Globe and Mail

by Scott Ronalds

After writing a bi-weekly investment column in the National Post (and related papers) for the past six years, Tom Bradley is returning to the Globe and Mail.

Tom first started writing for the Globe in 2006 and penned over 200 articles for the paper over the course of 11 years before moving to the Post in 2017.

While both national newspapers have a stable of talented writers and provide valuable content for investors, Tom felt the timing was right to come back to the Globe, which has been expanding the investing and personal finance sections of the paper.

His new column will be titled “Cutting Through the Noise” and will follow the same format that regular readers have come to expect. In other words, he’ll address timely and important topics and bring them back to key investing principles that never go out of style.

Watch for his first piece in tomorrow’s print edition of the Globe, and every other Saturday thereafter (the articles are typically made available to online subscribers earlier, on Fridays). We’ll also continue to republish all his articles here on our blog.

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