
Cutting Through the Noise

October 29, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Asleep at the Switch

I had a nightmare last night. I dreamed that I was on the board of JP Morgan. It was no fun. For those of you who aren’t familiar, JPM is a huge multinational bank. For decades, it was revered as one of the leading institutions in the world, but it’s now in high...

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October 25, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Keys to the Game

Sports broadcasts usually start with the color commentator providing viewers with the ‘Keys to the Game’. For the Maple Leafs, it might be: (1) contain Crosby, (2) pound the Penguins’ defense and (3) pray. I don’t watch enough sports to be definitive on...

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October 18, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Stealth Economic Trends

A lot of the writing Scott and I do is aimed at breaking down common perceptions about economics and investing that are out of date or inaccurate. On that note, my friend Bing Monahan sent me an article from The Atlantic that outlines 10 economic trends...

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October 16, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Governments - High Leverage, Low Margins

While the Republicans and Democrats are duking it out in Washington over the debt ceiling, it’s ironic that the Congressional Budget Office is unable to report the fiscal year-end budget numbers (it’s not deemed an essential service and is shut down...

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October 4, 2013

By Tom Bradley

What the Past Two Years Should Have Taught Investors About Forecasting

Let’s pretend it’s two years ago and we’re having coffee. I ask you to predict how your stock portfolio will do over the next two years, but there’s a twist. I have divine insight and can tell you in advance what September, 2013, will look like. As it happens, we're...

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October 2, 2013

By Tom Bradley

New Listings = Recycled Economy

Toronto Stock Exchange runs print ads every six months to celebrate/welcome their new listings. I find it informative to see the mix of businesses that are going public. Certainly, it’s changed significantly from the early days of my career. This month’s...

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September 27, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Tax Dollars and Consumer Protection

This week I’ve been seeing and hearing ads from the Federal government defending their cell phone policies. The ads are in response to the telecom industry’s active campaign to discredit those policies. Seeing my tax dollars used to debate policy with a self...

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September 26, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Steadyhand Clients Speak Out

We think it’s important to check in periodically with our clients to ensure we are on the right track. Recently, we surveyed about half of them to get their feedback. We thank everyone who took a few minutes to participate. The results are overwhelmingly...

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September 24, 2013

By Tom Bradley

REITs – A Concise History

It’s the 20th anniversary of REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) in Canada. In the Report on Business today, Tara Perkins goes through their history, from being a accidental solution to a “disaster” to a thriving part of our capital markets today. It’s...

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September 23, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Rules to Remember

Bob Farrell is a legendary Wall Street figure. He was Chief Market Strategist at Merrill Lynch for 25 years. One of the things he is well known for is his '10 Market Rules to Remember'. They’re well worth remembering.

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September 18, 2013

By Tom Bradley

An Uneven Path to Success

Last week, Vanguard published an article on active management entitled, 'Success factors for actively managed funds'. While this giant U.S. mutual fund and ETF company is known for being the birth place of indexing, it also has a large portion of its assets in actively...

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September 16, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Meet Cheryl

I’m pleased to introduce our newest member of the team, Cheryl Shkurhan. Cheryl is taking on the role of Investor Specialist and will work closely with Chris, Scott, David, Sher and me in helping our clients build and manage portfolios. Cheryl holds Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) designations and brings a diverse background and skill-set to the firm. She spent the past...

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September 12, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Steadyhand Discloses Insider Trading

As we do every year at this time, we’ve updated our figures on co-investment (the practice of investing alongside our clients). We feel there’s no better way to illustrate our commitment to our investment philosophy, approach, and ultimately our clients...

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September 10, 2013

By Tom Bradley

China's Credit Boom - No Simple Answers

I wrote last week about Canada’s consumer debt challenge and noted that the scary numbers were a risk to the Canadian economy, but that other factors, including global economic trends, would be more important drivers of our stock market. One...

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September 6, 2013

By Tom Bradley

The Scariest Chart

In last Friday’s Report on Business, Scott Barlow wrote an article entitled, ‘The Scariest Chart You’ll See all Year’ (it was a price chart showing how the S&P/TSX Composite Index has diverged from the MSCI Emerging Markets Index after tracking it closely...

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September 4, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Clients versus Shareholders

In the asset management business, there has to be a balance between the best interests of the clients and those of the shareholders. A manager must make judgments on a number of factors whereby existing clients have different interests than...

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August 22, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Accounting - It's Magic

It’s a sad statement. Glencore Xstrata, the Swiss mining giant, announced that it’s taking a US$7.7 billion writedown on its investment in Xstrata. Writedowns in the resource sector are a daily event right now, but … but … Glencore just bought Xstrata for US$29 billion...

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August 13, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Real Estate - Then and Now

Scott and I met with a client recently who owns a number of commercial buildings. He was telling us a story about his first purchase in the early 1980’s. Along with a few partners, he bought a building at a fraction of its value (in his opinion), but had to finance it with...

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August 7, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Mr. Market – Use His Pocketbook, Not His Wisdom

Catching up on my reading, I came across Warren Buffett's classic analysis of "Mr. Market" in the Berkshire Hathaway's 1987 Annual Report (it was referenced in Michael Price's weekly letter). Here it is (with the emphasis being mine...

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July 22, 2013

By Tom Bradley

RRSP Transfers - An Industry Embarrassment

I’ve written about RRSP transfers a few times and will continue to do so because the way some large institutions treat their investment clients is ridiculous, abysmal, maddening, inexcusable, disrespectful, unnecessary, unethical, despicable, appalling...

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July 17, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Investing and my New Smart Phone

I recently got a new Blackberry Z10. I’m having a lot of fun with it, although it’s been a steep learning curve given that my previous phone was a three year old antique. A combination of the phone and the constant barrage of articles about Twitter...

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July 3, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Better Investors - One Article at a Time

“I long ago concluded that regression to the mean is the most powerful law in financial physics.” ... “Approximately 99% of the time, the single most important thing investors should do is absolutely nothing.” ... “This time is never different.” In an article last...

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June 24, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Why Rising Interest Rates Can Be Better For Your Portfolio

Over the last couple of weeks, the markets have been in retreat and the headlines have turned decidedly negative (the latter due to the former). Investors are nervous about what is going to happen next. My response? Don’t let the recent mayhem put you off track...

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June 13, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Real Estate Update - Part III: Why so Bearish?

In the previous two posts, I put my perspective on the current news around the Canadian housing market and reviewed the valuation measures. Mercifully, in this final one, I want to talk about what REALLY worries me. My biggest concerns are what I’ve already...

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June 12, 2013

By Tom Bradley

Real Estate Update - Part II: It's all About Mortgage Rates

In this, the 2nd of 3 posts on the Canadian housing market, I address valuation. Near-zero interest rates are absolutely driving this market. The problem is, low rates are transient, while purchase prices live on forever. In today’s terms, transient means that it’s...

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