
Cutting Through the Noise

April 7, 2020

By Neil Jensen

March 2020 in Numbers

As Lenin famously said, “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”. Last month felt like one of those times. Here are some non-investment related impressions of the month in numbers.

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March 30, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Coronavirus market crash was the fastest on record: Here's how to keep that in perspective

In bear markets, we’re overwhelmed by what we don’t know. But as we wrestle with the unknowables, it's useful to lay out what we do know and to lean on some time-tested truths.

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March 24, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Steadyhand tax documents — All you need to know

A review of the tax documents you should have received from us this year along with a brief description of their purpose.

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March 20, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

We're all in this together

Despite the predicament we’re all in, there are some people, corporations and organizations that are doing great things. We could all use a good story these days. Here are a few.

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March 19, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Leaning on a legend

Bob Hager was at his best when markets were at their worst. Here's how we're leaning on his playbook in this downturn.

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March 16, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Getting out of the market is easy - getting back in is the hard part

It’s hard to time the market at the best of times and almost impossible when you’re sitting in cash. Tom Bradley explains in his Financial Post column.

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March 13, 2020

By Salman Ahmed

Our managers are buying, and we are too

We’re in the midst of the most dramatic fall in stock prices since 2008. Here's how our fund managers have been responding.

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March 6, 2020

By Salman Ahmed

What we're doing in these markets

The last two weeks have not been for the faint of heart. Here's an update on what we've been doing in this volatile environment.

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March 5, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

State of the Union

Our annual update on all things Steadyhand.

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March 2, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Market panics like this one can be fertile ground for 'bottom-up' investors

While fear surrounding the coronavirus hit stocks hard last week, it's important to not underestimate the market’s ability to assess a risk, adjust to it and move on.

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February 24, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Is the stock market catching the virus?

Some perspective on the economic impact of the coronavirus and what we're doing on your behalf.

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February 20, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Stock talk: Conversations with our fund managers

With the camera rolling, we recently sat down with our five managers for an update on the investment themes they’re pursuing and some of the compelling companies they’re finding.

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February 18, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Why illiquid investments are all the rage and what you need to know about their risks

Sacrificing liquidity is a valuable investment strategy since not all your holdings need to be easily tradeable. But you have to be comfortable owning such assets for a long time. Tom Bradley explains in his Financial Post column.

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February 12, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Video: Where to From Here?

A recording of our annual client presentation, in which we review the performance and positioning of our funds, our views on the current investing environment, and our advice for investors.

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February 3, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Therapy for speculators

"Make yourself comfortable on the couch." What a therapy session for short-term traders might look like.

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January 27, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Snubbed at the Grammys

In a bit of a risky move, we've collaborated on a song about investing. But so far, clients seem to love it. Were we snubbed at the Grammys? You be the judge.

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January 23, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Canada's new stock market darling

Shopify has been on fire since it went public in 2015 and has been a great story for the Canadian technology sector. Let's just hope history doesn't repeat itself.

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January 20, 2020

By Tom Bradley

Interest rates have been a tailwind for investors for 40 years. Will this be the decade that changes?

No matter how long the declining interest rate trend goes on, it’s wise to remember that rates are still a risk, not a given.

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January 14, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

The benefits of diversification - 2019

A colourful look at the benefits of diversification.

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January 9, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief — Q4 2019

A brief look at the letter from the Prez.

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January 1, 2020

By Scott Ronalds

Sixty-nine thousand five hundred dollars!

With the turn of the calendar comes a fresh $6,000 in contribution room for your Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). Even better, the lifetime contribution limit for these accounts now stands at $69,500.

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December 30, 2019

By Tom Bradley

Forecasting the market is almost impossible — so here's what investors should do instead

The odds of getting a market forecast right are very low — so here's one recommendation that’s guaranteed to produce better investment outcomes.

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December 23, 2019

By Scott Ronalds

Not just another book on investing. Really

A shameless plug for our upcoming book, It's Really Not Rocket Science: Plain-English Advice for Managing Your Investments.

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December 19, 2019

By Tom Bradley

The Bank Profit Indicator

Canada's big banks make gobs of money. We feel obligated to report just how much.

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December 16, 2019

By Tom Bradley

Four reasons to be upbeat about markets you won’t find in the headlines

What drives the market in 2020 is probably not the hot button issues we're reading about now.

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