
Cutting Through the Noise

June 24, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Staying Calm in the Calm

When I was in Toronto a few weeks ago, I was walking north on Bay Street toward King and was struck by how quiet it was. It was probably just a lull in the day, but I couldn’t help but feel it was analogous to where we are in the capital markets. Things are calm ...

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June 23, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Income Fund: Distribution Cut

We’ve decided to reduce the amount of the Income Fund’s quarterly distribution to $0.07/unit, from $0.10/unit, effective June 30th. The fund pays a fixed distribution for the first three quarters of the year (end of March, June and September), and a variable ...

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June 19, 2014

By Tom Bradley


As I noted in an earlier post, I heard Cliff Asness of AQR Capital Management speak last month. He’s a fun guy to listen to, illustrated by his comment, “There’s a bubble in the use of the term bubble.” He didn’t claim to have come up with this clever line, but he ...

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June 17, 2014

By Tom Bradley

CMHC - Back to its Roots

There’s a terrific article in the Globe and Mail today. It’s based on an interview with the new CEO of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Evan Siddall. It’s terrific because Mr. Siddall and his team are taking CMHC back to where it should be ...

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June 16, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

The Best

I recently got back from a holiday in Europe. My wife and I crammed a lot into three weeks: Rome, the Amalfi coast, Tuscany, the Adriatic coast, Verona, Venice and Paris. #Yolo, as my niece says. It was our first time to Italy and France, and we took away many great memories, impressions, and carbs. One thing that stuck out was the ...

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June 12, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Fixed Income's New Reality (Live)

In a Globe and Mail column on May 8th, I talked about how investors have been moving from defense to offense in their fixed income portfolios. Indeed, many of the new income funds and structured products are aggressive enough, and/or complex enough ...

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June 10, 2014

By Neil Jensen

Who Do We Want Our Customers to Become?

We make most of the advancements to our business platform during the slower summer and early fall months. To that end, we have off-site sessions each spring in which we look at our business and prioritize the projects we want to work on. We like to organize ...

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June 9, 2014

By Tom Bradley

The Grand Experiment

The attached chart came courtesy of Tim Price of PFP Wealth Management in London ...

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June 6, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Patience Required

Last week, the yields on Spanish 10-year bonds hit 2.82%. According to the Financial Times, this is the lowest since the early 1990’s. Also last week, an auction of 10-year Italian bonds came at a yield of 3.01%, which is the lowest since the introduction of the ...

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June 4, 2014

By Tom Bradley

And the Winner is ...

“Should Ed Clark, a 50-goal scorer, be paid the same as a good two-way winger on a deep team, a dependable defenseman, a second-line center and a penalty-killing specialist?” With the NHL finals about to start, it seems like a good time to update ...

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June 3, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Founders Fund - Why all the Cash?

"Bradley says nobody can call the market in the short term, but here he is with 15% of the fund sitting in cash. Isn’t that market timing?” With cash earning next to nothing and stock markets going up, we’ve been getting a few comments like this about the Founders ...

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May 27, 2014

By Tom Bradley

An Uneven Path

The following chart is a screen shot of our Volatility Meter. The tool gives you the ability to toggle across different time frames and see how different asset mixes performed. The chart below shows the annual returns (1961 – 2013) for an indexed portfolio made up of ...

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May 22, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA)

dol∙lar cost ave∙rag∙ing (noun). A strategy of buying a fixed amount of an investment (such as a mutual fund) on a regular, pre-determined schedule. The investment is purchased regardless of price, which helps take emotion out of the process. Dollar cost averaging can help smooth out the path of returns of an investment, as more shares, or fund units, are purchased when the investment’s price is falling and less are ...

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May 20, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Elective Reading

I read a lot in this job, out of both necessity and interest. I often find it refreshing to take a break from the likes of The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, the Report on Business, etc., to read something lighter, inspirational, controversial, or just offbeat ...

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May 14, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Borrowing to Invest - Part II

In a post last month, I gave my not-so-subtle view about borrowing money to invest – it’s possibly appropriate for a miniscule number of investors, and totally inappropriate for the rest. Last week I heard Cliff Asness speak. He is one of the founders of ...

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May 12, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Sell in May and Go Away?

You may have heard the phrase "Sell in May and go away". It’s an investment strategy that involves selling your stocks in May and repurchasing them in the fall. It’s based on the premise that stocks have historically performed better during the months of ...

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May 8, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Fixed Income's New Reality

When I headed west to join Phillips, Hager & North in 1991, I had to learn about bonds, and fast. My background as an equity analyst wasn’t going to cut it with the balanced pension clients I’d be working with. Fortunately, PH&N was already one of Canada’s ...

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May 5, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

The Investment Fee Tree

Investment fees reduce returns. This much is obvious. What isn’t so clear, however, is what constitutes reasonable fees. A number of variables play a role, such as whether you work with a full-service advisor, follow an active or passive (indexing) investing ...

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April 24, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Strategic Asset Mix (SAM)

An investor’s long-term mix of stocks, bonds, cash and other investments that will provide her with the best opportunity to achieve her objectives. It should take into consideration an investor’s goals, risk tolerance, and investment time horizon. An investor should not alter her Strategic Asset Mix unless she experiences a change in her personal circumstances such that her investment objectives, risk ...

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April 22, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Trailer Park Bullies

I’ve grumbled in this space numerous times that the mutual fund industry is stuck in the dark ages. Its automatic response is to resist change and improvement. Meanwhile, the world moves on and clients find other ways to invest (ETFs being one example). While ...

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April 17, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Only 300?

TD ran a large ad in the Report on Business yesterday. It shouted: Get up to 300 free “I’m feeling more confident” trades. Are you kidding me? 300 trades. I’m not sure I’ve done 300 trades in 31 years in the business. Is this a reflection of where we are in the cycle (I’m feeling more confident) or is TD encouraging its clients to do some high frequency trading of their own. 300 trades. Really?

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April 16, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

The Ultimate Commitment

David Toyne (our Toronto guy) pointed me to an interesting story the other day about doing a job right. David’s a fan of Terry O’Reilly and his radio series Under the Influence. He was listening to a recent episode in which O’Reilly was reciting stories from some of ...

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April 14, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Income Fund: A Focus on Dividend Growth

Roughly one-third of our Income Fund is currently invested in stocks. Equities add both diversification and yield to the portfolio, which can be particularly beneficial in today’s low interest rate environment (10-year government of Canada bonds are yielding a paltry 2.4% ...

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April 11, 2014

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief - Q1 2014

From our Quarterly Report: Looking to the future, the advice we’re giving our clients has increasingly focused on risk management. Rising stock prices have resulted in increased valuations and a renewed thirst for risk assets. The current stock market run ...

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April 10, 2014

By Neil Jensen


There has been a lot in the news over the past day or so about the Heartbleed bug. We were alerted to the issue on Monday evening, the same day the bug was announced on That evening we checked all of our major systems, including our ...

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