
Cutting Through the Noise

December 6, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Edicts from Edinburgh

“ As always the key remains to focus on long-term valuations and step aside from the emotional rollercoaster which accompanies it. ” This is an excerpt from a recent interview that Dr. Sandy Nairn, the CEO and founder of Edinburgh ...

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December 4, 2007

By Tom Bradley

PPNs V: The Lunacy Continues

Globe and Mail columnist Rob Carrick has recently been pounding the table on the poor investment merit of principal-protected notes (PPNs). In his column in last Saturday’s Report on Business ( A Do-it Yourself Principal Protection Plan ), Rob reiterates ...

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November 30, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Having a 'First Paycheque' Moment? Please Call

It’s the most important moment in one’s investment career - the day they receive their first paycheque. That is the moment that a young person can start a discipline that will last a lifetime - a discipline that will set ...

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November 27, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Thumb Sucking = Better Long-term Returns

Research studies have consistently shown that investors do worse than the mutual funds they invest in. And depending on what study you read, the shortfall is sometimes quite substantial. David Sung, from Nicola Wealth Management in Vancouver, has written an ...

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November 26, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Short-term Market Pain is a Chance for Long-term Gain

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published November 24, 2007 Over the last few weeks, I've been spending lots of time speaking with clients and other investors. It's been interesting because while I want to talk about Steadyhand, Steve ...

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November 19, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Hanging out with Christine

While in Toronto last week, I spent some time with Christine Montgomery and Cathy Alsop from Edinburgh Partners (EP). One of the reasons Christine and Cathy were in town was to present to a group of clients and other investors ...

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November 12, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Stick to the Fundamentals and Good Things can Happen

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published November 10, 2007 As an equity guy, I don't like to admit it, but I recently spent some time with the bond team at Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management. Bondies aren't ...

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November 8, 2007

By Tom Bradley

I'll be Happy With 10% a Year

I don’t know what the market is going to do in the coming months. I do know we will have weak markets at some point (and I suspect they could be quite messy given the extremes we are now experiencing ...

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November 6, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Lump of Coal Award

As I caught up on my reading this weekend, I was perusing an advertising feature that the Investment Fund Institute of Canada (IFIC) placed in the papers last week. The lead article was a review of a survey that IFIC ...

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October 30, 2007

By Tom Bradley

On the Road Again: Please Don't Breathe on Me

After being grounded for five months, I got back on the road last week. Connor, Clark & Lunn was putting on an Investor Day in Toronto for their clients and that was ample reason to get me on a plane ...

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October 29, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Investors Have More Options, so Should Fund Managers

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published October 27, 2007 My partners and I were bouncing around ideas this week for an advertising program. We weren't coming up with anything too brilliant and even starting to get a little ...

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October 22, 2007

By Tom Bradley

New Point-of-Purchase Document: Our Comments to the Regulators

We have recently submitted a comment to the Joint Forum of Financial Regulators on their proposal (National Instrument 81-406) for a point-of-purchase document for mutual and segregated funds. If you have trouble sleeping, we have posted a copy of our ...

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October 17, 2007

By Tom Bradley

The ETF Diaries - Claymore's Response

On August 13th, we published a piece titled Proud to Shroud II – Claymore Balanced Funds , in which we discussed two new ETFs being offered by Claymore Investments. The new funds prompted us to make two comments. First, these ...

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September 25, 2007

By Tom Bradley

The ETF Diaries - Part IV: As Splinters Get Thinner, They Get Sharper

On , William Bernstein recently published an article titled ‘ Comin’ Around Again? ’ in which he made some comments on the proliferation of ETF offerings in the U.S. I think it serves as a good follow-up to our ...

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August 13, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Proud to Shroud II - Claymore Balanced Funds

I’m picking on Claymore Investments again. I don’t have a thing about them, but they’re hard to ignore because they advertise a lot and are releasing a steady stream of new products. They are also an interesting firm in that ...

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August 8, 2007

By Tom Bradley

TD Securities II - Wow, That was a Decision!

I wrote a piece in March about the TD Bank double ending an investment banking transaction ( TD Securities Does a Double Ender ). The theme of the posting was how free the investment banks are to operate with huge ...

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August 7, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Time for Advisers to Temper Investor Expectations

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published August 4, 2007 At some point in the next year or two, it is going to get much harder to be an investment professional. A significant market decline and/or bursting of the ...

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July 31, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Private Equity II - Jeremy Grantham's Buyer's Guide

I’ve admitted before that I am a Jeremy Grantham junky. He’s not ahead of Steve Nash or Lucinda Williams, but he’s in the running. He’s often accused of being perpetually bearish, as am I, but both of us are able ...

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July 25, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Podcast: Edinburgh Partners & the Steadyhand Global Equity Fund (mp3)

In this podcast, Dr. Sandy Nairn, the chief executive of Edinburgh Partners, discusses his firm's history, investment philosophy, approach to global equity investing, and why "this time it's different" are the four most expensive words in the investing language.

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July 23, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Will Going Public Kill Private Equity?

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published July 21, 2007 My first gig in the investment industry in the early eighties was as a conglomerate analyst at Richardson Greenshields. It was while doing that job I first became sensitive ...

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July 19, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Observations on Client Portfolios

Chris, Scott and I have had ample opportunity to see what’s going on out there in investor land as we’ve each had a chance to work with a number of our new clients. We have done enough portfolio reviews and ...

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July 9, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Small Investors Can Also Benefit From the Buffett Doctrine

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Published July 7, 2007 Avner Mandelman's column in this space last Saturday featured the investment philosophy of Warren Buffett. If you've been reading this column or my blog, it's obvious that I also ...

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June 28, 2007

By Tom Bradley

The ETF Diaries - Part III

We read in Larry MacDonald’s blog ( Avalanche of New Exchange Traded Funds ) on the Canadian Business site that there have been 18 new exchange-traded funds (ETFs) created this year in Canada. Horizons BetaPro has been the most active ...

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June 27, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Star Managers on the Move II - A Race for the Door

We’ve written about fund manager changes a couple of times this year ( When a Manager Moves, Be Prepared and Knowing When to Sell is Key to Smart Investing ). Needless to say, we think that the person pulling the ...

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June 25, 2007

By Tom Bradley

Flashback - What Could Have Happened to Telus?

There has been lots written about the impact that hedge funds and private equity firms are having on the stewardship of public companies. There is a concern, which I share, that with these deep-pocketed players hovering, it is more difficult ...

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