
Cutting Through the Noise

March 16, 2022

By Tom Bradley

An update on our funds amidst the market’s heightened volatility

It's been a volatile start to the year. We shed some light on the declines in the capital markets and recent activity in our funds.

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March 7, 2022

By Tom Bradley

Staying diversified may be tough in chaotic times, but it's worth the trouble

Diversification may not be free anymore, but make no mistake, it's still a bargain.

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February 22, 2022

By Tom Bradley

A handful of things investors can actually control to generate better returns

Tips to help you stay steady and get the most out of your portfolio over the long term.

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February 7, 2022

By Tom Bradley

Investors have subsidized our Uber rides, Spotify tunes and Netflix binging — but maybe not for much longer

The stock market may be putting a kibosh on the so-called 'non-profit' sector. Tom Bradley explains in his Financial Post column.

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February 2, 2022

By Tom Bradley

The most expensive shoes you'll ever buy

A little mind exercise for when you're contemplating that next pair of kicks.

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January 24, 2022

By Tom Bradley

Four reasons the stock market will forever be unpredictable, erratic and prone to exaggeration

Over the past few remarkable years, we’ve seen extremes in both bullishness and bearishness on the same stocks, sometimes weeks apart and with little change in the fundamental outlook. Here are a few explanations for these roller-coaster rides.

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January 20, 2022

By Tom Bradley

When to sell

Selling is an underrated skill in investing. It’s also an area where investors act less rationally. Here are a few words of wisdom on the topic from Howard Marks.

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January 10, 2022

By Tom Bradley

Elon Musk? Apple? Nah, interest rates were the real star of the year

Elon Musk and Apple received most of the attention last year, but the acceptance that interest rates were going to stay low indefinitely had a greater impact on investor returns. Tom Bradley explains in his Financial Post column.

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December 20, 2021

By Tom Bradley

It's hard not to dance when everyone else is having a great time

We’re at a point in the business cycle when the disc jockey is playing Shout by the Isley Brothers and investors can’t stop dancing. Tom Bradley explains in his latest Financial Post article.

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December 16, 2021

By Tom Bradley

The 2021 Bank Profit Indicator: Blasting to a new high

Canada's big banks make gobs of money. We feel obligated to report just how much.

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December 6, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Trending or ending? It pays to dig a little in the current market

Change and disruption is happening at a breakneck pace. Which is why it’s important to differentiate between the trends that are just getting started and those that are fading, as well as the ones that are COVID19-induced flash in the pans.

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November 22, 2021

By Tom Bradley

The 'next big thing'?

For all the hype and media attention around ETFs, the growth of the Canadian market has been underwhelming. What's more, the most important ETF trend over the past decade is one that has garnered few headlines. Tom Bradley explains in his Financial Post column.

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November 8, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Investors have been enjoying a smooth ride, but now the hard part begins

Investing is a marathon, not a sprint, which is why investors need to be mentally prepared to grind out the tough miles. Tom Bradley elaborates in his latest Financial Post article.

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October 25, 2021

By Tom Bradley

The four most dangerous words in investing

They’re known as the four most dangerous words in investing: This time is different. They’re dangerous because it usually isn’t different. To be sure, one element of investing that is never different 'this time' is investor behaviour. Tom Bradley explains.

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October 21, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Manager change for the Global Equity Fund

Aristotle Capital Management has taken over sub-adviser responsibilities for our Global Equity Fund, replacing Velanne Asset Management. We walk through the reasons for the change, and why we're excited to be partnering with Aristotle.

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October 12, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Lost perspective: Three things investors have taken too far

A long boom cycle combined with short memories has created some dangerous misconceptions. Tom Bradley highlights three.

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September 27, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Is it time to raise cash?

One question keeps coming up in discussions with investors: Is it time to raise cash? Our answer is a resounding 'it depends.' Tom Bradley elaborates in his latest Financial Post article.

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September 13, 2021

By Tom Bradley

The seven P's you need to follow when hiring an adviser or investment manager

Tom Bradley walks through the framework we use when selecting managers for our funds — what we call the Seven P's.

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August 30, 2021

By Tom Bradley

ESG is here to stay — here's what investors need to know

Investing is all about trade-offs and ESG is no different. It might be here to stay, but there’s still more questions than answers, and a whole lot more to talk about. Tom Bradley elaborates in his Financial Post column.

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August 16, 2021

By Tom Bradley

How investors can narrow the gap between their risk capacity and risk appetite

Your personal history has a lasting impact on your outlook and ability to take risks. Tom Bradley explains in his latest Financial Post article.

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August 5, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Which way to bet on inflation?

Inflation has been picking up and the question is being asked, is it transitory or more permanent?

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August 3, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Ecosystem for failure

How the 'gamification' of investing is creating an ecosystem for failure.

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July 19, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Cryptocurrencies, SPACs, lumber and more — the second quarter was filled with violent reversals

The theme for the second quarter was trend reversal. The issues most talked about at the beginning of April ended up going the other way, notably interest rates, 'reopening stocks', cryptocurrencies, and lumber.

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July 5, 2021

By Tom Bradley

Want to try do-it-yourself investing? These tips from the pros will improve your outcomes

A DIY trend often springs up after a long bull market, but this one may have staying power. If you’re doing your own thing, however, you shouldn’t totally dismiss professional management. Here are some habits and disciplines you can borrow from the pros that will improve your outcomes.

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June 21, 2021

By Tom Bradley

10 things we (still) know for sure about markets and investing

Tried and true investing principles that will never let you down.

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