso, Chateau Margaux and Tom Brady?

Hard assets can be a good source of diversification in a portfolio, as their prices or market values can have a low degree of correlation to stocks or bonds. Commodities like gold and oil can act as a hedge against inflation (although not always). The same goes for...

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October 10, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief - Q3 2013

From our Quarterly Report: Five years ago we were right in the middle of it. Lehman Brothers had gone down and the financial crisis was taking hold. It was a period that will be forever fused in my memory, as I suspect it will for our clients. But even with

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September 9, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

One of the things I love about our office is our neighbours. Situated in the diverse Armoury District, we’re surrounded by art galleries, architects & builders, chocolatiers, the best cheese shop and Belgian waffle makers in the city and numerous European luxury car dealerships. The other day a shiny bright-orange Lamborghini was being unloaded off a flatbed truck in front of our office. I couldn’t resist the opportunity...

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August 29, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Heartbreak Summer

Confusing. Frustrating. Ugly. These were the words we used in our Quarterly Report to describe global stock markets in the summer of 2011. It was a challenging time for investors, as the World Index declined 16% in Q3/2011 and the U.S. market dropped...

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August 20, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Here's to the Crazy Ones

I saw the movie Jobs last night in spite of a number of poor reviews. Just like Apple’s first prototype, I’d say it was just O.K. The flick ended, however, with one of Apple’s great commercials (spoiler alert), the 1997 ‘Think different’ ad: Here’s to the crazy...

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July 30, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

The Roller Coaster

My wife made the mistake last year of telling my niece and nephews that we’d take them to Playland as soon as the youngest was tall enough to go on the rides. Well, Finn cracked the 48-inch mark recently and has been judicious in his daily reminders of our promise. With amusement park season in full swing, we were on the hook the other weekend for a day of fear, laughs, tears, lineups, mini donuts and stomach aches. Everyone’s heard the analogies about investing...

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July 25, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Be Realistic

An essential element to being a better investor is being realistic about the predictability of markets. As taken from our latest paper, ‘Five Essential Elements to Being a Better Investor’: You not only need to be realistic about your own forecasting...

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July 15, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Second Quarter Review

It was an active spring in the capital markets, characterized by a spike in volatility, a run-up in bond yields and a dive in gold and mining stocks. Canadian markets had a rough quarter: the bond market (DEX Universe Bond Index) fell 2.4% - its worst quarterly decline in nearly two decades - and the stock market (S&P/TSX Composite Index) lost 4.1%. Global markets fared better, on balance, with many...

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July 11, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief - Q2 2013

From our Quarterly Report: 2013 has been a year of environmental disasters in Canada, but from an investment point of view, it’s been pretty good so far. You might be surprised to hear me say that because interest rates have moved up and June was a...

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June 27, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Bruce: Lucky Dice

Along with his Steadyhand assets, Bruce has an RESP and small Investment Account with a discount broker. He takes an aggressive approach with the latter by holding a few small technology companies (recall that he works in the industry), knowing that it’s a minor part of his portfolio and he can afford to take a few flyers. Bruce likes to roll the dice in this account, well aware that they could come up craps more often than not. One of his bets recently paid off, however. Bruce...

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June 25, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Google Reader Alternatives

Google Reader, the popular RSS application that allows you to subscribe to and read blogs, is calling it quits. The service will be shut down on July 1st. Google cited “declining usage” as the main reason why it’s being turfed. If you’re like me and are a fan of...

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June 17, 2013

By Scott Ronalds


The mining sector has been ravaged over the past two years. Commodity prices have softened, financing has dried up and sentiment has tanked. It’s been a minefield for investors. Nowhere has the pain been more severe than the Canadian small cap market...

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June 11, 2013

By Scott Ronalds


We’ve had a cautious view on government bonds for several quarters, as yields are unsustainably low. Our current thinking hasn’t changed. We feel bonds are expensive and have been advising clients to keep them to a minimum in relation to their long-term asset mix. The yield on 10-year Government of Canada bonds has risen over the last six weeks, from under 1.7% in early May to 2.2% yesterday. This is a sharp...

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June 4, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Spot Prawns

It’s spot prawn season on the west coast. The boats are pulling into Granville Island daily (mere blocks from Steadyhand headquarters) and selling their bounty directly to the public. It’s awesome. They’re live, fresh, sweet and local. And you buy them right from the boat. There’s no middlemen. No commissions. No administrative fees. No packaging charges. No transaction costs. For $12-15 a pound, you...

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May 23, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Tom on BNN

Prepare for extremes. This is an essential element to being a better investor, and is particularly topical on a day when the Japanese market is down 7%. Tom expanded on the five essential elements to being a better investor on BNN this morning. You can...

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April 19, 2013

By Scott Ronalds


We held our annual strategy session on Wednesday afternoon. Every year we lock ourselves in a room for 4-5 hours (or more), tune out the outside world, review the current state of our business and hash around ideas, thoughts and strategies on the...

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