
Cutting Through the Noise

October 13, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Be Skeptical of These Current 'Sure Things'

"It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” – Mark Twain. As investors, we need to be wary of what we’re absolutely, positively sure about. We may be flat out wrong. Economies, markets and...

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October 2, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Volatility ... versus What?

In last Saturday’s Report of Business, Rob Carrick wrote an article about low volatility mutual funds (The Hidden Dangers in Playing it Safe). The Steadyhand Equity Fund was one of six funds he highlighted as having a positive return over the last five years...

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September 29, 2012

By Tom Bradley

A New Mantra for Money Managers: Think Small

Last week in Toronto, I had back-to-back meetings that provided an intriguing juxtaposition. I first met with Joe Sirdevan, the former head of research at Jarislowsky Fraser, who is starting a new firm, Galibier Capital, and then spent some time...

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September 24, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Showing You the Money

As we do every year, we’ve updated our figures on co-investment (the practice of investing alongside our clients). We feel there’s no better way to illustrate our commitment to our investment philosophy, approach, and ultimately our clients, than to put our...

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September 16, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Investors Finally Get the Ultimate Asset: Transparency

Big changes are in the regulatory winds and they’re going to be good for Canadians. The new rules that are coming down relating to cost disclosure, performance reporting and client statements are likely to have more impact on individual investors...

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September 10, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Under the Table

While I was cleaning out the cottage last week, I found a few old items that brought back memories. The Clarkson Bantam hockey jacket with the black leather sleeves was a beauty, although it doesn’t seem to fit anymore. Fortunately, neither does the Speedo with the maple leaf pattern. I found a pair of flip flops that were so old they were called thongs. And to my great surprise, my wooden toy box was...

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September 6, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Bearish is Bullish

There was an article by David Berman in the Report on Business yesterday pointing out how bearish Wall Street strategists are these days (Time to Buy as Pros Turn Bearish). As a group, their recommended stock weighting is 44.4%, which is near its lowest level since 1985. This compares to a long-term average of 60-65%. In the...

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September 1, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Younger Retirees Need Some Risk in their Portfolios

Just as the baby boomers brought us free love and rock ’n’ roll, they’re also leading the way into pension-less retirement. Those who are near or just into retirement are in a tough spot. They have a long time time horizon and need investment returns that are...

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August 22, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Bad News, Rising Markets ... Why Not?

“Stock rally defies fears of a slumping economy.” That was the title on an article in today’s Report on Business. To me, it’s further evidence of the macro mania that I wrote about in last weekend’s Globe article. Investors are looking at the big picture (Spain...

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August 21, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Large Accounts Should Mean Lower Fees

We try to limit how often we write about fees because we have an axe to grind (is more than 50 times a year too much?), but … David, Chris and I have come across a few situations in the last two weeks that caught our eye. In each case, the investor had a...

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August 18, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Three (Market) Waves That Can Rock Your Portfolio

After some extended dock time, I’ve been re-engaging in the realities of the capital markets. I put aside my summer reading list and am back on the hard core investment stuff. With the benefit of a fresh set of eyes, three things jumped out at me...

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August 3, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Five Essential Elements of a Successful Investing Framework

As a young analyst at Richardson Greenshields, I worked with a big guy with an unusual name, Pentti Karkkainen. After years as a highly regarded oil analyst, Pentti now plies his trade in Calgary at KERN Partners, a private equity firm he co-founded. I introduce...

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July 22, 2012

By Tom Bradley

The Duffer's Guide to Investing

If you really want to delve into someone’s personality and character, take them golfing. There are few pastimes that are more revealing. Golf takes four to five hours to play, is laden with emotion and is mankind’s greatest equalizer - it humbles...

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July 7, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Funds vs. ETFs: Peeling Away Some of the Myths

There’s one research report in my reading pile I’ve been avoiding, although it eventually worked its way to the top. Vanguard, the giant U.S. mutual-fund company ($1.8-trillion U.S. under management) produces some great research, particularly in the...

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July 6, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Fixed Indeed

Fixed rates indeed.

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June 28, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Profit Margins

There is lots to worry about these days. Rob Arnott, of fundamental indexing fame, talks about the 3D hurricane - debt, deficits and demographics. As part of the hurricane, I’ve been questioning how sustainable U.S. corporate profit margins are, given...

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June 23, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Get Ready: Being Greedy Requires Careful Planning

A greed moment? So here we are. The economic outlook is bleak. Systematic risk is high. Investors are scared. And Warren Buffett’s words are ringing in my ears, “We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others...

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June 21, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Strong Getting Stronger(er)

It was announced this week that Yamana Gold is buying Extorre Gold Mines for $395 million. Yamana is one of the power houses in the mining industry, while Extorre is a smaller company that’s struggling to finance and develop a large silver mine in...

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June 15, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Market Support

A friend of mine forwarded me a quote today from Credit Suisse (allegedly) that says it all: "The market is currently like a strapless bra; half of us are wondering what is holding it up and the other half are waiting for it to drop so they can grab the opportunity...

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June 11, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Asset Mix Update

As a follow-up to my last Globe column, which focuses on return expectations, I want to update our guidance to clients on asset mix. I’ll use the Founders Fund as a live example. The fund has a long-term asset mix of 60% stocks and 40% fixed income. (All the...

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June 9, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Equities: The Most Despised Asset is Poised to Surprise

The market had a good run for a while, but now it’s right back to where it was.” “I haven’t made any money in 10 years.” “Whatever it is, I don’t want any more downside.” “I give up.” These statements reflect the sentiment of investors today. The headlines...

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May 28, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Meet Alan

I’m pleased to introduce our newest member to the team, Alan Hamade. Alan is taking on the role of Operations Manager. He has a ton of industry experience, having worked for over 30 years in the business. Most recently, he was the Manager of Securities...

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May 26, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Mispriced Assets: Learning to Live With a Not-so-free Market

‘[T]he market’ is rapidly becoming something of an endangered species. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to try and identify any asset of significance that isn’t experiencing huge and artificial distortion to its price by forces that we might...

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May 23, 2012

By Tom Bradley

In Your Face ... book

I find the kerfuffle about the Facebook initial public offering (IPO) interesting. I don’t know if anything nefarious went on behind the scenes, but it seems to me that what played out on this overhyped and highly priced IPO (the $38 issue price equates to over 20x revenue) fell within the range of possible outcomes. Facebook...

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May 17, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Federal Government Gets a Failing Grade on Transparency

In this space, we talk a lot about transparency, and we try our best to walk the talk. There was a piece by Barrie McKenna in the Globe and Mail this week about the Federal government’s transparency around financial reporting. The conclusion: If the...

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