
Cutting Through the Noise

February 26, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Hero to a Heartbeat

In the Globe and Mail today, Derek DeCloet wrote an article about the aftermath of Canada’s great ‘hollowing out’ that took place from 2005 to 2007 - the period when foreigners were swooping in to buy our companies.  There was ...

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February 21, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Tackling Uncertainty This RRSP Season

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published February 21, 2009 As regular readers know, some of my best columns are written for the sole purpose of keeping peace at home. If Lori wants me to write about something, the ...

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February 19, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

The Risk Today is Not Buying Cheap Equities

We posted a blog in late 2007 ( Edicts from Edinburgh ) that highlighted a few excerpts from an interview that Dr. Sandy Nairn, the CEO and founder of Edinburgh Partners Limited (EPL), did with a U.K. publication, Independent Investor ...

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February 17, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Watching the Saxon Merger

We noted in a blog last August ( It’s Getting Lonely ) that Saxon Financial was sold to IGM Financial (Investors Group) in what was yet another example of a direct seller that has turned its focus to the advisor ...

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February 16, 2009

By Tom Bradley

In the Long Term, We're all Dead

That’s how one reader felt about my last Globe and Mail column ( Focusing Too Much on the Short Term Can Lead to a Short Career ).  I stand by what I wrote about long-term thinking, but in response to that ...

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February 11, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Thank You Mr. Market

I own a lot of Cisco shares through my investment in the Steadyhand Equity Fund and Global Equity Fund.  It’s a stock that appears in more than one of our funds.  I just went through the company’s February 4th investor ...

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February 8, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Focusing Too Much on the Short Term Can Lead to a Short Career

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published February 7, 2009 I've been having trouble sleeping, so I dusted off a research report written by my friend, J.J. Woolverton, who is the chairman of Guardian Capital LP (he makes me ...

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February 7, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Going Soft on RIM

“The conduct at issue relates to stock options granting practices at RIM which, over a ten year period from December 1996 to July 2006 were inconsistent with the terms of RIM’s stock option plan and with RIM’s public disclosure.” - ...

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February 5, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Mining for Nuggets

I’ve written about our home team, Teck Corp., in previous postings.  This week Rio Tinto is in the headlines.  Its situation is similar in the sense that six months ago it was a leading resource company, perhaps the premier one ...

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February 3, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Buyer Beware: Leveraged ETFs

Gold was up roughly 1.5% in 2008 (as measured by the S&P/TSX Global Gold Index) - a good year relative to most other investments. If you used a slick new breed of leveraged exchange traded funds (ETFs), you could have doubled your exposure...

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January 29, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Tom & Wil Discuss the Small-Cap Fund

In this podcast, Tom chats with Wil Wutherich, the manager of the Small-Cap Fund, about the fund's performance in 2008, the current opportunities in the market, and some of the fund's larger holdings...

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January 27, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Liquid and Lovin' it

As I was reading the year-end report from CGOV, the manager of our Equity Fund, I was blown away by the numbers.  We’ve talked in the past about the quality of companies in the fund, how well positioned they are ...

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January 25, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Five Misguided Mantras That Should be Put to Rest

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published January 24, 2009 Readers are quick to point out when they think I am naive, dismissive, misinformed or just plain wrong. No doubt there has been some loose analysis in this column ...

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January 22, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

A Mountain of Cash in the Waiting

We've mentioned in recent blogs and podcasts that there's a lot of money sitting on the sidelines as tired investors have been pulling out of the market. With the year-end numbers now rolling in, here are some figures worth noting: ...

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January 15, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Jumping in or Averaging in - Which is Best?

I recently re-read a 2004 article from Bernstein Global Wealth Management entitled Taking the Fear out of Entering Equities .  It did an excellent job of addressing the issue of whether dollar-cost averaging is the best way to invest new ...

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January 13, 2009

By Tom Bradley

This Isn't the RRSP Season to Miss

As regular readers will know, I follow Jeremy Grantham and his colleagues at GMO with great interest.  Jeremy’s quarterly missives are always enlightening and the firm, which is based in Boston, has a great long-term track record.  One of the ...

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January 12, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Fourth Quarter Review

2008 was an ugly year in the capital markets.  In particular, heavy losses were experienced in the fourth quarter, as widespread de-leveraging and indiscriminate selling took place.  Yet, every major market decline presents opportunities and investors should ensure their portfolios are well positioned for the 'other side of the valley'.

In this podcast we review the fourth quarter and provide our thoughts on the markets going forward.

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January 10, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Debt is the Pariah in the New Economic Order

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published January 10, 2009 When trying to explain what's going on in the stock market, we often draw comparisons to the housing market. It helps to put the mysteries of Wall Street into ...

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January 5, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs)

Starting this year, a new savings vehicle will be available to all eligible Canadians who are at least 18 years old.  Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) will enable individuals to invest money in a tax-free structure throughout their lifetimes. Contributions to TFSAs ...

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December 30, 2008

By Scott Ronalds

Readers' Choice - Top Steadyhand Blog Postings of 2008

As 2008 comes to an end (thank god!), we’d like to thank all of the loyal readers of our blog.  We hope you’ve enjoyed our thoughts, opinions, commentaries, criticisms, musings and satires on investing and the industry that we call ...

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December 29, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Crystal-ball Gazing for 2009 - After a Less Than Stellar Shot at 2008

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published December 27, 2008 The year 2008 was a tough one for prognosticators. Certainly my previously impeccable record was severely tarnished. Last year's Christmas column had a few things right - Bill Holland ...

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December 20, 2008

By Tom Bradley

He Couldn't Carry Trevor's Bag

I’m a sports fan. I’m a Canucks fan. I was a Mats Sundin fan.  Until now. Mats’ little dance with NHL general managers is one of the most cynical things I’ve witnessed in sports - the NY Knicks signing of ...

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December 18, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Road of Least Recovery

I am on a list to receive a daily email advertisement from  I see a different product from a different company every day.  For me, it’s a great way to keep in touch with what products are being pushed ...

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December 15, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Podcast: Amid the Doom and Gloom, it's Time to Hatch a Strategy for Better Times

In this podcast, I expand on my latest Globe and Mail column, where I identify three reasons why investors should be looking beyond the doom and gloom: (1) stock and corporate bond valuations are very attractive, (2) investor sentiment is close to maximum bearishness, and (3) there's a mound of cash building up on the sidelines...

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December 15, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Amid the Doom and Gloom, it's Time to Hatch a Strategy for Better Times

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published December 13, 2008 “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” In a recent series of client presentations, we used these words from Iron Mike Tyson to segue from ...

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