
Cutting Through the Noise

February 22, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Ill-equipped for the Job

Mohamed El-Erian, the CEO and Co-chief Investment Officer of PIMCO, is a regular contributor to the Financial Times. In his piece today, he opines that the U.S. Federal Reserve will not seek an early end to quantitative easing (QE). For me, the most...

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February 20, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Shop and Compare

As we’ve worked to build our firm over the last six years, one of the frustrations we’ve had is that people don’t know we can manage ‘their’ money. They are aware of us, may follow our writing and even buy into our philosophy, but they think we only work with...

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February 19, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Income Investing: Stay Balanced and Don't Reach

The team has been working hard to keep client expectations in check. Markets have been good and the Steadyhand funds have performed well, so it’s natural that clients start to expect more from their portfolio. We’re being a particular downer in the area of...

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February 14, 2013

By Tom Bradley

I'm Still Here

Sher took a call yesterday from a woman who wondered where I’d gone. She was a regular reader of my biweekly column in the Saturday Globe and Mail and noticed it wasn’t there anymore. Indeed, the Globe has been freshening up the Investor section...

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February 8, 2013

By Tom Bradley

RRSP Truths

In the current edition of MoneySense magazine, there’s an article on RRSPs entitled, ‘Surprising Truths about Your RRSP’. There is a ton written about RRSPs at this time of year, but I thought this piece did a good job addressing some key issues. In the...

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February 5, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Dividends at any Cost

In the Report on Business last week, John Heinzl, fondly known as the ‘Yield Hog’, dedicated his column (How a Focus on Dividends Can Transform Your Investing Approach) to a dividend-oriented portfolio managed by a real investor, Rob. It looks...

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January 23, 2013

By Tom Bradley

How is Your Portfolio Doing?

“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” – Winston Churchill. It was a strong year in the capital markets and your portfolio was most assuredly up. Good news, right? Well, probably, but maybe not. A proper assessment of...

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January 19, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Mystified Over Fund Fees? Big Changes are Coming, and the Sooner the Better

A young client phoned this week to ask if she was invested in mutual funds. She’d heard they were high cost and not the place to be. While the call was a little disconcerting given that we only use our own funds to build client portfolios, it was not surprising. Her...

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January 11, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Marketing with a Twist

I guess I’m more optimistic than executives at the major banks. When we lose a client (we’ve been lucky so far, our clients have been very loyal), I fully expect she/he will come back one day when circumstances change. As a result, when a client takes money...

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January 10, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Housing Hyperbole

Having been early and loud with my concerns about Canadian housing prices, I’m following with interest the daily coverage of the residential real estate market. I have a few thoughts on what I’ve read so far. Despite all the front page coverage, the...

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January 5, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Don't Dread Your Year-end Statement. You'll Probably be Pleasantly Surprised

I’m constantly hearing that it’s been a tough few years for money managers. It’s true that the macro-economic situation has brought uncertainty and volatility, and there’s been no such thing as “safe” income. But in one respect, the past couple of years...

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December 28, 2012

By Tom Bradley

The Fiscal Curb

Am I bothered because the budget negotiations in Washington are dragging on and the market is bouncing around more than usual at year-end? No. Am I worried that tax increases and spending cuts will slow the U.S. economy? They will, but no, I'm...

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December 23, 2012

By Tom Bradley

From Crude to Carney: A Year for Trends Reversing Course

We’re in the midst of the holiday season, but there’s something about reflecting on the financial markets in 2012 that makes me want to say “bah humbug.” To me, the year was lots of talk – Spain, Facebook, BCE, fiscal cliff, Nexen/CNOOC, Mark Carney...

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December 14, 2012

By Tom Bradley

The Flight to Safety Continues

So far in 2012, $10 billion has flowed into Canadian ETFs (net of sales). It's a big number, especially considering it's been a tough market for most wealth management providers. But as I said earlier this year, the growth doesn't blow me away in the context of a...

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December 12, 2012

By Tom Bradley

A Rush for the Exit

In a recent Globe column, I highlighted a consensus among money managers that interest rates are unsustainably low - short and mid-term Government of Canada bonds are trading at negative ‘real’ yields (after inflation). The argument goes that at some...

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December 11, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Two Losers and One Big Winner

I've just returned from a few days in the U.S. (Denver – clean, friendly, no snow, great music, the Brown Palace Hotel in all its Christmas glory and a Van Gogh exhibit) and have heard and read waaaaaayyyyyy too much about the fiscal cliff. Fortunately, I've come...

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December 8, 2012

By Tom Bradley

How the Under-invested Can Get Back in the Market

My editors want me to at least occasionally write about something topical. At first glance, a column about getting back into the market doesn't appear to fit the bill, but it does. That’s because now is the time to do the groundwork for what is often the most difficult...

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December 4, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Mr. Market Looks Ahead

There have been a number of articles recently on U.S. homebuilders. There are increasing signs that housing activity is picking up (albeit from near-dormant levels) and the indexes that track stocks related to the industry have doubled over the last year. This sector is a great illustration of how the stock market is always looking forward. When this latest run started last fall, the news on housing (resales, starts...

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November 24, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Amid the Desk Scraps, a Surprising Wealth of Perspective

Until a couple of days ago, there was a leaning tower of paper hovering over my desk. It was a stack of articles, charts, cartoons, quotes and sport stats that I was sure would be important one day, but in the meantime, was threatening my safety. It had...

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November 20, 2012

By Tom Bradley

What's an Investor to do?

With a decline of more than 200 points Wednesday, Canada's benchmark stock index erased its gain for 2012 and cemented its position as the worst-performing major stock index in North America. Even France's CAC 40 and Italy's Mibtel index are...

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November 13, 2012

By Tom Bradley

The Enemies of Performance

For keen investors and/or students of the investment industry, I recommend reading a speech (Surviving Success) given this past summer by Richard Rooney, the Chief Investment Officer of Burgundy Asset Management. Richard was speaking to an...

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November 10, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Finding a Portfolio Manager That Runs Against the Herd

In my last column, I suggested that the stock picker’s lot in life is not as bad as it’s made out to be. I argued that many of the portfolio managers competing in this zero sum game (for every winner, there’s a loser) are destined to underperform for structural reasons...

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October 27, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Don't Believe the Skeptics: Stock Picking is Alive and Well

"Be it resolved that security selection is dead. Macro forces drive portfolio returns.” This was the resolution for the Alternative Investment Management Association’s (AIMA) annual debate. It reflects what I’m increasingly hearing – it’s a tough environment for active...

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October 24, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Stupid Way to Invest

The Report on Business today published excerpts from an interview with John Bogle, the father of indexing and founder of Vanguard. We found one of his answers on the wealth management industry particularly poignant. “Today, that profession with elements of...

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October 23, 2012

By Tom Bradley

Undexing, Diversification and the Global Equity Fund

Our Global Equity Fund has had a rough three years. Nonetheless, it’s our view that foreign stocks will be an important contributor to client returns and portfolio diversification in the coming years. In this post, I’ll provide some background on the fund...

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