
Cutting Through the Noise

December 3, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Holiday Open House - December 13th

We're hosting an Open House on Saturday, December 13th. Stop by for mulled wine, chocolates and an overview of what we're all about.

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December 2, 2014

By Tom Bradley

An In-depth Look at the Canadian Housing Market

The real estate industry and banks are saying there are some signs of strain in the market, but the risks are benign. Tom thinks otherwise.

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November 27, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Year-end Distributions

All you need to know about distributions, and the estimated year-end figures for our funds.

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November 25, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Emmylou: Inheritance

Emmylou recently received an inheritance and turned to us as a sounding board.

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November 21, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

We're Live!

Our new site is up and running. Go ahead and poke around. We hope you like the new functionality and design.

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November 12, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Grizzly Memories

Reflecting back on our original website and our furry friend Koda.

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November 6, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Open House - November 15

We're hosting an Open House on Saturday, November 15th. Stop by for coffee, Belgian waffles and an overview of what we're all about.

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November 5, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Index-linked Notes: To Who's Advantage?

A look at how index-linked notes blatantly overstate their benefits.

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October 31, 2014

By Tom Bradley


A good read from Vanguard that re-enforces what we’ve been saying to clients.

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October 31, 2014

By Neil Jensen

Job Opportunity: Administration Support (Temporary)

We're currently seeking candidates for a temporary, full-time administrative support assistant in Vancouver.

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October 28, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Too Much Information?

A thought-provoking quote from a Nobel Prize winner.

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October 23, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Market Timing

A look at the meaning of the term, as defined in the Steadyhand Dictionary.

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October 21, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Central Bankers Have an Ego Problem

Governments and central bankers are trying to micro-manage the economy. Never a good thing.

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October 18, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Three Ways to Manage Risk in this Volatile Market

Looking at managing risk through the lens of three types of investors.

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October 16, 2014

By Tom Bradley

A Narrowing Housing Market

The housing market is being carried by the Hot 3 - Calgary, Toronto and Vancouver.

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October 14, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief - Q3 2014

The Cub Scouts motto, Be Prepared, should also be a big thing with investors.

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October 10, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Tom on BNN

Tom was on BNN yesterday discussing why it’s a good time to give your portfolio a gut check.

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October 9, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Why We Have Low Interest Rates

An excellent rundown by CC&L of why interest rates are going to stay low.

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October 7, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Carry on Bravely

We wouldn’t normally comment on short-term market moves, but the recent turbulence is elevating the emotions of some investors.

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October 2, 2014

By Tom Bradley

The Poor Banks

Some bankers are complaining that new regulations favour non-bank lenders. But is the grumbling warranted?

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September 26, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Video: Small-Cap Equity Fund Update

Wil Wutherich gives a rundown of the Small-Cap Fund's positioning and provides some colour on its energy holdings.

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September 24, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Video: Global Equity Fund Update

Craig Armour discusses the Global Fund's positioning and drills into its holdings in Japan, European healthcare stocks and Asian banks.

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September 23, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Four Questions You Need to Answer About Your Current Asset Mix

The down part of any market cycle is when the biggest mistakes are made, but bull markets also require discipline, patience and fortitude.

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September 22, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Video: Equity Fund Update

Gord O'Reilly provides an update on the Equity Fund.

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September 18, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Mark Your Calendar - National Portfolio Simplification Day

The calendar needs to trim the fat, which is why we’re going up against butterscotch pudding and proclaiming September 19th National Portfolio Simplification Day.

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