
Cutting Through the Noise

April 21, 2008

By Tom Bradley

The Increasing Complexity - and Masked Risks - of Wealth Management

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business. Published April 19, 2008 Purdy, what were you thinking? Didn't you know how complex and convoluted investment products have become? Didn't you know this would become a hornet's nest with many different interests ...

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April 8, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Fund Fees Coming Down; Cost of Investing Going Up

Last Saturday (April 5th), Globe and Mail columnist Rob Carrick wrote a piece ( Fund Fees that Have Fallen the Most ) featuring mutual funds where the management expense ratio is falling.   He published a list of the ‘Top 30 MER decliners’ (click ...

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April 7, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Odds Can be Stacked in Your Favour Buying Bank Stocks for the Long Term

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published April 5, 2008 A couple of times in recent months I've used the banks as a framework for talking about investing and the buy side of the street. I'm back at it. ...

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April 4, 2008

By Tom Bradley

"You Like Me. You Really Like Me!"

Who can forget Sally Field’s acceptance speech at the Oscars in 1985?   The Canadian mutual industry has taken a page from Sally’s delivery.  As Jonathan Chevreau points out in his blog today, the Lipper annual awards gala held in Toronto ...

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April 2, 2008

By Tom Bradley

One Year Performance for the Steadyhand Funds

Oh boy, we finally get to release our investment returns .  The markets having been so...well...interesting.  We’ve been busting to get the numbers out. You may remember that until we renewed our prospectus, we weren’t allowed to provide fund returns ...

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March 28, 2008

By Tom Bradley

TD Bank - Just too Cheap!

I was in Toronto this week and met with the crew at CGOV to talk about the Equity Fund.  We covered lots of ground, which we’ll report on in our Quarterly Report that will be published on or around April ...

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March 24, 2008

By Tom Bradley

In Turbulent Times, the Wise Investor Should Ignore Fears and Get a Little Greedy

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published March 22, 2008 Between now and the time I publish my next column, you should receive a quarterly statement from your investment adviser or manager. Get prepared. Your net worth will have ...

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March 17, 2008

By Tom Bradley

In Need of a Steady Hand

The news just keeps getting worse.  Today it’s the announcement that one of Wall Street’s revered investment dealers, Bear Stearns, is being bailed out and shareholders are going to lose almost everything.  Despite the fact that Bear was a poster ...

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March 14, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Pushing Back on PPNs

I received an email from an investor today relating to my column in the Globe last week .  With her permission, I’ve posted our correspondence below. Mr Bradley, Our investment advisor is trying to sell us PPN's which we are ...

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March 10, 2008

By Tom Bradley

At its Heart, Investing is About Risk, and Stacking the Odds in Your Favour

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published March 8, 2008 During the RRSP season we were barraged with ads from the banks and insurance companies. In light of the recent market turbulence, the emphasis has been on their ‘risk ...

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February 28, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Put the Investment Guys Back in Charge

In the investment business, Royal Bank and PH&N stole all the headlines last week (including on our blog), but there was another piece of news that relates closely to what we’re doing at Steadyhand.  It was the announcement of a ...

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February 25, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Mixed Emotions: Sadness, Fascination and Excitement Over the PH&N Sale

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published February 23, 2008 It appeared on my BlackBerry screen on Thursday afternoon. Word from the office that Royal Bank was buying Phillips Hager & North. My first reaction was to shrug and ...

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February 21, 2008

By Tom Bradley

February 11, 2008

By Tom Bradley

'Decoupling' Theory Plays Down our Integrated and Leveraged World

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published February 9, 2008 In 2007, the capital markets were defined by acronyms (CDO, ABCP, SIV, CDS), but the big new word doing the rounds now is "decoupling". Decoupling refers to an economic ...

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February 6, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Divergent Returns - Time to Rebalance

In 2007, the total return of the S&P/TSX Composite Index was +9.8%. The MSCI World Index (in Canadian dollar terms) was -7.5%. This divergence of returns means that if you’ve done nothing in the past year, Canadian equities are a ...

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January 28, 2008

By Tom Bradley

As Winners and Losers Get Sorted Out, There's Opportunity for Gains

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published January 26, 2008 I had a column written for this week on how investors should expect lower returns, lower than what they have achieved in the past 10 to 25 years. I ...

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January 24, 2008

By Tom Bradley

George and Ben - Take a Holiday (Part II)

A friend of mine who lives in the U.S. sent me a comment on my last blog that is worthy of a posting of its own. She is witnessing first-hand the fallout in the housing market and has a few ...

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January 21, 2008

By Tom Bradley

George and Ben - Take a Holiday

I can’t contain myself any longer. Do people really expect Ben Bernanke, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and George Bush to come to the rescue of the failing U.S. economy? Are they nuts? Ben’s predecessor, Alan Greenspan, and George ...

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January 16, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Time to Recycle, the Closet's Full

A friend was telling me about a discipline she enforces in her household - if anyone brings a new piece of clothing into the house, they have to get rid of something. It keeps the drawers and closets in reasonable ...

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January 10, 2008

By Tom Bradley

Depleted, Can Trimark Still Execute?

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published January 12, 2008 Note: this article is a revised version of a previous blog posting titled Fit to be Tyed that was picked up by the Globe and Mail. It was a ...

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January 7, 2008

By Tom Bradley

The Investment Profession-versus-business Tug of War

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published January 5, 2008 Over the holidays I had a chance to read Michael Mauboussin's More Than You Know: Finding Financial Wisdom in Unconventional Places . From his perch as chief investment strategist ...

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December 23, 2007

By Tom Bradley

On Fund Mergers, Facebook and Lawn Clippings

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published December 22, 2007 I put my neck on the line last year with some bold and provocative predictions for 2007 . Rather than make economic or market calls, however, I focused on ...

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December 20, 2007

By Tom Bradley

A Recurring Extraordinary Event

Yesterday Morgan Stanley took a mortgage-related write-down of $9.4 billion, which led to a sizeable loss for the bank’s fourth quarter. This amount was an increase of $5.7 billion from an estimate it gave the street on November 8th. By ...

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December 12, 2007

By Tom Bradley

No U.S. Equities Please

We are not a big firm and don’t talk to thousands of investors on a daily basis, but Chris, Scott and I do talk to a fair number. From our conversations, there is one theme that recurs constantly. I DON’T ...

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December 10, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Why are the Banks Trading so Cheaply?

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published December 8, 2007 What price-earnings multiple would you put on a company that is growing at 10 per cent, is highly profitable and pays a healthy dividend? A company that has steadily ...

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