
Cutting Through the Noise

December 13, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

They Say That Laughter is the Best Medicine

A little Saturday humour to perk you up in these troubling times. The market seems to keep dropping and dropping Because those damn Yankees couldn’t stop shopping Through their homes they’ve borrowed a ton of dough Now they’ve got no ...

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December 12, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Corporate Bonds Assuming Worse than the Worst

This posting is for the bond geeks in the crowd. The manager of our Income Fund, Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management, recently did the following analysis on corporate bonds.  If you passively buy a portfolio of 5-yr U.S. investment ...

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December 11, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Year-end Distributions

A quick reminder that with the exception of the Savings Fund, the year-end distributions of all our funds will be calculated on December 15th and paid on December 16th .  The distribution for the Savings Fund will be calculated on ...

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December 10, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

A Lousy Destination

The latest take on principal protected products comes in the form of life cycle funds with capital guarantees.  For those unfamiliar with life cycle funds, they are simply packaged products that have a target end date and shift the asset ...

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December 9, 2008

By Tom Bradley

China Inc. - Buy, Hold or Sell

I think it’s a fascinating time for China watchers.  What am I saying?  It’s always an interesting time to be a China watcher. There has been an underlying assumption in the market that China will grow rapidly forever.  Government resources ...

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December 6, 2008

By Tom Bradley

No Laughing Matter

The other night Lori and I were drowning our sorrows with a bottle of red wine - markets, markets, markets...drink, drink, drink.  The wine, called Portfolio 2006 , was a diversified mix of Merlot, Cab, Cab Franc, Malbec and Petit ...

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December 4, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Weak Markets Needn't be all That Taxing

We all love to hate taxes.  Especially when it comes to our investments.  This explains why some investors are now busy harvesting losses to offset any prior capital gains.  It also explains the growing number of investment products on the ...

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December 3, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Fund Updates

Suffice to say, we’ve been watching our funds quite closely these days.  We want to make sure that our managers are doing what they do best and are sticking to their investment disciplines.  Following recent calls with the managers of ...

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December 2, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

A Bigg Opportunity?

Aside from having one of the great names in the business, Barton Biggs is a renowned hedge fund manager and author of the popular book Hedgehogging .  Biggs is a great thinker and investor, and in the words of David ...

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December 1, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Armchair v. Professional Investor: These Days it's a Much Fairer Fight

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published November 29, 2008 I've been getting more "hate" mail lately. The e-mails from readers who disagree with me have become more pointed; I need oven mitts to handle some of them. It ...

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November 29, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Recommended Reading

Over the last few months, I’d been avoiding the horrific tales of the U.S. sub-prime mortgage market.  I’d read and heard enough.  It was ‘so last year’.  But this week a friend alerted me to a treatise by Michael Lewis on ...

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November 27, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Is Your Fund Company Betraying Trust?

I recently finished reading Louis Lowenstein’s latest critique of the mutual fund industry, The Investor’s Dilemma: How Mutual Funds are Betraying your Trust and What to do About it .  The book is a great read for investors seeking an ...

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November 21, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Progress on Fund Fees

I have been vocal about our high cost wealth management industry and cynical about pronouncements of fees coming down.  There have been some fee reductions, but for the most part the adjustments have been on small, unpopular funds and/or funds ...

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November 17, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Look For Managers Who Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published November 15, 2008 It's always hard to pick someone to manage your money. You want people with experience and an investment philosophy you're comfortable with. You want to be sure they have ...

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November 4, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Don't Try This at Home

Few of our clients own PPNs (principal-protected notes), so the recent posting on the topic may not be of much interest, but my rant has lessons that apply more generally.  Here are the takeaways.  The investment bankers and marketing executives ...

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November 3, 2008

By Tom Bradley

The Street Should do the Right Thing. Dig a Grave for Those Wretched PPNs

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published November 1, 2008 I've called them the worst of both worlds - bad for equity investors and inappropriate for those seeking a predictable flow of income. And professional money managers would never ...

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October 29, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Lower Returns Going Forward...NOT!

CAC 40 (France) - down 50.5%. FTSE 100 (UK) - down 51.9%. S&P 500 (U.S.) - down 40.3%. Hang Seng (HK) - down 54.0%. MSCI Emerging Markets - down 62.0%. S&P/TSX Composite Index - down 32.8%. These are year-to-date market returns up ...

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October 24, 2008

By Tom Bradley

More of the Same... But Better

There has been a constant theme in this space over the last month or so – hang in there, long-term assets are cheap now, start thinking about the other side of the valley.  A friend and fellow entrepreneur, Thane Stenner, ...

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October 20, 2008

By Tom Bradley

A Grand Opportunity for the Brave as Darwinism Rules the Market

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published October 18, 2008 This earnings season is going to be more interesting than most. There will be some good news, but the bad will dominate the headlines. If I were a chief ...

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October 17, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Memory loss

I often reference Jeremy Grantham, the chairman of GMO in Boston, on the blog and in my columns.  The following clip is from his interview with Barron’s last week . Do you think we will learn anything from all of ...

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October 15, 2008

By Tom Bradley

The CNBC Octabox

I don't watch the U.S. news networks very often, but being on the road during these interesting times, I've tuned in more than usual.  What amazes me is the 'more is better' approach that they are all taking. When I ...

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October 9, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Two Decisions to Make

A friend and client called me yesterday and floated the idea of selling everything and waiting out the storm. Like everyone, his portfolio is down, although he has been relatively well positioned with a large cash/GIC/money market position. Previously in ...

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October 6, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Six Questions to Help You Navigate These Choppy Markets

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published October 4, 2008 “Finding the right answers is easy; it's asking the right questions that's difficult.” Tim Price, the director of investment at PFP Wealth Management in London, started a recent blog ...

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October 3, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

What's Going on Warren?

Warren Buffett was recently interviewed by Charlie Rose. For investors looking for some clarification and insight into what’s currently going on in the United States, the exclusive conversation is an hour well spent. Some advice from the sage: “You want ...

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October 2, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Third Quarter Review

The third quarter of 2008 was an extraordinarily volatile period in the equity markets. In this podcast, we review the quarter and touch on some highlights from our Quarterly Report, which we will be publishing next week.

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