
Cutting Through the Noise

November 16, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

The Fiscal Cliff for Dummies

You’ve likely heard the term fiscal cliff lately. A catchy, if not chilling phrase, but what does it mean? Put simply, it refers to the combination of (1) billions of dollars of tax increases and (2) widespread spending cuts to government programs, all set to take effect on...

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November 15, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Money for Nothing

It just got a little greener in Seattle. Bloomberg reported last week that Microsoft recently raised $2.25 billion by issuing 5, 10 and 30-year bonds. And they did it on the cheap. The 5-year notes were issued at 0.875%, the 10-year bonds at 2.125%, and the 30-year...

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November 13, 2012

By Tom Bradley

The Enemies of Performance

For keen investors and/or students of the investment industry, I recommend reading a speech (Surviving Success) given this past summer by Richard Rooney, the Chief Investment Officer of Burgundy Asset Management. Richard was speaking to an...

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November 10, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Finding a Portfolio Manager That Runs Against the Herd

In my last column, I suggested that the stock picker’s lot in life is not as bad as it’s made out to be. I argued that many of the portfolio managers competing in this zero sum game (for every winner, there’s a loser) are destined to underperform for structural reasons...

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November 7, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Emmylou: Digging It

We introduced Emmylou back in March. As a reminder, she’s a fifty-something Winnipegger with a love for yoga, travel and the occasional pale ale. Emmylou has been a Steadyhand client for eight months now. She holds the Founders Fund across her three accounts (RRSP, Tax-Free Savings Account and Investment Account) and her portfolio has gained about 3.5% since she signed on at the end of February. With autumn briskly announcing itself in the Peg, Emmylou recently got...

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November 5, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Enormously Cheap

“It’s been a long, hard slog for [global] value stocks lately. I’d say we’re long overdue for a value recovery ...” These words from AllianceBernstein (a global asset management firm) echo the sentiment of our global manager, Edinburgh Partners. In a recent article...

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October 30, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Hammurabi's Code

I had lunch last week at the Fairmont with Nassim Taleb, prominent financial author and professor at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University (there were a few hundred other people there too; it was an event put on by the Vancouver CFA Society). Taleb’s...

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October 27, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Don't Believe the Skeptics: Stock Picking is Alive and Well

"Be it resolved that security selection is dead. Macro forces drive portfolio returns.” This was the resolution for the Alternative Investment Management Association’s (AIMA) annual debate. It reflects what I’m increasingly hearing – it’s a tough environment for active...

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October 25, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief - Q3 2012

This post should've been published two weeks ago, but I neglected to add it to my 'To Do List' this quarter. My bad. Without further ado, here's an excerpt from Bradley's Brief: The third quarter was another good one. Stock markets were up and our clients continued...

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October 24, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Stupid Way to Invest

The Report on Business today published excerpts from an interview with John Bogle, the father of indexing and founder of Vanguard. We found one of his answers on the wealth management industry particularly poignant. “Today, that profession with elements of...

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October 23, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Undexing, Diversification and the Global Equity Fund

Our Global Equity Fund has had a rough three years. Nonetheless, it’s our view that foreign stocks will be an important contributor to client returns and portfolio diversification in the coming years. In this post, I’ll provide some background on the fund...

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October 19, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Things You Can Control

Another timeless sketch from Carl Richards. Richards is an American fee-based financial planner and author. His sketches appear in the New York Times Bucks Blog and he writes a column for Morningstar (USA). Through simple drawings, he makes complex financial concepts easy to understand. We admire that.

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October 17, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Small Caps Will Outperform Soon

“Small Caps will Outperform Soon.” I read this headline yesterday and it reminded me how different our approach to investing is than most other managers. The accompanying article suggested that investors’ appetite for risk is coming back and commodity...

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October 13, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Be Skeptical of These Current 'Sure Things'

"It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” – Mark Twain. As investors, we need to be wary of what we’re absolutely, positively sure about. We may be flat out wrong. Economies, markets and...

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October 12, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Steadyhand - Grade A

This week Morningstar Canada, a leading provider of independent investment research, updated its Stewardship Grades for 2012. The grades were first introduced in Canada in 2010 (they’ve been published in the U.S. since 2004) as a means of capturing some...

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October 10, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Third Quarter Review

Markets had a good quarter, with resource stocks rebounding. The Canadian market (S&P/TSX Composite Index) gained 7%, while the MSCI World Index rose 3% (in Canadian dollar terms). Japan was the laggard, as the market declined slightly. There were some positive developments in Europe regarding the region's debt problems, with the European Central Bank (ECB) stepping up efforts to tackle fiscal...

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October 2, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Volatility ... versus What?

In last Saturday’s Report of Business, Rob Carrick wrote an article about low volatility mutual funds (The Hidden Dangers in Playing it Safe). The Steadyhand Equity Fund was one of six funds he highlighted as having a positive return over the last five years...

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September 29, 2012

By Tom Bradley

A New Mantra for Money Managers: Think Small

Last week in Toronto, I had back-to-back meetings that provided an intriguing juxtaposition. I first met with Joe Sirdevan, the former head of research at Jarislowsky Fraser, who is starting a new firm, Galibier Capital, and then spent some time...

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September 26, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Say It Ain't So - Part II

Forbes magazine came up with a list of the 15 most outrageous ETFs last year. The winners included the Market Vectors Mongolia ETF, the PowerShares Lux Nano Tech ETF and the HealthShares Dermatology and Wound Care ETF. We thought we’d...

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September 24, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Showing You the Money

As we do every year, we’ve updated our figures on co-investment (the practice of investing alongside our clients). We feel there’s no better way to illustrate our commitment to our investment philosophy, approach, and ultimately our clients, than to put our...

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September 20, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

All the Cool Kids are Doing It

Hard to believe, but we’ve been blogging for 6 years now. Time flies when you’re having fun. We use our blog as an outlet for our opinions, advice to investors, stance on industry issues, and the odd piece of wit (depending on your definition). One of the key objectives of our firm is to help make our clients better investors, and the blog is one of the tools we use in this pursuit. We're encouraged that more and more...

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September 18, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Observations from Interstate 82 (and Thereabouts)

My wife and I love wine. While we try to support local Okanagan producers as much as possible, we’ve found that our neighbors in Washington also make some great juice, and at good prices. We hit the road last month to explore Washington wine country with Walla Walla as our base camp. Here are a few random observations from our trip. Driving through the Columbia Valley, we had our first...

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September 16, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Investors Finally Get the Ultimate Asset: Transparency

Big changes are in the regulatory winds and they’re going to be good for Canadians. The new rules that are coming down relating to cost disclosure, performance reporting and client statements are likely to have more impact on individual investors...

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September 13, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Founders Fund Fee Clarification

We’ve had a few questions lately on the fee for the Founders Fund. The all-in fee for the fund is 1.34% (or less if your consolidated assets with Steadyhand exceed $100,000). The fee includes all of the fund’s operating expenses and taxes, as well as all...

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September 10, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Under the Table

While I was cleaning out the cottage last week, I found a few old items that brought back memories. The Clarkson Bantam hockey jacket with the black leather sleeves was a beauty, although it doesn’t seem to fit anymore. Fortunately, neither does the Speedo with the maple leaf pattern. I found a pair of flip flops that were so old they were called thongs. And to my great surprise, my wooden toy box was...

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