
Cutting Through the Noise

October 21, 2010

By Scott Ronalds

Overheard at The Money Show

We sent our Director of Business Development, David Toyne, to the Money Show in Toronto yesterday to get a reading on what the competition is pushing and the sentiment among investors right now. With his iPhone in hand, he covertly captured...

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October 20, 2010

By Chris Stephenson

Is it True?

In the Canadian House of Commons, “everybody’s trying to get on the National” according to former opposition party leader Preston Manning. Not surprisingly, this creates a temptation to stretch the truth to garner attention. During his address to...

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October 18, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Who is Your Steady Hand?

“I’ve been shaking all night long, but my hands are steady” - from ‘Three Pistols’ by the Tragically Hip. David and I have been doing presentations over the last few weeks and we’ve talked about the notion of a ‘steady hand’. The company name came...

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October 15, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Why Volatility Doesn't Always Equal Risk

When investors open their quarterly statements this month, they’ll be pleasantly surprised. Despite all the doom and gloom, the last three months have brought a year’s worth of returns. But despite the fact that the most recent quarter will bring...

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October 12, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Predicting Inflation - Bonds Can't do it

Michael Nairne of Tacita Capital recently published an interesting piece on inflation. He pointed out that the bond market has been a lousy predictor of where inflation is going. He showed that the holders of both long and medium-term bonds failed to...

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October 1, 2010

By Tom Bradley

To Beat the Market, Try a Little Sensitivity

“Maybe you might have, some advice to give, on how to be insensitive.” The chorus from this great Jann Arden song speaks to where the investment industry has gone over the last 20 years. I’m not referring to touchy-feely, relationship stuff, but rather a hard...

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September 30, 2010

By Scott Ronalds

Tom's Globe Column Moves to Friday

As part of the Globe & Mail redesign, my Buy Side column will appear in the Friday paper (as of October 1st). It's published every second week. As always, the columns will be posted on the Blog later the same the day.

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September 30, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Up the Down Market – We’re #1

It’s not very often that we get to say we’re #1 at anything, whether it be on a personal level or as an organization. In this regard, we’re having an unusual year. In June, Steadyhand was at the top of the list on Morningstar’s Stewardship Grades. In...

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September 29, 2010

By Chris Stephenson

Tell Them What They Want to Hear? NOT.

Last week, David and I attended the eighth annual Institute of Advance Financial Planners (IAFP) Symposium in Banff. The Symposium was appropriately titled “View from the Summit” as the sights of the Rockies were jaw dropping. Preston Manning...

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September 28, 2010

By Scott Ronalds

Dividends in Action

Through the market’s ups and downs over the last few years, one area of stability has been dividends (for investors in Canadian stocks at least). With few exceptions, companies have maintained or increased their dividend payouts, providing...

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September 24, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Closed-end Funds – Math Only a Marketer Could Love

Writing about the unfairness of closed-end funds has been a lonely vigil. Despite the fact that the last year has been a robust period for new issues of these funds, there have only been a few other commentators taking on this egregious industry practice. In...

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September 23, 2010

By Tom Bradley

ING Streetwise - Crossing the Line?

ING has a TV ad running right now on their Streetwise mutual funds. I don’t have any issue with ING or the funds (quite the opposite), but I do think the messaging is misleading. Before I go there, I should provide a little background. Since...

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September 21, 2010

By Scott Ronalds

Beware of Greeks Bearing Bonds

I admit it. I occasionally read Vanity Fair. This month’s edition is worth picking up. Not because Lindsay Lohan is on the cover, but because there’s an interesting piece by Michael Lewis on Greece. For those who aren’t familiar with Lewis...

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September 20, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Bank Capital - Another View

To me, the media coverage on the new banking regulations laid out by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision misses the point (Basel was established in 1974 to improve the quality of banking supervision worldwide). The commentary has focused...

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September 18, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Rewiring Investors' Brains with Good Ideas

Every summer Lori and I make a pilgrimage to the famous Highland Cinema in Kinmount, Ont. This summer’s movie was Inception. While I had mixed feelings about the film (movie – 2 stars; conversation after – 4 stars), I found the...

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September 16, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Counterpoint - It's Bad, But Not All Bad

We continue to be barraged with negative news. Even the most positive economists are projecting slow growth for the next few years, and the bearish ones, whose names all seem to start with ‘R’, send chills down my spine. One sentence in Connor...

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September 13, 2010

By Tom Bradley

More Skin in the Game

At Steadyhand, we’re big on client-manager alignment. We think it’s important that investors work with professionals who share their interests. As clients and regular readers know, we walk the walk in this regard. Each year we publish the...

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September 7, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Conficts of Interests? What Conflicts? Part II

It was revealed last week that regulators are looking into potential conflicts of interest between the banks and their clients. According to the Globe and Mail, the enforcement division of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada...

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September 4, 2010

By Tom Bradley

The Case for Dividend Stocks

One of the joys of my day job is talking with smart, turned-on people from all aspects and levels of the investment business. My good fortune comes from having a long and diverse career (as Woody Allen put it, 90 per cent of life is just showing...

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August 31, 2010

By Scott Ronalds

Taking Stock

Roger Lowenstein’s latest article in The New York Times is a must-read. In Taking Stock, Lowenstein (a financial author and journalist) draws parallels between the investment environment and mindset of individual investors today to that of the 1970s...

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August 30, 2010

By Scott Ronalds

Book Review: False Economy

I recently finished reading False Economy – A Surprising Economic History of the World. Along with its New York Times Bestseller status and praise from all the usual suspects (The Washington Post, Financial Times, The Economist, etc.), I was intrigued...

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August 30, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Bearish Millionaires - Bring it on

t was reported this week that millionaires are feeling more bearish. The Spectrem Millionaire Investor Confidence Index fell to -18, which represents “mildly bearish territory”. Prior to the August score, the index had been in neutral range (-10 to +10)...

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August 26, 2010

By Scott Ronalds

Summer Reruns VIII - Foreign Takeovers

This week’s rerun comes from April 2007. Foreign buyers were on the hunt for Canadian assets, which was stirring emotions and politics at home. Tom weighed in with some unique perspective on the issue. With Potash Corp. now in play, it's...

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August 21, 2010

By Tom Bradley

The Fine Art of Making the Right Investment Call

Portfolio management is both a science and an art. The science can be learned from finance professors and investment books. The art part, however, comes from years at the school of hard knocks. Like every grizzled money manager who’s...

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August 18, 2010

By Scott Ronalds

Summer Reruns VII - Too Many Funds

Flashback to February 2007. It was the middle of RRSP season and Tom Bradley penned a Globe and Mail article that would, in turn, prompt numerous investors and advisers to share stories of their RRSP nightmares. How many funds do you...

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