
Cutting Through the Noise

December 3, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Canadian Housing: Driven by the Mortgage Calculator

In this space, we talk often about how sensitive the housing market is to interest rates. In Tara Perkins’ article on real estate in the Report on Business the other week, there was a story about a young woman who was buying her first home. It was very revealing...

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November 28, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Best Canadian Balanced Fund ... Again

At the annual Morningstar Canadian Investment Awards last night in Toronto, Serena Ryder was the star of the show (although it was tragic she only did one song), but Steadyhand did OK too. Our Income Fund was recognized as the Best Canadian...

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November 27, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Year-end Distributions

The year-end distributions for all our funds (with the exception of the Savings Fund) will be declared on December 13th and paid on December 16th. The Savings Fund will pay its regularly-scheduled monthly distribution on December 31st. As a reminder...

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November 26, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Throwing Darts

There was a telling chart in last weekend’s Wall Street Journal. It showed the market predictions of Wall Street strategists for each year going back to 2000. The chart shows no discernable pattern or trend that would imply that the predictions are in any way useful. There...

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November 25, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Less is More

I enjoy periodically perusing the list of new investment products, as there’s usually a good laugh in there somewhere (remember the FocusShares ISE-Reverse Wal-Mart Supplier ETF, and my favourite, the HealthShares Dermatology and Wound Care ETF)...

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November 20, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Shake up the Investment Industry

By 2016, mutual fund firms and investment dealers will be required to tell their clients what they’re paying and how they’re doing. Our country’s provincial regulators have also initiated discussions as to whether investment advisors should be held to a higher...

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November 18, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Go Long

Long term. À long terme. A largo plazo. Langfristig. However you say it, it’s one of the most widely used terms in investing. It’s also one of the most vague. Long term means different things to different people. To some investors, it’s a few years. To Warren...

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November 14, 2013

By Tom Bradley

The ETF Price Disadvantage

Over the last year or so, there’s been a growing trend towards combining indexing with paid advice. It’s coming up more in the media, and is a common solution in the financial advice columns – ‘hire an advisor to manage an ETF portfolio’. The well-followed...

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November 12, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Delaying the Inevitable

“In the 1960s and 1970s, mid-western American states fell victim to scores of wildfires. Constant interventions by the US Forest Service appeared to have little positive impact – if anything, the problems seemed to worsen. Over time, foresters came to appreciate...

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November 11, 2013

By Tom Bradley

It's Time for Investors to be Patient

What now? Stock markets have been on a roll and investors who’ve been leery about owning stocks are now wading back into the risk pool. With good returns comes confidence. In the face of this better vibe, it’s important that investors don’t stray from...

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November 7, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Emmylou: Portfolio Review

We last heard from Emmylou around this time last year, when she needed to set aside some money for a ‘sabbatical’ to Europe. She spent the summer exploring and had a rich experience on the continent. She recently checked in on her Steadyhand portfolio...

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October 31, 2013

By Tom Bradley

A Lot Has Gone On

It’s been a dramatic year in the capital markets. Interest rates moved up meaningfully in the spring and stocks have been on a roll all year. Indeed, U.S. and international stocks have been going up steadily for two years. Enough has happened that it’s time...

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October 29, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Asleep at the Switch

I had a nightmare last night. I dreamed that I was on the board of JP Morgan. It was no fun. For those of you who aren’t familiar, JPM is a huge multinational bank. For decades, it was revered as one of the leading institutions in the world, but it’s now in high...

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October 25, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Keys to the Game

Sports broadcasts usually start with the color commentator providing viewers with the ‘Keys to the Game’. For the Maple Leafs, it might be: (1) contain Crosby, (2) pound the Penguins’ defense and (3) pray. I don’t watch enough sports to be definitive on...

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October 24, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

BlackRock: Creating a Better Mutual Fund?

The world’s largest provider of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is launching its first mutual funds in Canada. BlackRock (the parent of iShares) announced this month a suite of seven balanced funds, the BlackRock Strategic Portfolio Series, which will be built...

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October 21, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Hard Assets: Picasso, Chateau Margaux and Tom Brady?

Hard assets can be a good source of diversification in a portfolio, as their prices or market values can have a low degree of correlation to stocks or bonds. Commodities like gold and oil can act as a hedge against inflation (although not always). The same goes for...

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October 18, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Stealth Economic Trends

A lot of the writing Scott and I do is aimed at breaking down common perceptions about economics and investing that are out of date or inaccurate. On that note, my friend Bing Monahan sent me an article from The Atlantic that outlines 10 economic trends...

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October 16, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Governments - High Leverage, Low Margins

While the Republicans and Democrats are duking it out in Washington over the debt ceiling, it’s ironic that the Congressional Budget Office is unable to report the fiscal year-end budget numbers (it’s not deemed an essential service and is shut down...

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October 10, 2013

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief - Q3 2013

From our Quarterly Report: Five years ago we were right in the middle of it. Lehman Brothers had gone down and the financial crisis was taking hold. It was a period that will be forever fused in my memory, as I suspect it will for our clients. But even with

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October 8, 2013

By Neil Jensen

Q3 2013 Statement Additions

We've added a number of new features to our statements over the past months, notably the Account (or Portfolio) Activity table and Account (or Portfolio) History chart. While they are generally straightforward, I want to spend a bit of time reviewing some...

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October 4, 2013

By Tom Bradley

What the Past Two Years Should Have Taught Investors About Forecasting

Let’s pretend it’s two years ago and we’re having coffee. I ask you to predict how your stock portfolio will do over the next two years, but there’s a twist. I have divine insight and can tell you in advance what September, 2013, will look like. As it happens, we're...

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October 2, 2013

By Tom Bradley

New Listings = Recycled Economy

Toronto Stock Exchange runs print ads every six months to celebrate/welcome their new listings. I find it informative to see the mix of businesses that are going public. Certainly, it’s changed significantly from the early days of my career. This month’s...

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September 27, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Tax Dollars and Consumer Protection

This week I’ve been seeing and hearing ads from the Federal government defending their cell phone policies. The ads are in response to the telecom industry’s active campaign to discredit those policies. Seeing my tax dollars used to debate policy with a self...

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September 26, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Steadyhand Clients Speak Out

We think it’s important to check in periodically with our clients to ensure we are on the right track. Recently, we surveyed about half of them to get their feedback. We thank everyone who took a few minutes to participate. The results are overwhelmingly...

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September 24, 2013

By Tom Bradley

REITs – A Concise History

It’s the 20th anniversary of REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) in Canada. In the Report on Business today, Tara Perkins goes through their history, from being a accidental solution to a “disaster” to a thriving part of our capital markets today. It’s...

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