
Cutting Through the Noise

November 19, 2018

By Tom Bradley

What investors in the U.K. are talking about, when they aren't talking about Brexit

While we focus on pipelines, U.S. and Canadian politics, a big chunk of the world is in growth mode. Tom elaborates in his Financial Post column.

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November 14, 2018

By Tom Bradley

The best defense is a good offense

Deep thoughts from an executive forum on regulatory reform and the future of advice.

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November 8, 2018

By Scott Ronalds

Global Equity Fund: A look inside the new portfolio

Learn more about our new-look Global Fund! With the camera rolling, Tom recently sat down with the new manager to chat about her investment approach and some of the current areas of investment.

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November 5, 2018

By Tom Bradley

Lessons I learned from an investment industry legend

Bob Hager's lessons are still applicable today, with the most lasting ones coming from bad markets.

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October 30, 2018

By Tom Bradley

London Calling — Bank stocks

Tom reports back from London with some observations on how banks are viewed by non-Canadian investors.

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October 29, 2018

By Tom Bradley

Canada's place in your portfolio

Geographic diversification is crucial in any portfolio. But the types of companies you own and the investment approach you pursue shouldn't play second fiddle.

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October 25, 2018

By Scott Ronalds

The grind

Markets have been jumpy this month and you may be getting nervous. A little counsel and context can come in helpful at times like this.

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October 22, 2018

By Tom Bradley

When it comes to markets, it's hard to define what 'normal' is. But this isn't it.

In his Financial Post column, Tom suggests there are lots of reasons to believe that today’s investment landscape is anything but normal.

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October 18, 2018

By Tom Bradley

London Calling — Brexit

Tom reports back from London on a little topic that seems to be preoccupying people in the UK — Brexit.

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October 10, 2018

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief — Q3 2018

A brief look at the letter from the Prez.

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October 8, 2018

By Tom Bradley

The last third

Putting the office hockey pool ahead of retirement planning? You're not the only one. Here are a few steps to help get you more engaged in planning for the last third of your life.

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October 3, 2018

By Tom Bradley

The decline of the 'in the dark' business model

Most investment firms have operated under the assumption that by keeping clients in the dark, they’re less likely to leave. It now feels like the worm is turning.

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September 27, 2018

By Neil Jensen

Job Opportunity: Associate Advisor (Vancouver)

We're looking for an Associate Advisor for our Vancouver office.

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September 24, 2018

By Tom Bradley

When picking a portfolio manager or advisor, remember the 'Seven Ps'

Seven factors that are better predictors of future returns than what investors often use — a casual recommendation, glossy brochure or good recent returns.

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September 17, 2018

By Tom Bradley

Five lessons from the Financial Crisis

In his Financial Post column, Tom looks at how Black Monday and the dot-com crash were just preseason games compared to the fall of 2008.

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September 13, 2018

By Salman Ahmed

Equity Fund Update

The manager of our Equity Fund, CGOV, was acquired by Fiera Capital this spring. After allowing some time for due diligence and critical thinking, here's an update on where we stand on the change in CGOV's ownership.

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September 11, 2018

By Scott Ronalds

Eating our own cooking

One of our key business tenets is co-investment, or investing alongside our clients. Here's what it means in real money.

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September 6, 2018

By Scott Ronalds

A four-letter word for times of market stress

A look at how ABBA's music has provided a welcome distraction, and unusual soothing power, in times of political and economic gloom.

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August 30, 2018

By Scott Ronalds

Don't let 'Smaugust' cloud your judgement

The last two Augusts have been painfully smoky in B.C. If you're already writing off next August, recency bias is probably playing a role in your thinking. It's important to make sure it doesn't creep into your investing decisions.

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August 28, 2018

By Tom Bradley

Manager change for the Global Equity Fund

The full background on why we've decided to replace the manager of our Global Equity Fund.

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August 27, 2018

By Tom Bradley

The pros and cons of private equity

Private equity has risen in popularity in recent years, but there are important tradeoffs investors should be aware of.

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August 15, 2018

By Tom Bradley

A humble request: Remember the shareholder

Barry Critchley recently filed his last column with the National Post. For 35 years, he wrote about deals, products and people, and was never one to mince words — as his final piece attests.

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August 13, 2018

By Tom Bradley

Why you should embrace your ignorance when investing

In his Financial Post column, Tom explores the folly of market forecasts and wonders why the investment industry tries to be so precise about something that's anything but.

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July 31, 2018

By Tom Bradley

The bull market is showing its age

A 9-year bull run has pushed client expectations higher, and yet, opportunities to generate future returns are lower. Here's what it means for investors.

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July 25, 2018

By Scott Ronalds

It's a small (cap) world

If you hold our Small-Cap Fund, you own a unique collection of businesses, many of which you’ve probably never heard of. But there's a good chance many of them play a role in your day-to-day. We walk through a day in the life of Evan to illustrate.

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