
Cutting Through the Noise

December 15, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

The Steadyhand Holiday letter

Is it over yet? It was a rough year for the stock markets, as ugly economic headlines, debt problems, and political gridlock instilled fear in many investors. Bonds were once again the asset class of choice, despite their scrooge-like yields. Here at Steadyhand, we’re feeling a little merrier than the average investor – and it’s not just...

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November 28, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Year-end Distributions

The year-end distributions for all our funds (with the exception of the Savings Fund) will be declared on December 15th and paid on December 16th. The Savings Fund will pay its regularly-scheduled monthly distribution on December 31st. As a reminder...

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November 24, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Now That's Ironic

With the holidays around the corner, shopping is in the spotlight. It got me thinking … We’re used to high price tags on the wet coast. We’ve got the most expensive housing market in Canada (if not the world, based on some measures). A bottle of...

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November 21, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Another Lump in the Rug

A dirty little secret in this business: when a fund has an ugly performance record, it can be buried by merging it into another fund. Fund mergers occur all the time (see Fund Company Calls the Cleaner). The latest track records to be swept under the rug belong to a handful of under-performing Investors Group funds. Given...

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November 16, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Morningstar Stewardship Grades 2011

Morningstar Canada published its updated Stewardship Grades for 26 fund companies yesterday. The grades are designed to help investors further research, identify, and compare fund companies that do a good job – or a poor job – of aligning their...

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November 9, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Generation Riskless

I feel for the twentysomething generation. Good jobs are tough to come by, home ownership is out of reach for many (in Vancouver and Toronto, at least), skinny jeans are deemed fashionable for men, and a weekend camping now means pitching a tent...

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November 7, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Steadyhand vs. ETFs

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are growing in popularity and with good reason. They’re simple, low cost, transparent and provide market-like returns. But … they’re not for everyone. In a newly published paper, we compare the experience of an ETF investor (Jake) to that of a Steadyhand client (Julie). We focus on four areas...

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October 21, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Job Opportunity: Mutual Funds Administrator (Part-time)

We are currently seeking a Mutual Funds Administrator to work with us through the 2012 RRSP season. This is a temporary, part-time position that will last from November to March. Work hours will be roughly 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, with some flexibility. For...

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October 12, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

It Was an Ugly One

In preparing our Quarterly Report, I compiled some numbers that speak for themselves: Global stock markets had their worst quarter since Q4 2008; Greece was down 42%. Italy, France and Germany were all down 25%. Canada was down 12%. Japan was...

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October 11, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Third Quarter Review

It was an ugly quarter for stocks, with most major markets suffering double-digit declines. The bond market, on the other hand, had its strongest showing in 15 years (government bond yields now stand at levels not seen since the 1940s). Our funds declined, but held up better than the market. Their focus on high-quality, non...

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September 19, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Indexing can be Good. So can Active Management

The passive (indexing) vs. active management question is a polarizing debate, but it shouldn’t be. The bottom line is that both strategies have merit when they’re done right. As Morningstar USA’s President of Fund Research (Don Phillips) notes, credible...

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September 15, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Talking Stocks with Wil Wutherich

Wil Wutherich, the manager of our Small-Cap Equity Fund, is in town this week on a research trip. We booked an afternoon of his time to discuss the fund. Since we've covered his investment process in previous sessions and his philosophy is well documented on our site, Tom sat down with him to talk stocks...

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September 12, 2011

By Scott Ronalds


As a kid, my family and I used to go on a summer holiday every year to Savary Island (a small island about 200 km north of Vancouver). It’s a bit of a hidden treasure, with white sand beaches, warm waters and an abundance of shellfish. There was no electricity, few cars and fewer rules (don’t bury your sister and be home for dinner). We loved it. I was back on the Island this summer and few things have...

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September 9, 2011

By Scott Ronalds


"The stock market has forecast nine of the last five recessions" - Paul Samuelson (Nobel Economist)

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September 7, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Heavy Lifting with CGOV

We often remind our clients that they don’t need to do much once their portfolios are set up, as our managers do most of the heavy lifting. While it may sound like lip service, it’s a phrase that carries weight. In times of heightened volatility, such as the past two...

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September 1, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Trimming Bonds with Bruce

Last month we introduced Bruce, a forty-something investor with a balanced portfolio (tilted towards equities). Bruce spent the last three weeks of August on vacation and tuned out the noise in the markets as best he could. The single malt helped. While catching up on his reading this week, however, he came across two pieces by Tom which encouraged him to make an adjustment to his portfolio (What Now? Part II and When Fear Rules the Market, it's Time to...

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August 25, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Tom on BNN: Approximately Right

Tom was on BNN this morning discussing how we think about asset allocation and portfolio positioning in volatile markets. It’s all about being ‘approximately right’ rather than exactly wrong. In other words, you’re never going to pick the top or bottom of...

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August 24, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Stock Update: Nalco

Nalco, the world’s leading water treatment company, recently entered into a merger agreement with Ecolab (a provider of cleaning, food safety and infection prevention products and services). CGOV, the manager of our Equity Fund, sold the stock...

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August 16, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Buffett for President?

One of the richest men in the world wishes he was taxed more. Warren Buffett paid $7 million in federal taxes last year, which equated to 17% of his taxable income. Surprisingly, this was the lowest rate of any of the 20 employees in his office. In a...

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August 4, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Meet Bruce

Meet Bruce. He shares several traits of investors who we deal with every day. In many ways, he is representative of a typical Steadyhand client. In this blog series, we’ll follow his investing journey and provide periodic updates on the decisions and challenges he faces. Bruce is a married forty-something software engineer with two pre-teen kids. His wife, Courtney, works part-time in marketing and the couple makes a combined annual income of approx. $180,000. They own a house in North Vancouver worth roughly $750,000 ...

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July 27, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Simply Complex

I was reviewing a new client’s portfolio last week and I stumbled across the Manulife Simplicity Balanced Portfolio. It’s a fund-of-funds product, meaning it holds a basket of mutual funds. In this case, the Portfolio holds 18 funds (as of December 31, 2010)...

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July 20, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Sound Off

At Steadyhand, we think we’ve got the best business model and investment philosophy around. We offer investors access to talented and experienced investment managers (who are typically only available to the ultra-wealthy) and straight advice. We invest alongside our clients, charge low fees and provide timely &...

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July 12, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Second Quarter Review

It was a skittish quarter for stocks. The Canadian market had a rough spring, as commodity-related stocks gave back some of their gains from earlier in the year. The U.S. and Japanese markets were largely unchanged, while Europe was mixed. Bonds, on the other hand, had a strong quarter, as investors embraced safety and yields...

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June 22, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

The F-Bomb

Fund (as in mutual) has become a dirty word. I was reminded of this the other day when Tom was lamenting over all the negative connotations associated with mutual funds. What was once a beautiful concept – investors pooling their money in a shared vision...

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June 16, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Get Human

We’ve all dealt with it and it drives us insane. Calling a toll-free number and following an automated voice prompt. Just give me a damn human voice! Pretty much every big business uses them. Yet, I don’t know of a single person who likes responding to synthetic...

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