
Cutting Through the Noise

December 11, 2019

By Tom Bradley

Management changes at Steadyhand

We're excited to announce that Neil Jensen is now our Chief Executive Officer (CEO), with Tom Bradley becoming Chair and Chief Investment Officer (CIO).

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December 2, 2019

By Tom Bradley

Beware the 'bezzle': Three likely sources of illusory wealth in the markets today

With the 'bezzle,' you don’t know you’ve been robbed until much later. Tom Bradley reviews three probable sources of this illusory wealth that are on the investment landscape today.

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November 28, 2019

By Scott Ronalds

Year-end distributions

All you need to know about distributions, and the estimated year-end figures for our funds.

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November 25, 2019

By Scott Ronalds

The biggest shopping day you've never heard of

Singles' Day, a made-up holiday in China, has turned into the world's biggest shopping day, outpacing Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined — a reminder of the immense scale of China's consumer market.

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November 18, 2019

By Tom Bradley

Private equity has been booming, but public markets are starting to push back

There's a smackdown going on in private equity as public investors are starting to drive a harder bargain.

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November 12, 2019

By Scott Ronalds

The great temptation

Late last year, it looked like a good time to get out of the market and sit out what many observers were forecasting would be an ugly 2019. Hasn't exactly worked out well for those who sold—proving once again that you simply can't time the market.

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November 4, 2019

By Tom Bradley

Time to turn down the vol on investment industry jargon

The investment industry invents new words, gives existing ones new meaning, and of course, there’s a slew of acronyms. Here's a much needed translation.

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October 28, 2019

By Scott Ronalds

The gin & tonic, latest victim of the paradox of choice

Gin is having a moment. The juniper-based spirit is everywhere these days, with more selection than ever. But is a vast product shelf always a good thing for consumers?

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October 21, 2019

By Tom Bradley

The 'R' word — Everybody's talking about it

Whether it’s next week, next year or beyond, we need to remember that a recession’s relationship to investing is a complicated one. Here’s what we mean.

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October 15, 2019

By Tom Bradley

Getting what you deserve from the markets

The struggle between thinking long term and making decisions based on short-term information and feedback is a mighty one. Here's a great video that brings it to life.

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October 9, 2019

By Scott Ronalds

Bradley's Brief — Q3 2019

A brief look at the letter from the Prez.

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October 7, 2019

By Tom Bradley

Is WeWork a disruptor or just another real estate company?

WeWork is the latest poster child for companies that are disrupting established industries. But is it the next Amazon, or the next Valeant? Tom Bradley weighs in.

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October 3, 2019

By Tom Bradley

Currency diversification — yay or nay?

There are ways to avoid the currency risk associated with owning foreign stocks. In our view, though, it's best to avoid such hedging.

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September 26, 2019

By Scott Ronalds

Money for nothing

Money for nothing remains a controversial topic well beyond the Dire Straits song. We explain.

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September 23, 2019

By Tom Bradley

Politics and investing

Ultra-low interest rates and continued borrowing are seemingly the solution to every problem or slowdown these days. Tom Bradley elaborates in his Financial Post column.

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September 16, 2019

By Scott Ronalds

Eating our own cooking

One of our key business tenets is co-investment, or investing alongside our clients. Here's what it means in real money.

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September 12, 2019

By Salman Ahmed

Global Equity Fund — One Year On

It's been a year since we changed the manager of our Global Equity Fund. We walk through why performance has been disappointing thus far and why we have confidence in the new manager.

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September 9, 2019

By Tom Bradley

There's an interesting debate going on in the capital markets right now — bonds vs. stocks

Bonds and stocks are promoting very different outlooks right now. Here are some possible reasons why.

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August 28, 2019

By Scott Ronalds

Real estate stocks and their place in your portfolio

What's a suitable level of exposure to real estate stocks in my portfolio? It's a bit of a loaded question, but here's our response.

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August 26, 2019

By Tom Bradley

Dividend stocks are being touted as a substitute for bonds, but the reality is much more complicated

If you're receiving most of your investment income from stocks, it's time for a gut check.

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August 19, 2019

By Scott Ronalds

Twenty years on, plus one

Scott wrote a reflection last summer on some of the observations, tips and lessons he's learned over two decades working in this business. Well, another year has passed and he thought he'd share one more.

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August 14, 2019

By Salman Ahmed

Market update

An update on the recent market volatility.

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August 12, 2019

By Tom Bradley

How millennial investors can learn from their parents' mistakes

Do something your parents' generation don't do nearly enough of — ask questions.

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August 6, 2019

By Tom Bradley

Are risk ratings getting less useful?

Several fund companies are reducing the risk ratings on many of their funds. Here's why this doesn't pass the smell test.

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July 29, 2019

By Tom Bradley

A closer look at 'liquid alt' funds

With liquid alts there are lots of moving parts, the landscape is competitive, and the fees are high. Tom elaborates in his Financial Post column.

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