
Cutting Through the Noise

October 21, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Central Bankers Have an Ego Problem

Governments and central bankers are trying to micro-manage the economy. Never a good thing.

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October 18, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Three Ways to Manage Risk in this Volatile Market

Looking at managing risk through the lens of three types of investors.

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October 16, 2014

By Tom Bradley

A Narrowing Housing Market

The housing market is being carried by the Hot 3 - Calgary, Toronto and Vancouver.

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October 9, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Why We Have Low Interest Rates

An excellent rundown by CC&L of why interest rates are going to stay low.

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October 7, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Carry on Bravely

We wouldn’t normally comment on short-term market moves, but the recent turbulence is elevating the emotions of some investors.

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October 2, 2014

By Tom Bradley

The Poor Banks

Some bankers are complaining that new regulations favour non-bank lenders. But is the grumbling warranted?

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September 23, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Four Questions You Need to Answer About Your Current Asset Mix

The down part of any market cycle is when the biggest mistakes are made, but bull markets also require discipline, patience and fortitude.

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September 11, 2014

By Tom Bradley

What's Wrong With Vanilla?

A lot of money is flowing into alternative investments again. But what's wrong with good old stocks and bonds?

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September 9, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Central Bankers - Dreams and Distortions

A look at the whacky world of central bank micro management.

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September 4, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Eating our own Cooking

On average, our team has 89% of our financial assets invested in the Steadyhand funds. That's home cooking!

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September 2, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Unfinished Business: It's Time to End Embedded Commissions

CRM2 represents a huge step forward, but without eliminating the complexity and potential conflicts inherent in trailers, it’s unfinished business.

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August 27, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Embrace Volatility - Generate Better Returns

“It’s not volatility itself that generally leads to poor longer-term performance, but rather it appears to be investors’ emotional reactions to volatility that ultimately lead to poor performance.” – Richard Bernstein, Richard Bernstein Advisors, New York. This is an ...

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August 25, 2014

By Tom Bradley

The New Xerox

When I came out of business school too long ago, it was a given that if you wanted to pursue a sales career, you went for a job with Xerox or IBM. These organizations put their recruits through extensive training and were known to be the best sales organizations ...

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August 21, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Global Equity Fund - Why Japan?

One of the more ‘non-consensus’ strategies we’ve pursued over the last few years has been the Global Equity Fund’s commitment to Japan. Although there have been periods when Japan has contributed to client returns, on balance it has been a drag so far ...

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August 19, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Buying Canada: An Inexact Science

There was a story in the Report on Business on Monday about the results so far from China’s oil investments in Canada. To date, Chinese energy acquisitions (including CNOOC’s purchase of Nexen and Petrochina’s pending acquisition of 40% of ...

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August 15, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Topping up the Spending Reserve

It's been a good time to be an investor over the last five years, but at Steadyhand we've been playing a cautionary tune of late. As we explain in our Current Thinking on the Home Page, valuations are getting stretched in the bond and stock markets. Clients should ...

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August 13, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Searching for a Portfolio Manager

One of the joys of Steadyhand's success is that we get to bring other turned-on people into the company and gain from their experiences and energy. With our growth, it's time to add some depth to the investment side of the firm. In our latest posting, we're looking ...

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August 8, 2014

By Tom Bradley

The Long-term Forecast: Hazy

So far, it’s been a crappy summer in southern Ontario – cool, rainy and unpredictable. I recently finished two weeks at Crystal Lake, so I experienced it firsthand. Near the end of the holiday, I had two people say to me that we need to get used to this type of weather ...

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July 30, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Canadian Real Estate - A Crack in the Tree

“It’s like if the tree in the backyard has a crack in it, you worry it’s vulnerable to a storm. But if no storm happens, it goes on and on, and maybe eventually strengthens through growth. If the right storm comes along and knocks it onto your neighbour’s house ...

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July 29, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Meet Lori

Meet our newest steady hand, Lori Norman.

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July 23, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Want to be a Better Investor? Think of Yourself as the CEO

Much has been written about the flaws of the investment industry. Recently Michael Lewis stirred the pot with his book about high-frequency trading called Flash Boys. In this space, I’ve talked often about high fees, complex products, unattainable promises, and ...

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July 21, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Steadyhand has now been in business for over seven years. That’s exciting for all kinds of reasons, but today I’ll focus on just one – investment returns. We now have 7-year numbers, and not one, not two, but three 5-year performance periods. Clients can look ...

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July 14, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Asking About Fees

In his column in the Report on Business the other week (How to Discuss Fees With Your Investment Adviser), Rob Carrick provided investors with a list of questions to ask their adviser about fees. In case any Steadyhand clients are interested in asking the questions ...

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July 10, 2014

By Tom Bradley

One National Regulator - Two Small Steps

It was announced yesterday that Saskatchewan and New Brunswick have joined Ontario and British Columbia in committing to a Federal securities regulator, currently (and hopefully temporarily) named the Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System. Why do ...

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July 7, 2014

By Tom Bradley

Bond Yields - Ontario vs Italy

In presentations over the last year, I’ve often referred to Ontario as the Italy of Canada. In other words, its finances are abysmal. At a time when the province’s key economic drivers, housing and autos, are booming, the fiscal deficits are large and show signs of ...

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