
Cutting Through the Noise

September 2, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Pro-cyclical - To Be or Not to Be?

With several ETFs being terminated, a good reminder that it's dangerous to let industry trends determine your portfolio holdings.

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August 21, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Weak Markets - What to Do?

Some important points to remember in light of the current market weakness.

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August 20, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Good Debt, Bad Debt

Canadians are carrying a lot of debt, which no matter how the banks spin it, is not a good thing.

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August 17, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Your Retirement Depends on How Well You Understand Your Portfolio Now

In his latest Globe article, Tom emphasizes that how you invest now will play a big role in your standard of living in the last third of your life.

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August 13, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Yuan Devaluation

Some perspective on China's currency devaluation.

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August 11, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Failure to Connect

A look at why we should never assume the stock market is tightly linked to the economy.

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August 5, 2015

By Tom Bradley

The Negative Impact of Near-zero Interest Rates

Central bankers' views on near-zero interest rates are changing, and hopefully more balance is coming into the conversation.

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July 31, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Small-Cap Equity Fund Update

Notes from a recent meeting with our small-cap manager.

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July 15, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Three Disconnects in the Markets Add to Confusion

There are always disconnects in the markets. Things that are out of whack with what we've come to expect. As Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's investment partner points out in the quote above, there seems to be more than usual right now.

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June 18, 2015

By Tom Bradley

The Big Disconnect

Are central bankers getting in the way of the natural path of an economic cycle?

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June 10, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Is It Market Timing?

In response to an investor's question, we explain the difference between being cautious and market timing.

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June 8, 2015

By Tom Bradley


A quote from Charlie Munger captures the essence of the economic experiment that we’re all taking part in.

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June 4, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Evaluate Advisers, Not Just Institutions

When picking an investment firm to work with, the people and approach are the biggies. Tom elaborates in his Globe and Mail column.

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May 27, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Investors, Beware the Love Affair with Short-term Results

A look at what you can do to protect yourself from short-termitis and best-number syndrome.

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May 26, 2015

By Tom Bradley

How I Did It

A young homeowner's story epitomizes where we are in the housing cycle.

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May 21, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Cautious or Conservative?

While we're currently cautious in our outlook for the markets, 'conservative' is not a good tagline for Steadyhand.

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May 13, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Amid Market Confusion, Let's Not Toss Valuations Out the Window

With bonds and stocks looking expensive, it's not such a bad thing to have some cash set aside for a rainy day.

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May 8, 2015

By Tom Bradley

What's the Next Excuse?

The Canadian and U.S. central banks are good at finding a reason why they shouldn’t increase interest rates. It's time to put a little hay in the loft.

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May 6, 2015

By Tom Bradley

End with a Whimper?

Thoughts on the great bull market run from the King of Bonds.

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April 30, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Banking Fees - Some Context

Retail banking in Canada is hugely profitable, which is why RBC's fee hike announcement is causing a stir.

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April 27, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Borrowing to Invest: Warren's View

Words of wisdom from Warren Buffett on the topic of borrowing to invest.

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April 20, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Loonie, Oil Decline All Part of the 'Great Rebalancing'

A look at how the recent moves in exchange rates and energy prices have recast the shape of trade and capital flows.

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April 15, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Job Opportunity: Investor Specialist (Toronto)

We're looking for an Investor Specialist in our Toronto office. Do you have what it takes?

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April 7, 2015

By Tom Bradley

Beware of Soft Landings

Is the Canadian housing market heading towards a soft landing? Hardly.

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March 25, 2015

By Tom Bradley

You're Such a Tease

Uh-oh ... Canadian banks are starting to offer teaser rates on mortgages.

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