
Cutting Through the Noise

March 29, 2021

By Tom Bradley

The last 12 months have been wonderful to investors, but don't let the end-date sensitivity fool you

When short-term results are fantastic, like they will be on your upcoming statement, make sure you enjoy them. Just don’t change your investment plan, or lifestyle.

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March 22, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Steadyhand tax documents: All you need to know

To assist with your tax filing, we provide a review of the tax documents you've received from us this year along with a brief explanation of their purpose.

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March 18, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Where do young investors go?

An unmistakable feature of the market’s run over the last year has been the surge of new and mostly young do-it-yourself investors, with much of the new money going into highly speculative bets. For those looking for some guidance and a less dicey approach, there are good options out there, including Steadyhand ;)

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March 15, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Three words that can help investors take advantage of stock market mayhem

The stock market is getting wilder by the day. We offer some tips to take advantage of the mayhem.

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March 11, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Corona corporate casualties

On the 1-year anniversary of the pandemic, we know all too well the impact the virus has had on both a human and corporate scale. Nonetheless, seeing the list of failed businesses is still astounding.

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March 4, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Bad accounting? Thoughts on Canadians' rising net worth

Canadians’ net worth increased 5% in the first nine months of 2020. But are we looking at the right number? Tom Bradley explains.

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March 1, 2021

By Tom Bradley

When it comes to SPAC investing, the house always wins. The public, not so much

SPACs (special purpose acquisition company) are being billed as a better way for pre-IPO companies to go public. But better for who?

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February 23, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

State of the Union

Our annual update on all things Steadyhand.

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February 16, 2021

By Tom Bradley

What would Warren Buffett make of this stock market silly season? He's already told us

Mr. Buffett is eminently readable and forever logical, and his words are a wonderful counterpoint to the times we're in.

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February 12, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Fantastic February

One prognosticator recently laid out 10 reasons why February may be a fantastic month for investors. While we're all suckers for market calls, they're largely a waste of time and space — which is why ours is rather succinct: Markets will go up. And down. And sideways.

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February 11, 2021

By Salman Ahmed

Responsible investing myths

There are a number of myths about responsible investing. We attempt to debunk them.

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February 8, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Look at you, empire builder

Investors don’t typically think of themselves as business owners. But when you strip it down to basics, this is what investing is all about.

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February 2, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Thoughts on the GameStop saga

The price surges in GameStop, AMC, Blackberry and other stocks that are being hyped in chat rooms is the talk of the town. How does it end? We weigh in.

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February 1, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Keep your eye on the 'lost returns' in your annual investing report

The wealth management industry is pathetic when it comes to transparency (we strive to be better), so be your own advocate on fees and returns.

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January 28, 2021

By Salman Ahmed

What is ESG integration?

A primer on ESG integration, the branch of responsible investing our managers subscribe to.

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January 21, 2021

By Tom Bradley

New vs. existing clients: A balancing act

Discount brokers are in the news again, as their customer experience in 2020 left a lot to be desired. Brand new and prospective clients were treated well, but existing ones? Not so much. In our view, businesses need to find a better balance between loyal, long-standing clients and fresh, shiny new ones.

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January 18, 2021

By Tom Bradley

2020 was a year of extremes for investors, but it shouldn't change your approach going forward

When Canadians open their year-end account statements over the next few weeks, the range of returns for 2020 will be as wide as ever. To understand why your number might be dramatically different than your neighbour's, here are some of the reasons for the huge disparity.

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January 15, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

The benefits of diversification - 2020

A colourful look at the benefits of diversification.

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January 13, 2021

By Salman Ahmed

Responsible Investing 101

A closer look at the different approaches to responsible investing, including ESG integration, SRI (socially responsible investing), and impact investing.

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January 11, 2021

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief — Q4 2020

Tom Bradley's quarterly letter to clients.

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January 8, 2021

By Tom Bradley

True Wisdom

A reader provides some wise words on the missing components in social media conversations.

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January 6, 2021

By Salman Ahmed

Sustainable Steadyhand

A look at our framework for responsible investing, or what we're calling Sustainable Steadyhand.

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January 4, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Why keeping a few simple investment resolutions for a few days can change your outlook for a few years

Whether you’re an experienced investor or raw rookie, the buck stops with you, so your 2021 resolutions should revolve around the high-level questions a CEO would ask.

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December 30, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Is it over yet?

2020 will forever remain etched in our memory. From an investing standpoint, we haven’t seen anything like it since 2008. Yet, for all the vagaries of the year just passed, one thing turned out to be fairly normal: your returns.

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December 28, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Big lessons from history

A great read from Collaborative Fund's Morgan Housel.

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