
Cutting Through the Noise

June 12, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Real Estate Update - Part II: It's all About Mortgage Rates

In this, the 2nd of 3 posts on the Canadian housing market, I address valuation. Near-zero interest rates are absolutely driving this market. The problem is, low rates are transient, while purchase prices live on forever. In today’s terms, transient means that it’s...

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June 11, 2013

By Scott Ronalds


We’ve had a cautious view on government bonds for several quarters, as yields are unsustainably low. Our current thinking hasn’t changed. We feel bonds are expensive and have been advising clients to keep them to a minimum in relation to their long-term asset mix. The yield on 10-year Government of Canada bonds has risen over the last six weeks, from under 1.7% in early May to 2.2% yesterday. This is a sharp...

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June 11, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Real Estate Update - Part I: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

Over the last couple of years, I’ve been writing about housing because it’s a big part of our clients’ net worth, it's great fodder for a devoted student of market cycles and ... it’s just so darned interesting. In the first of three posts this week, I’ll try to bring some...

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June 7, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Borrowing From the Future

In his June Investment Outlook, PIMCO’s Bill Gross says that the Quantitative Easing policy (QE) of the U.S. Federal Reserve hasn’t worked. He points out that over the last 5 years there hasn’t been a 12-month period when the economy has grown faster than...

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June 6, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Canadian Banks - the Next 25 Years?

It’s confirmed. We have the healthiest banks in the world. They’ve all reported their second quarter earnings and the numbers are spectacular. Industry leader RBC had a return on equity of 19%, while CIBC and National Bank were over 20%. Yes, 20% in a...

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June 4, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Spot Prawns

It’s spot prawn season on the west coast. The boats are pulling into Granville Island daily (mere blocks from Steadyhand headquarters) and selling their bounty directly to the public. It’s awesome. They’re live, fresh, sweet and local. And you buy them right from the boat. There’s no middlemen. No commissions. No administrative fees. No packaging charges. No transaction costs. For $12-15 a pound, you...

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May 30, 2013

By Tom Bradley

You're Richer Than You Think

Last year we blogged about bank CEO’s compensation (Can I Join the Club?). We took issue with the fact that they all made about the same last year, despite the fact that the performance and positioning of their respective banks were quite different. We...

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May 28, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Investor Roundtable on Mutual Fund Fees

On June 7th in Toronto, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) is hosting a roundtable on mutual fund fees. It is open to the public and will follow the agenda outlined in this invitation. We have been a regular contributor on the topic of fees and recently made...

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May 27, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Loyal to a Fault

Lately I’ve been part of too many conversations that go like this. What brings you to Steadyhand? “I haven’t been happy with my existing advisor. The returns have been lousy and the service has fallen off to the point where I never hear from him." Do you...

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May 24, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Rent versus Buy - The Most Misunderstood Financial Decision

Should you rent or buy? There are all kinds of reasons to buy a home – making it your own, establishing roots in the community, good schools, basketball hoop on the driveway – and they should be at the top of the list. From a financial perspective, however...

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May 23, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Tom on BNN

Prepare for extremes. This is an essential element to being a better investor, and is particularly topical on a day when the Japanese market is down 7%. Tom expanded on the five essential elements to being a better investor on BNN this morning. You can...

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May 21, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Be Better

Better Investors will experience higher returns, and be more comfortable and confident in the process. This is our underlying belief and driving force behind a new report we’ve published on what makes a better investor. It focuses on the structural and...

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May 13, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Getting out of the Market Almost Certainly a Losing Long-term Proposition

"Should I get out of the market?" I'm finding this question is coming up again, prompted either by the Dow hitting all-time highs or the central bankers' perilous high wire act (performed without a net). It depends on the week. But, while we know all...

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May 6, 2013

By Tom Bradley

The Dividend Dance

In Saturday’s Report on Business, there was a remarkable table embedded in Rob Carrick’s article (How to Shelter Your Portfolio from a Housing Decline). It showed the top 10 Canadian equity funds (by assets) and the top 10 Canadian dividend income...

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May 3, 2013

By Tom Bradley

A Report from the Front Lines

I thought a recent report from Mawer Investment Management captured well the opportunity, challenges and complexity of investing in the Asian markets. A paragraph from the conclusion summarizes their balanced optimism. Overall, we find ourselves...

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April 30, 2013

By Neil Jensen

Job Opportunity: Investor Specialist

We are currently seeking candidates for a permanent, full-time Investor Specialist. As part of this diverse role, the team member will work directly with clients to help them achieve their investment objectives. Direct industry experience is a requirement...

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April 29, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Lessons From a Legend

Lori and I attended a Celebration of Life for Art Phillips last Friday. (There was a wonderful obituary in the Globe and Mail last week.) Art founded Phillips, Hager & North in 1965 with the help of Bob Hager and Rudy North. It was Art’s reputation and wallet that got...

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April 26, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Meet Jennifer

I’m pleased to introduce our newest member of the Steadyhand team, Jennifer Lacuesta. Jennifer is taking on the role of Client Service Administrator. She has close to 10 years of industry experience, having worked at Deutsche Bank (in the Philippines), GrowthWorks, and Haywood Securities. Jennifer will be playing an important role in many of our client service and trading functions, from processing...

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April 25, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Fixed Income = Broken Sentiment?

My last post on gold spoke to the impact of investor sentiment on security prices. In the case of the shiny metal, sentiment is everything. As for other securities, such as bonds and stocks, it’s a secondary factor - economic fundamentals (profits)...

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April 22, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Gold - A Dizzying Change in Sentiment

I’ll never forget an interview I did with Michael Hainsworth on BNN. It was almost exactly two years ago. Michael started the interview very directly, “Tell me, why no gold?” After I explained why our managers didn’t own any gold stocks, he then asked, “And no interest in base metals?” When I said we had no mining stocks in our funds, Michael was beside himself. “Do you at least own some energy stocks?” ...

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April 19, 2013

By Scott Ronalds


We held our annual strategy session on Wednesday afternoon. Every year we lock ourselves in a room for 4-5 hours (or more), tune out the outside world, review the current state of our business and hash around ideas, thoughts and strategies on the...

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April 17, 2013

By Tom Bradley

First Day of the Future

It’s a sunny, spring day. The cherry blossoms are at their peak on West 3rd Avenue. Bob Hager’s daffodils are bursting out of our garden. David (in from Toronto for our annual strategy session) greets prospective clients with an enthusiastic, “Welcome to Steadyhand World Headquarters.” And the gentleman says, “Isn’t it a wonderful...

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April 16, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: First Quarter Review

It was a strong start to the year for stocks around the globe, with the MSCI World Index gaining 10% (in Canadian dollar terms). U.S. and Japanese stocks were among the top performers, while Canada was one of the weaker performing markets (up 3%) as a result of its heavy weighting in gold and mining stocks. Bonds also had a positive quarter, albeit a much more modest one, led by a strengthening in corporate...

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April 15, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Mutual Fund Fees - Desperate Need for Change

Last week, we filed a submission to the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) on their Discussion Paper on mutual fund fees. If you have an interest in this topic, we’d encourage you to give it a read. If you’re a Steadyhand client and don’t have...

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April 11, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief - Q1 2013

From our Quarterly Report: “The Dow hit a new high. How much further can the market go? … Alcoa is the first major corporation to report quarterly earnings and will set the tone for what’s to come … the technical indicators are telling us … time for a pullback ...

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