
Cutting Through the Noise

January 11, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief - Q4 2011

From our Quarterly Report: It’s a remarkable time to be an investor. After decades of overspending in the Western world, we’re watching Europe melt down and the American empire decline faster than expected. The debt burden is slowing the world economy...

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January 10, 2012

By Tom Bradley

First Rant of 2012: RRSP Transfers

I just finished listening to Chris talk with a client about her RRSP transfer. He told her that the paperwork had been sent to the relinquishing institution and we would be monitoring its progress. Chris tried to set reasonable expectations, “Given our...

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January 7, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Five Keys to Staying on the Long-term Track

My holiday reading included two journal articles that challenge the notion that investing for the long term reduces risk. The message: It’s all well and good to recommend that an investor take the long view and not worry about short-term market dips...

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January 5, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Not Another Top 10 List

As we start a fresh new year, there’s no shortage of Top 10 Lists (we’re guilty, too). They can get annoying and repetitive, even for a David Letterman fan. But some are worthy of passing on, even posting on the fridge. Here’s one you should staple to the front...

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January 4, 2012

By Scott Ronalds

Readers' Choice - Top Steadyhand Blog Postings of 2011

Another year, another 120 blog postings. We had some thoughtful, informative, helpful, useless, controversial and scathing posts last year, based on the emails and comments we received. Below is a list of our most popular posts in 2011, as...

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December 29, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

A Gift From Risky Markets

Michael Nairne, president of Tacita Capital, wrote a good piece in the Financial Post last weekend, titled A Gift From Risky Markets, which looks at historical stock market returns and valuations (dating back to 1825) and provides some perspective on the...

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December 23, 2011

By Tom Bradley

A List to Santa That'll Make the Investing World a Better Place

I came out of the “me” generation (have I told you about my latest injury?), so even though this time of year is about giving, I’m mostly into receiving. In our household, my wife Lori goes for quantity at Christmas, while I’m all about quality. When I wrote...

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December 22, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

National Regulator? Bah, Humbug!

From today’s Globe and Mail: “Finance Minister Jim Flaherty says Canada will not move ahead with its proposed Securities Act in light of the Supreme Court of Canada's decision to declare it unconstitutional ... The Supreme Court unanimously declared the...

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December 19, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Different This Time?

“Tom, I agree with your view on stocks, and boy, you’re so right about how negative people are, but ... I can’t help but wonder if it’s different this time.” It’s different this time. I’ve been trained to never utter these words. They’re the most dangerous four...

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December 15, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

The Steadyhand Holiday letter

Is it over yet? It was a rough year for the stock markets, as ugly economic headlines, debt problems, and political gridlock instilled fear in many investors. Bonds were once again the asset class of choice, despite their scrooge-like yields. Here at Steadyhand, we’re feeling a little merrier than the average investor – and it’s not just...

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December 10, 2011

By Tom Bradley

In a World of Negatives, Search for What Could go Right

It’s a remarkable time to be an investor and investment professional. After decades of overspending, we’re watching Europe melt down and the American empire decline faster than anyone expected. The debt burden has accelerated the power...

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December 2, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Taking Stewardship Initiative

As readers will know, Steadyhand has ranked highly on Morningstar's annual Stewardship Grades. That status was reinforced last night when we won the Best Stewardship Initiative Award at the Canadian Investment Awards.

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November 30, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Now That's Ironic – Part II

While Scott finds it ironic that the low-fee fund firms come out of high-cost Vancouver, I find it equally ironic that two of the highest fee firms in the industry come out of my home town. Winnipeg, which is known as the wholesale capital of Canada...

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November 28, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Year-end Distributions

The year-end distributions for all our funds (with the exception of the Savings Fund) will be declared on December 15th and paid on December 16th. The Savings Fund will pay its regularly-scheduled monthly distribution on December 31st. As a reminder...

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November 26, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Check Your Emotions at the Border, the U.S. Looks Good

A year ago, I wrote a column inspired by a holiday in Arizona (my in-laws have that effect on me). The piece attempted to level a rather tilted picture of the United States, one that was firmly focused on dismal economic and political news. I suggested that from...

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November 24, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Now That's Ironic

With the holidays around the corner, shopping is in the spotlight. It got me thinking … We’re used to high price tags on the wet coast. We’ve got the most expensive housing market in Canada (if not the world, based on some measures). A bottle of...

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November 21, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Another Lump in the Rug

A dirty little secret in this business: when a fund has an ugly performance record, it can be buried by merging it into another fund. Fund mergers occur all the time (see Fund Company Calls the Cleaner). The latest track records to be swept under the rug belong to a handful of under-performing Investors Group funds. Given...

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November 16, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Morningstar Stewardship Grades 2011

Morningstar Canada published its updated Stewardship Grades for 26 fund companies yesterday. The grades are designed to help investors further research, identify, and compare fund companies that do a good job – or a poor job – of aligning their...

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November 14, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Old News

“I think the future of equities will be roughly the same as their past; in particular, common-stock purchases will prove satisfactory when made at appropriated price levels. It may be objected that it is far too cursory and superficial a conclusion; that it...

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November 12, 2011

By Tom Bradley

When Dividend Investing Doesn't Pay Dividends

I recently watched a promotional video that outlined the reasons for owning dividend-paying stocks – tax-efficient income, lower volatility and you get paid to wait for markets to recover. I agreed with all the fund manager's points, but he failed...

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November 9, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Generation Riskless

I feel for the twentysomething generation. Good jobs are tough to come by, home ownership is out of reach for many (in Vancouver and Toronto, at least), skinny jeans are deemed fashionable for men, and a weekend camping now means pitching a tent...

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November 7, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Steadyhand vs. ETFs

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are growing in popularity and with good reason. They’re simple, low cost, transparent and provide market-like returns. But … they’re not for everyone. In a newly published paper, we compare the experience of an ETF investor (Jake) to that of a Steadyhand client (Julie). We focus on four areas...

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November 4, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Robert Hager, 1937-2011

Few icons of the investment industry are celebrated outside the confines of Bay Street, but Bob Hager is one. Bob, who died on Oct. 7, was a driving force in building one of Canada’s most successful asset managers. In 1965, he and partners Art Phillips and Rudy North, started a fledgling firm called Phillips, Hager & North. By...

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November 3, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Further Creeping

As a follow-up to my ‘Creep’ column last week (The Dangerous Rise of an Obsession with Safety), we’ve come up with a few more items for the list. As a reminder, we defined creep as a ‘slow and stealthy movement’. One you don’t notice while it’s happening...

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November 1, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Growth Please

In his letter this month, Bill Gross of Pimco talks about the cure to all our ills – growth. As he says, “No country has enough of it.” In discussing the prospects for economic growth, Mr. Gross does a good job of capturing the challenges we face. “The lack of...

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