
Cutting Through the Noise

October 31, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Background on the Fee Increase

We painfully announced last week that we’re raising the fee on four of our funds. [LINK to press release] This post provides some background. As our clients know, we have a unique and attractive fee structure. Our ‘One Simple Fee’ captures everything that we...

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October 29, 2011

By Tom Bradley

The Dangerous Rise of an Obsession with Safety

“Creep.” The dictionary defines it as a "slow and stealthy movement." To me, it’s something you don’t notice while it’s happening, but later when you do, you go "Wow!" If you think about our lifestyle, we've slowly moved to a place where jeans are...

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October 28, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Crystal Clear

Oracle, which is a holding in the Equity Fund, announced a takeover bid for RightNow Technologies this week. In the past, Oracle has proven to be an effective and disciplined acquirer, but there is talk on this one that they paid too much – over 5 times sales...

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October 24, 2011

By Tom Bradley

China Deconstructed

I came across a talk by China-based professor Michael Pettis on Paul Kedrosky’s ‘Infectious Greed’ blog. For those who are interested in China and where it’s headed, I highly recommend these 38 minutes. It’s heavy duty economics, but the points are...

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October 21, 2011

By Tom Bradley

False Comfort

In the economic discourse of today, the camp that says we’re going into the tank has lots of ammunition. You don’t have to go past the front page of the newspaper to know we’ve got issues. For those arguing that we’ll be OK, or at least not have a severe...

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October 21, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Job Opportunity: Mutual Funds Administrator (Part-time)

We are currently seeking a Mutual Funds Administrator to work with us through the 2012 RRSP season. This is a temporary, part-time position that will last from November to March. Work hours will be roughly 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, with some flexibility. For...

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October 18, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Emerging Markets - A Slam Dunk?

China, India and the other emerging economies will grow considerably faster than the developed world over the next ten years. That statement appears to be as close to an economic certainty as anything we can say today. Does it follow then that any...

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October 15, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Resolving the Conflict Between Good Advice and Running a Business

I’ve written in the past about the tension between the investment profession and the investment business. As asset managers, we need to find a balance between managing portfolios to achieve the best return for our clients, and making a profit for...

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October 12, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

It Was an Ugly One

In preparing our Quarterly Report, I compiled some numbers that speak for themselves: Global stock markets had their worst quarter since Q4 2008; Greece was down 42%. Italy, France and Germany were all down 25%. Canada was down 12%. Japan was...

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October 11, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Third Quarter Review

It was an ugly quarter for stocks, with most major markets suffering double-digit declines. The bond market, on the other hand, had its strongest showing in 15 years (government bond yields now stand at levels not seen since the 1940s). Our funds declined, but held up better than the market. Their focus on high-quality, non...

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October 7, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Getting Sentimental

We write a lot in this space about investor sentiment. Art Phillips, the founder of Phillips, Hager & North, taught me to pay attention to the mood of other investors. Like every tool, sentiment is not a failsafe indicator, nor is it a precise timing tool. It is, however...

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October 3, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Enough Blame to go Around

Dan Hallett published a piece today about mutual fund fees and how they compare to the U.S. It puts some meat on a topic that so far has been laden with hyperbole. Management expense ratios (MERs) are a lot higher in Canada, but as Dan points...

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October 1, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Investing Certainties in an Era of Economic Doubt

“In calmer moments, investors recognize their inability to know what the future holds. In moments of extreme panic or enthusiasm, however, they become remarkably bold in their predictions: They act as though uncertainty has vanished and the...

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September 28, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Black Hole Rip-off Zone

Below is an internal email from Chris Stephenson today. It wasn’t meant for public consumption (it’s an email, not a blog), but Chris is OK with me doing this. With David’s experience with the [un-named fund company] rip-off, the Globe article about $1,305...

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September 26, 2011

By Tom Bradley

The Usual Suspects

"The risks are the usual: what you don’t know; what you’re not thinking about; probably the biggest risk is what you are 100% sure about.” Bruce Berkowitz, Fairholme Capital Management, in a speech at Columbia University earlier this year...

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September 22, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Hollow Reassurance

The CBC woke me up this morning with rain warnings (Is summer really over?), big stock market declines and the voice of Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. The rain and markets didn’t get me too worked up, but I found the minister’s attempt at optimism...

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September 21, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Stuck Like Glue

I was talking with a client last week about portfolio re-balancing and the challenges of volatile markets. I often tell the story of Bob Hager’s shaking hand to illustrate how hard it is to do the right thing when markets are down, but his story is just as good at bringing the...

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September 19, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Indexing can be Good. So can Active Management

The passive (indexing) vs. active management question is a polarizing debate, but it shouldn’t be. The bottom line is that both strategies have merit when they’re done right. As Morningstar USA’s President of Fund Research (Don Phillips) notes, credible...

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September 17, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Where to Find Sanity Among the Sound Bites

“Isn’t it funny when you walk into an investment firm and see the financial advisers watching CNBC. It gives me the same feeling of confidence I would have if I walked into the Mayo Clinic and the doctors were watching General Hospital.” This little...

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September 15, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Talking Stocks with Wil Wutherich

Wil Wutherich, the manager of our Small-Cap Equity Fund, is in town this week on a research trip. We booked an afternoon of his time to discuss the fund. Since we've covered his investment process in previous sessions and his philosophy is well documented on our site, Tom sat down with him to talk stocks...

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September 13, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Perfect Alignment

‘skin in the game’ … ‘eating our own cooking’ … ‘co-investment’ … ‘manager-client alignment’ … These are all phrases we use to describe our commitment to clients and the desire to have our interests closely aligned to theirs. This alignment takes many...

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September 12, 2011

By Scott Ronalds


As a kid, my family and I used to go on a summer holiday every year to Savary Island (a small island about 200 km north of Vancouver). It’s a bit of a hidden treasure, with white sand beaches, warm waters and an abundance of shellfish. There was no electricity, few cars and fewer rules (don’t bury your sister and be home for dinner). We loved it. I was back on the Island this summer and few things have...

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September 9, 2011

By Scott Ronalds


"The stock market has forecast nine of the last five recessions" - Paul Samuelson (Nobel Economist)

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September 7, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Heavy Lifting with CGOV

We often remind our clients that they don’t need to do much once their portfolios are set up, as our managers do most of the heavy lifting. While it may sound like lip service, it’s a phrase that carries weight. In times of heightened volatility, such as the past two...

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September 3, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Beyond the Paper Chase: Getting Your Big Break in Finance

I got turned on to finance while stumbling through my MBA at the University of Western Ontario. I suddenly found myself reading Report on Business right after the Sports section (go figure). When it came to finding a job, I got lucky. There weren't many...

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