
Cutting Through the Noise

August 20, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Lori Norman, Investor Specialist

People are the core of every business. In this new blog series, we want you to get to know some of our people a little better. After all, they’re our real competitive advantage. First up, Lori Norman.

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August 17, 2020

By Tom Bradley

The market has given investors a gift. It would be a shame to waste it

The market rebound has given us all a gift — an opportunity to do a thorough portfolio review from a position of strength.

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August 11, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Getting your big break in finance

From the archives — Tom Bradley wrote this article in the Globe and Mail back in 2011 to help young people getting into the business. We're republishing it in the hope that it can provide a little help today to those looking for a job in this Covid-hammered economy.

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August 7, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Walking among giants: Technology's growing dominace of the U.S. market

The U.S. stock market's main gauge consists of 500 companies. But the 10 largest technology stocks are having an outsized impact.

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August 4, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Why you should factor in real estate when you make investment decisions

Some things to think about if you're a real-estate-heavy investor.

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July 28, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

The hardest decision in investing

A guide to getting back into the market.

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July 20, 2020

By Tom Bradley

What is going on?

Why does the stock market keep rising despite continual lockdowns? Tom Bradley shares some insights in his Financial Post column.

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July 9, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief — Q2 2020

Tom Bradley's quarterly letter to clients.

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July 6, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Why investors shouldn't give up on the 'buy and hold' approach

The buy-and-hold approach has been out of vogue before, and will be again, but it has a lot going for it.

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June 29, 2020

By Tom Bradley

A few words on expertise

It’s human nature to look for insight and foresight in wild times like we're experiencing now. But it’s not the time to bet the farm on one view of the future.

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June 25, 2020

By Salman Ahmed

An update on our funds

A rundown of some of the changes we've made in our funds this quarter.

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June 22, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Investment tips for millennials

It’s a great time to learn about investing. Indeed, the past three months have been equivalent to a two-year MBA. Tom Bradley provides some tips for new investors in his Financial Post column.

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June 18, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

The first 100 days

New CEOs are often evaluated after their first 100 days on the job. How would your review look after the first hundred days as chief executive of your portfolio in a pandemic?

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June 8, 2020

By Tom Bradley

For private assets, the pandemic repricing is just getting started

There's a category of investments that has been slower to react to the deteriorating economic outlook — private investments such as commercial real estate, infrastructure and private equity. This sorting-out process will be fascinating to watch. Here's a sneak preview.

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May 28, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Summer reading

Summer is just around the corner. We've got your literature needs covered.

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May 25, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Growth stocks are having a moment, but here's why you shouldn't forget value plays

It’s a particularly interesting time to be an equity manager given that the market is being led by a narrow group of high-growth stocks. Tom Bradley elaborates in his Financial Post column.

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May 19, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

The Rebound

Every market rebound has a character of its own. This one has been 'top heavy' in the U.S. and precious metals-driven in Canada. We explain.

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May 11, 2020

By Tom Bradley

What investors can learn from B.C.'s superstar provincial health officer

As we watch Dr. Bonnie Henry's briefings on the West Coast, her intelligence, fortitude, empathy and calmness shine through — the perfect attributes for a financial advisor.

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May 6, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Air Canada — A contrarian's dream or nightmare?

Air Canada's stock price has fallen considerably as the industry has been largely grounded during the pandemic — which has contrarian investors taking a long look. But is it toxic enough yet to buy?

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April 29, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Time capsule reading

A roundup of articles for future generations that provide some colour on what the world was like during the lockdown of April 2020.

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April 27, 2020

By Tom Bradley

The economics of borrowing to invest make sense right now, but it's not for everyone

Investing with borrowed money may seem enticing when debt is cheap and markets are down, but the behavioural challenges that go along with it need to be carefully considered.

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April 23, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Patience takes on a new meaning

The coronavirus is testing our collective patience. Here are a few tips to help you survive these unnerving times.

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April 20, 2020

By Salman Ahmed

Things to do after Tiger King

Some investment-related things you might want to consider with any newfound time.

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April 13, 2020

By Tom Bradley

How the coronavirus crash is setting the stage for the next oil boom

Agricultural commodities, industrial metals and energy are all trading at 10-year lows and the outlook is bleak. But contrary to the headlines, they’re all still highly cyclical and will again have their day in the sun.

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April 9, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief — Q1 2020

Tom Bradley's quarterly letter to clients.

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