
Cutting Through the Noise

September 30, 2008

By Tom Bradley

In Anticipation of our Quarterly Report

We will publish our quarterly report next week, but in light of the turmoil in the markets, we wanted to provide a brief update on the third quarter today.  As well, we are planning to do a podcast later this ...

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September 25, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Dusting Off Unconventional Success

Canadian Capitalist, a prominent financial blogger, recently posted a glowing book review of David Swensen’s Unconventional Success: A Fundamental Approach to Personal Investment .  CC followed up the review with another posting today ( How to Pick a Winning Mutual ...

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September 21, 2008

By Tom Bradley

A Week of Buying, Hand-holding, Grumpiness, Fear - and Then Some Hope

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published September 20, 2008 I love writing this column, except on weeks like this. I don't generally do time-sensitive stuff (this isn't my day job), but when the markets are melting down, writing ...

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September 17, 2008

By Tom Bradley

An Update on the Funds

Today was another tough day in the markets.  The declines were broad based, although financial stocks of all stripes pulled down the indexes the most.  The U.S. market was the worst (-4.7%), while Europe and Asia were down 2.5% and ...

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September 15, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Weathering the Storm

In markets like this, almost everyone is unhappy.  Some conservative investors might have done OK if they owned lots of government bonds, but most are down more than they expected and they didn’t expect to be down at all.  No ...

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September 11, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Steadyhand Funds Now Available Through TD Waterhouse

Our five funds can now be purchased in TD Waterhouse discount brokerage accounts.  Trades must be placed over the phone with a representative from TD, and their transaction fee varies based on the size of your purchase. ...

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September 11, 2008

By Tom Bradley

The Active Versus Passive Debate

I recently received some thoughtful comments and questions from a client who is weighing the benefits of both the active and passive (indexing) investment approaches.  I felt my responses may be helpful to others with the same thoughts/questions. Investor:   ...

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September 8, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Burgundy v. Sprott: Opposite Ends of the Performance Cycle - For Now

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published September 6, 2008 I recently had the occasion to hear marketing pitches from two leading investment firms: Burgundy Asset Management and Sprott Asset Management. Both have built wealth for their clients and ...

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September 4, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Sowing the Seeds

I came across a great quote today and it is totally applicable to the market environment we find ourselves in.  It comes from Tim McElvaine’s newsletter ( ).  He in turn got it from an interview with Chris Davis ...

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August 29, 2008

By Tom Bradley

The Unanswerable Question

I’m not much of a tape watcher or television junkie, but I’ve had the Business News Network (BNN) and Bloomberg News turned on more than usual this week.  I don’t know why really, because it has been an incredibly slow ...

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August 28, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

The Most Interesting Man in the Mutual Fund Business

Inspired by a recent Dos Equis commercial , I'm toiling with the idea of a new Steadyhand advertising campaign - The Most Interesting Man in the Mutual Fund Business . It would go something like this: Tom is out of ...

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August 28, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Scale, Scale, Scale

I understand “location, location, location” in the real estate business.”  What I don’t get is “scale, scale, scale” in the investment business.  But “scale” is the word of the week in our industry.  Both Rick Waugh, the CEO of Bank ...

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August 25, 2008

By Tom Bradley

The Selling Side: Where the Best Money Managers Earn Their Chops

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published August 23, 2008 For a while now I have been trying to buy my neighbour's property. He hasn't lived there for 15 years, but keeps it as an investment. When I broach ...

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August 21, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Short Termism - Doesn't Make Sense

Dan Lewin, a friend and former colleague, sent me an interesting piece last week.  It is a letter to clients from Howard Marks, the Chairman of Oaktree Capital Management, a U.S. asset manager.  It is all good, but I particularly ...

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August 20, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Olympic Innovation

Many great things come out of the Olympics.  For two and a half weeks, the world turns its attention to stories of athletic passion, determination, and raw emotion.  Billions of people will watch a man dive off a springboard, a ...

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August 11, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Saxon Deal will Complete Predictable Life Cycle

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published August 9, 2008 This week, we saw another independent asset manager bite the dust. It was announced that IGM Financial, through its Mackenzie division, has made an offer to buy Saxon Financial. ...

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August 7, 2008

By Tom Bradley

It's Getting Lonely

We started Steadyhand last year because we saw an opportunity to work with investors who know what they want, care about fees and are interested in beating the market over the long run.  Our target clients make up a tiny ...

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July 30, 2008

By Tom Bradley

What is Baked Into The Cake?

Over the last month, my conversations (casual and business) have yielded an overwhelming consensus about the market.  The consensus is that we are headed for a meltdown in the financial sector, high oil prices are here to stay, and it's ...

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July 28, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Markets Raining on Your Parade? Weatherproofing Tips to Help Avoid a Deluge

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published July 26, 2008 Since my last column, I've been holidaying at the cottage. Normally I disengage from the investment world for these two weeks every year. The message to my partners and ...

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July 23, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Income Fund Update - Challenges and Opportunities in the Bond Market

In this podcast, we sit down with Jay Menning, a senior member of the fixed income team at Connor, Clark & Lunn, to discuss the bond market and the Income Fund.

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July 22, 2008

By Tom Bradley

The Steadyhand Diaries: Postscript II - Marketing

This posting is a follow-up to The Steadyhand Diaries , which were published in the Globe Investor magazine in May.  These postscripts are focused on things that didn’t get much space in the article.  But let me start with a ...

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July 14, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Things I'd Like to Hear - But Probably Won't - in the World of Business

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published July 12, 2008 I've been reading Sports Illustrated for 40 years (since I was minus three years old). There are weeks when I don't get the Economist magazine read, but I never ...

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July 10, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Second Quarter Review

In this podcast, we review the second quarter of 2008 and touch on some highlights from our recently published Quarterly Report (available on the Forms & Documents page).

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July 6, 2008

By Neil Jensen

The Power of Checklists

I've long had an interest in formal business rules specifications and systems for managing enterprise business rules.  Despite seeing the value in managing business rules explicitly, I've never been able to see how relatively small organizations like Steadyhand would have the ...

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June 30, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Investors Should Know There's Value Coming From Both Sides of the Street

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published June 28, 2008 “We do our own independent research.” That's what all investment managers tell their prospective clients. It is a point of pride and is meant to distinguish them from other ...

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