
Cutting Through the Noise

September 19, 2016

By Salman Ahmed

Agrium and PotashCorp: It ain't over till it's over

Why we're watching closely the proposed merger of PotashCorp and Agrium.

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September 14, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Side by side

One of our key business tenets is co-investment, or investing alongside our clients. Here's what it means in real money.

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September 12, 2016

By Tom Bradley

The Great Reveal: New CRM2 rules set to reshape the wealth management industry

A look at how new cost disclosure rules are shaking up the industry.

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September 8, 2016

By Scott Ronalds

September action

September, baby! It's a month of excitement and action for sports fans. For investors, this feeling can be a dangerous one.

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August 26, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Fully Completely

Investors can take inspiration from one of The Tragically Hip's great songs, Fully Completely.

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August 24, 2016

By Scott Ronalds

Small-Cap Fund: Shedding some light on the new portfolio

Tom Bradley sits down with Galibier Capital Management's Joe Sirdevan, the new manager of our Small-Cap Fund, to bring some colour to the new portfolio.

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August 22, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Five things happening in the world that truly matter for investors

The Fed and Brexit are the hot stories on business television, but here are five topics that deserve more coverage.

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August 18, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Small-Cap Manager Change

A review of why we've decided to change the manager of our Small-Cap Equity Fund.

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August 10, 2016

By Scott Ronalds

Where are markets headed?

We have no idea where markets are headed in the near term. But here's what we do know.

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August 3, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Lower house prices - Be careful what you wish for

What will 'success' look like if the government's efforts are effective in cooling off the Vancouver housing market?

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July 27, 2016

By Salman Ahmed

The ETF industry is evolving, not in a good way

A look at how ETF providers are engaging in the same bad behaviours that the mutual fund industry has been guilty of.

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July 21, 2016

By Scott Ronalds

Investing: An amazing concept that deserves more love

At its core, investing is simply about owning companies. We sometimes forget just why this is a very cool thing.

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July 18, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Investors, advisors welcome to the age of transparency

CRM2 has finally arrived. Here’s what it means to fee and performance disclosure.

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July 14, 2016

By Scott Ronalds

Mid-year review

A recording of our mid-year review webinar, which touches on Brexit, the Founders Fund and our outlook for bonds and stocks.

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July 8, 2016

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief - Q2 2016

A brief look at the letter from the Prez.

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July 6, 2016

By Tom Bradley

The pitfalls of negative interest rates

The world economy is not designed to work with negative interest rates. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t invest, but it does require that we proceed with caution.

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June 30, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Happy trails

It appears that trailing commissions, or trailers, are going the way of the dodo bird.

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June 24, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Brexit: What it means and what we're doing

The UK's 'Brexit' referendum has been a jolt to the capital markets. Here's what it means and what we're doing.

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June 22, 2016

By Scott Ronalds

Distribution cuts: Income Fund and Founders Fund

A look at why we're reducing the quarterly distributions for the Income Fund and Founders Fund.

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June 20, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Please sir, I want some more

When I read about the steps the banks are taking to maintain their oligopolistic profits – staff cuts and fee increases – I feel a little like Oliver Twist asking for more gruel.

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June 14, 2016

By Tom Bradley

The older I get ...

Tom's post-holiday reading prompted some words of wisdom from a mentor: "The older I get, the more I realize that simpler is better."

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June 9, 2016

By Scott Ronalds

Checking in on the 5-Year Club

Investors who've been with us for 5 years get a break on their fees. Is it because we appreciate our clients more than the banks and mega-fund companies do? Well, ya.

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June 6, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Walking the dog

A great investing analogy centered around a man walking his dog.

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May 30, 2016

By Scott Ronalds

Summer reading

Behold our annual summer reading list. We’ve got a little bit of everything this year, from business to the history of humankind to game changers.

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May 24, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Global Equity Fund Update

Our Global Equity Fund's performance has been disappointing. We still have confidence in our manager, however. We walk through why.

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