
Cutting Through the Noise

June 10, 2011

By Tom Bradley

The Secret of Vanguard's Viral Appeal

We heard this week that Vanguard, the giant U.S. asset manager, is coming to Canada. As a permanent student of the business, I’ve been fascinated by Vanguard for many years. It’s an example of a company that grew through word of mouth. It went viral...

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June 8, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Steady Freddie. Stanley's Coming.

A 7-game playoff series is a unique animal. It’s a roller coaster ride with potential mood swings after each game. It reminds me a lot of investing actually. As I sit here with my Canucks jersey on, I feel like the boring realist. I’ve celebrated each victory and got pissed off after each loss, but in between, I've refused to get too caught up in the hyperbole. I've found myself in a few conversations that go...

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May 31, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Say it Ain't So

I learned last week that the HealthShares Dermatology and Wound Care ETF has been shut down. A shame, really. Seemed like a solid backbone for a portfolio. Investors who like their ETFs sharp and narrow need not fret, however, as the Direxion Daily Daily Agribusiness Bear 3X Shares ETF is still around (for the time...

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May 27, 2011

By Tom Bradley

How Seasoned Managers Stack Up Against the Up-and-comers

“What I find of particular interest is the speed at which changes in communication technology are happening. It’s causing a great intergenerational knowledge gap, which is rather worrisome because many decision makers are still part of my old-fart...

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May 19, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Commodity Prices Take a Breather

In Connor, Clark & Lunn’s latest outlook, they assess the recent pullback in commodity prices. After a sharp run-up that began in early 2009, many commodities have been in retreat recently. Silver has grabbed the headlines, falling over 30% since late April, but...

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May 13, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Cracks Appear in the ETF Halo

Personal disclosure: I’m a dyed-in-the-wool active manager, but admit to having used exchange-traded funds in my portfolio. I’ve tread on the dark side for tax planning purposes and, occasionally, to hedge certain long-term positions. I also must...

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May 10, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Fund Company Calls 'The Cleaner'

“If I’m curt, then I apologize. But as I understand it, we have a situation here and time is of the essence.” - Newman. I’m a Seinfeld junkie. One of my favorite episodes was “The Muffin Tops”, in which Elaine’s former boss (Mr. Lippman) decides to open...

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May 4, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Are Client Returns Secondary?

There was news today that two private equity firms, Berkshire Partners LLC and OMERS Private Equity, are buying Husky International from Onex, another private equity company. This secondary buyout (defined as one private equity firm buying a company...

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April 29, 2011

By Tom Bradley

An Election Platform for Better Investing

I’ve enjoyed watching the federal election campaign, but that’s where it ends. It will have no impact on markets (for more than a day), and my interest in being a public official has never been lower (it’s a brutal job). The office I’m interested in running for, however, is...

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April 27, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Canadians Are Cash Rich

In this space, we’ve talked often about the conundrum cash-rich investors face. If they’ve been out of the market, or are sitting on a high proportion of cash, what do they do? This week there were some comments from Earl (the Pearl) Bederman at Investor...

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April 25, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Cross Country Customer Experiences

How’s this for two totally different customer experiences. Recently I went into Sigge’s, a local cross-country ski store, to buy some equipment. I’ve been a ‘classic’ skier for years, but am increasingly feeling the pressure to keep up with my ‘skate skiing...

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April 19, 2011

By Tom Bradley

145 and Counting

On the plane yesterday I was scanning the list of Canadian exchange-traded funds (ETFs). There were 145 funds on the list from four providers (BMO, Claymore, BlackRock and Horizons BetaPro). I know the numbers are higher now because I...

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April 18, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

A Quick Beer

The following is a recap of Edinburgh Partners Limited’s (EPL) investment in Carlsberg. It’s an example of a turnaround opportunity, which is a common theme in our Global Equity Fund. To re-state the obvious, the recession and credit crisis of 2008/09...

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April 15, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Look for Good Money Managers When They're Down

Value managers make a habit of scanning the 'new lows' list on the stock page. They’re hoping to find good companies that have stumbled and are oversold. Buyers of the funds run by those same managers, however, rarely do that. They most often go for the...

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April 12, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: First Quarter Review

Stock markets pushed forward in the first quarter despite some strong headwinds, including revolutions in North Africa, a powerful earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and lingering sovereign debt issues in Europe. It goes to prove that the linkage between headlines and market returns is anything but precise. In this podcast, we...

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April 8, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Tom on BNN: Balanced Contrarian

Tom was on BNN earlier today discussing how Steadyhand’s funds are positioned to tap into the global recovery and growth in the emerging markets. Unlike some managers, our approach isn’t focused on loading up on mining stocks and direct...

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April 7, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Mortgaging Who's Future?

Irony n. incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs. My brother-in-law and I have an on-going banter going over the usage, or should I say incorrect usage, of the word irony (I lose regularly). Waking up this morning to an...

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April 4, 2011

By Tom Bradley

It's Gross

As managing director of a firm that manages US$1.2 trillion, Bill Gross’ words carry a lot of weight. Indeed, we blog on his writings often. In his April letter, he closes with a tight and powerful summary: “I am confident that this country [U.S.] will default on...

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April 1, 2011

By Tom Bradley

A Coffee Shop Education in Investor-speak

In Toronto last week, I was waiting for a friend at my Starbucks office. As I browsed the Sports section, I couldn’t help but overhear a nearby conversation between two investment types. The checked shirt was leading the discussion. “My overweight in...

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March 31, 2011

By Tom Bradley

The Price of Popularity

There was an article in yesterday’s Globe on closed-end bullion funds that are trading at a premium to their underlying value. Unlike mutual funds, closed-end funds have a fixed number of units available (in the short term at least) and trade on the market like...

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March 30, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Small Talk with Wil Wutherich

Wil Wutherich, the manager of our Small-Cap Equity Fund, is in town this week on a research trip. We booked an afternoon of his time to review the fund and get some further insights on some of the stocks in the portfolio. Topics of discussion include: performance, valuations, and the resource sector, among others. Listen now...

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March 23, 2011

By Scott Ronalds

Concentrate Dammit!

If you drive by 3rd & Burrard in Vancouver, you’ll sometimes hear a loud reverberating sound coming from a stand-alone building nestled between the car dealerships and art galleries. Don’t be alarmed. It’s just us screaming our investment philosophy and industry observations from the rooftop. Some of our neighbours (and competitors) find it annoying, while other observers find it refreshing...

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March 21, 2011

By Tom Bradley

Budget Deficits in Good Times ... Yikes!

When I was a stock analyst at Richardson Greenshields in the 1980’s, I was forced to spend more time analyzing the Federal Budget than I ever wanted to. Everyone in the research team had to determine how the Finance Minister’s words would affect the...

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March 18, 2011

By Tom Bradley

The Joys of Cash and a 1% Return

Over the last two years, I’ve spent most of my time encouraging people to get invested. As a result of the 2008-09 market meltdown, there were, and still are, too many investors who have strayed significantly from their long-term asset mix and are out of the...

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March 17, 2011

By Tom Bradley

What to do About Japan? Part II

While it’s still premature to evaluate the impact that the tragedy in Japan will have on businesses and the economy, Edinburgh Partners (the manager of our Global Equity Fund) has conducted a preliminary assessment. Before addressing specifics, EPL notes...

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