
Cutting Through the Noise

September 29, 2016

By Tom Bradley

The market trends that are about to end and those that are just beginning

A look at the staying power of today's market trends provides a useful check and balance for investors.

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September 14, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Side by side

One of our key business tenets is co-investment, or investing alongside our clients. Here's what it means in real money.

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September 12, 2016

By Tom Bradley

The Great Reveal: New CRM2 rules set to reshape the wealth management industry

A look at how new cost disclosure rules are shaking up the industry.

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August 26, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Fully Completely

Investors can take inspiration from one of The Tragically Hip's great songs, Fully Completely.

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August 22, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Five things happening in the world that truly matter for investors

The Fed and Brexit are the hot stories on business television, but here are five topics that deserve more coverage.

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August 18, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Small-Cap Manager Change

A review of why we've decided to change the manager of our Small-Cap Equity Fund.

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August 3, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Lower house prices - Be careful what you wish for

What will 'success' look like if the government's efforts are effective in cooling off the Vancouver housing market?

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July 18, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Investors, advisors welcome to the age of transparency

CRM2 has finally arrived. Here’s what it means to fee and performance disclosure.

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July 6, 2016

By Tom Bradley

The pitfalls of negative interest rates

The world economy is not designed to work with negative interest rates. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t invest, but it does require that we proceed with caution.

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June 30, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Happy trails

It appears that trailing commissions, or trailers, are going the way of the dodo bird.

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June 24, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Brexit: What it means and what we're doing

The UK's 'Brexit' referendum has been a jolt to the capital markets. Here's what it means and what we're doing.

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June 20, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Please sir, I want some more

When I read about the steps the banks are taking to maintain their oligopolistic profits – staff cuts and fee increases – I feel a little like Oliver Twist asking for more gruel.

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June 14, 2016

By Tom Bradley

The older I get ...

Tom's post-holiday reading prompted some words of wisdom from a mentor: "The older I get, the more I realize that simpler is better."

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June 6, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Walking the dog

A great investing analogy centered around a man walking his dog.

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May 24, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Global Equity Fund Update

Our Global Equity Fund's performance has been disappointing. We still have confidence in our manager, however. We walk through why.

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May 18, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Why you should learn to love sell-offs

While it may sound irrational, investors focused on growing their portfolios should learn to love market sell-offs. Hear us out.

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May 14, 2016

By Tom Bradley

May 12, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Markets are so volatile ... or are they?

Markets sure seem unstable lately. But how does today's volatility compare to the past? You'll probably be surprised.

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May 3, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Has ScotiaMcLeod sold you to another advisor?

Some important steps to consider if your bank has sold you to another advisor.

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April 26, 2016

By Tom Bradley

The ongoing tension: Short-term profits versus long-term wealth

It would be refreshing to hear more firms announce that they're sacrificing short-term profits to enhance the long-term value of their franchise.

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April 6, 2016

By Tom Bradley

The RRRSP season

The real RRSP season starts now.

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March 24, 2016

By Tom Bradley

The key to being a successful investor is long-term strategy

Investors are well advised to pay less attention to the news of the day, and focus more on the things that have a profound impact on returns: time, valuation and emotions.

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March 17, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Steadyhand and Robo - Compare and Contrast

We've been watching with interest the emergence of robo-advisors. But rather than chase the trend, we're more inclined to embrace our differences.

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March 14, 2016

By Tom Bradley

LNG: Are we missing the point?

It feels like Canada is late to the liquefied natural gas (LNG) game. So perhaps we should look closer at using natural gas in Canada instead of shipping it around the world?

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March 9, 2016

By Tom Bradley

Toronto and Vancouver real estate: This is not normal

The bidding wars, headlines and record-breaking sales in Toronto and Vancouver are all the talk these days. Investors should know the current situation is not normal.

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