
Cutting Through the Noise

April 7, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Odds Can be Stacked in Your Favour Buying Bank Stocks for the Long Term

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published April 5, 2008 A couple of times in recent months I've used the banks as a framework for talking about investing and the buy side of the street. I'm back at it. ...

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April 4, 2008

By Tom Bradley

"You Like Me. You Really Like Me!"

Who can forget Sally Field’s acceptance speech at the Oscars in 1985?   The Canadian mutual industry has taken a page from Sally’s delivery.  As Jonathan Chevreau points out in his blog today, the Lipper annual awards gala held in Toronto ...

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April 2, 2008

By Tom Bradley

One Year Performance for the Steadyhand Funds

Oh boy, we finally get to release our investment returns .  The markets having been so...well...interesting.  We’ve been busting to get the numbers out. You may remember that until we renewed our prospectus, we weren’t allowed to provide fund returns ...

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March 31, 2008

By Neil Jensen

Our T3 Mess

One of our promises to our clients is that we will reduce or eliminate paper mailings. Unfortunately we have to deliver tax documents (contribution receipts and T3's) to our clients via paper. The problem is that each of our mutual funds ...

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March 28, 2008

By Tom Bradley

TD Bank - Just too Cheap!

I was in Toronto this week and met with the crew at CGOV to talk about the Equity Fund.  We covered lots of ground, which we’ll report on in our Quarterly Report that will be published on or around April ...

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March 24, 2008

By Tom Bradley

In Turbulent Times, the Wise Investor Should Ignore Fears and Get a Little Greedy

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published March 22, 2008 Between now and the time I publish my next column, you should receive a quarterly statement from your investment adviser or manager. Get prepared. Your net worth will have ...

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March 17, 2008

By Tom Bradley

In Need of a Steady Hand

The news just keeps getting worse.  Today it’s the announcement that one of Wall Street’s revered investment dealers, Bear Stearns, is being bailed out and shareholders are going to lose almost everything.  Despite the fact that Bear was a poster ...

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March 16, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Get in the Pool!

A pool in the spring could only mean one thing – March Madness.  For basketball junkies there’s no better time of year.  Sixty-four college teams vying for supremacy.  The upsets, the Cinderella stories, the raw emotion.  Who could ask for ...

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March 14, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Pushing Back on PPNs

I received an email from an investor today relating to my column in the Globe last week .  With her permission, I’ve posted our correspondence below. Mr Bradley, Our investment advisor is trying to sell us PPN's which we are ...

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March 13, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Transparency at its Best

There’s an interesting firm out of London by the name of Bedlam Asset Management.  I read their literature every now and then and although we often don’t share the same views, I’m always impressed by their transparency.  There’s no beating ...

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March 10, 2008

By Tom Bradley

At its Heart, Investing is About Risk, and Stacking the Odds in Your Favour

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published March 8, 2008 During the RRSP season we were barraged with ads from the banks and insurance companies. In light of the recent market turbulence, the emphasis has been on their ‘risk ...

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March 7, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

What were they Thinking?

In his Streetwise blog yesterday, Globe and Mail journalist Andrew Willis highlighted an $8 million fine that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently imposed on Fidelity Investments.  The penalty was imposed to settle charges that Fidelity’s in-house traders ...

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March 6, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Video Blog: Tom's Beef with PPNs

In our first video blog, Tom discusses why investors should steer clear of principal-protected products. He notes that professional investors would never touch these products because the odds are clearly stacked against them. Watch the video to learn more.

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March 5, 2008

By Chris Stephenson

Potentially Rich Facebookers

Inspired by Scott's blog Tax-Free Savings Accounts - the RRSP for the Facebook Generation? , I wanted to see what a 19 year old could accomplish with some discipline. Quite a lot, I found. For instance, a 19 year old ...

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February 28, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Put the Investment Guys Back in Charge

In the investment business, Royal Bank and PH&N stole all the headlines last week (including on our blog), but there was another piece of news that relates closely to what we’re doing at Steadyhand.  It was the announcement of a ...

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February 28, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Tax-Free Savings Accounts - The RRSP for the Facebook Generation?

In Tuesday's budget, the Conservatives introduced a new savings vehicle that will allow Canadians to shelter investments from tax.  Known as the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), investors over the age of 18 will be able to contribute $5,000/year to a tax ...

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February 27, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Mid-Quarter Update

We just wrapped up a series of conference calls with our equity managers.  The key message from all three is that they’ve been sitting tight.  None of them have made any material changes to the funds but they all have ...

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February 25, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Mixed Emotions: Sadness, Fascination and Excitement Over the PH&N Sale

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published February 23, 2008 It appeared on my BlackBerry screen on Thursday afternoon. Word from the office that Royal Bank was buying Phillips Hager & North. My first reaction was to shrug and ...

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February 21, 2008

By Tom Bradley

February 18, 2008

By Neil Jensen

Tom on The Wealthy Boomer

Jonathan Chevreau of the Financial Post interviews Tom about Steadyhand (part 1) and five myths of investing (part 2). See the videos here . ...

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February 14, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Retire 40% Slower

I stumbled across a large ad in the Vancouver Sun last week that caught my attention.  The headline: Retire 12.2% Faster.   How could I not read on! The ad was from the Bank of Montreal and it was referring ...

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February 12, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Fund Investors Vote with their Feet

Derek DeCloet wrote an article in today’s Globe and Mail that most fund companies probably don’t want you to read. He cites strong net redemptions in January from some of the industry’s "lumbering giants", and concludes that poor markets are ...

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February 11, 2008

By Tom Bradley

'Decoupling' Theory Plays Down our Integrated and Leveraged World

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published February 9, 2008 In 2007, the capital markets were defined by acronyms (CDO, ABCP, SIV, CDS), but the big new word doing the rounds now is "decoupling". Decoupling refers to an economic ...

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February 6, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Divergent Returns - Time to Rebalance

In 2007, the total return of the S&P/TSX Composite Index was +9.8%. The MSCI World Index (in Canadian dollar terms) was -7.5%. This divergence of returns means that if you’ve done nothing in the past year, Canadian equities are a ...

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January 31, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Score One for E*Trade

Generally speaking, the financial services industry isn’t known for punchy, let alone creative advertising.  Most of the big firms tend to stick to conservative, feel-good campaigns. I came across an ad in a magazine the other day from E*Trade that ...

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