
Cutting Through the Noise

December 26, 2009

By Tom Bradley

The Decade That Was: A Lot Has Happened Since Y2K

We'll be turning the calendar to a new decade in a few days and I've been asking people for their take on it. The response has been underwhelming. Seems nobody has thought about it and a few were even caught off-guard, saying only, “Has it really been 10...

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December 17, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Steadyhand Holiday Letter

Dear clients, friends, and those who came across our company searching for a camcorder that doesn't shake: It was a memorable year for Steadyhand and Canadian investors. Following a disastrous 2008 in the equity markets, it looked as though the...

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December 16, 2009

By Tom Bradley

The Hard Questions - Part III: Getting Back In

Maybe the hardest conversations we have today are with prospective investors who got out of equities in 2008 or early this year and did not get back in. What do they do now? There is really just one answer to the question and then a bunch of execution issues...

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December 14, 2009

By Tom Bradley

How to Reap Opportunity in Investment Excess

John Bogle starts his latest book, Enough, with a great story. Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller were at a party hosted by a hedge fund manager. Mr. Vonnegut muses that their host makes more money in a day than Mr. Heller earned from his wildly successful novel...

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December 11, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Year-end Distributions

A quick reminder that with the exception of the Savings Fund, the year-end distributions of all our funds will be calculated on December 15th and paid on December 16th. The distribution for the Savings Fund will be calculated on December 31st. Distributions...

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December 10, 2009

By Tom Bradley

The Hard Questions - Part II: Inflation and Rising Rates

Interest rates have a profound effect on portfolio returns. The level of rates sets a base for on-going income and changes in rates affects security prices. As rates drop, bond prices rise and vice versa. The 25-year bull market for bonds and stocks that...

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December 8, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Conflicts of Interests? What Conflicts?

When I was working at Richardson Greenshields in the 80’s, my partners and I watched as all of our big competitors got bought up by the banks – Gundy went to CIBC, DS to Royal, McLeod to Scotia and Nesbitt to BMO. As one of the largest independents left...

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December 3, 2009

By Tom Bradley

The Hard Questions - Part I: The U.S. Dollar

Chris, Sher and I were out meeting prospective clients last week and there were a few questions/concerns that came up over and over again. For the most part we have discussed them in the blog, but it struck me that we could be more direct in...

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December 2, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Reading Month

If this month is like previous years, the content in the business publications and industry research will get less and less relevant as we move towards the New Year. Around Christmas the papers and on-line sources will be peppered with fluffy year-end pieces...

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November 28, 2009

By Tom Bradley

HST Will Hurt Investors and Their Nest Eggs

Note to reader: I have an axe to grind. I own and operate a low-cost mutual fund company – and I'm hopping mad about the HST. The impact of Ontario and British Columbia's harmonized sales tax will be negative for investors. No matter who you...

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November 26, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Tom on BNN

Tom will be on Business News Network (BNN) tomorrow morning (November 27th) from 9-10 AM eastern time. He’ll be sitting in with Marty Cej and Frances Horodelski on Market Morning. Black Friday just got a whole lot brighter...

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November 23, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Riding the Pine

Recent data out of the U.S. suggests that American retail (individual) investors have been watching the stock market rally from the sidelines. According to a report by Morningstar USA, investors have pulled an estimated $4.4 billion out of U.S. equity funds so far this...

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November 19, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Caution Clarified

In my recent article, The Party is Rolling Again, so be Cautious, I throw a little cold water on the market rally we’re enjoying. I think it’s important to reiterate how a view like this relates to an investor’s asset mix. The key line in the article is near the end – “I've...

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November 18, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Want an ETF? Stick with Vanilla

Invesco Trimark announced this week that it is offering a new series of mutual funds based on existing exchange traded funds (ETFs) offered by an affiliated company, U.S.-based PowerShares (both companies are owned by the asset management...

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November 16, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

This Year's Meal Ticket

From: To: Date: Mon 11/16/2009 1:08 AM Subject: This Year’s Meal Ticket. Just woke up with a brilliant idea!! I’m putting it in an email while the juices are flowing. Still working on the name...

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November 15, 2009

By Tom Bradley

The Party is Rolling Again, so be Cautious

Here I go again. Just when everyone is starting to enjoy themselves, I'm getting uneasy. It's time for investors to temper their expectations for returns and prepare for some bumps in the road. This doesn't mean the cycle isn't playing out as it should. The...

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November 12, 2009

By Tom Bradley

A Change at Edinburgh Partners

The manager of our Global Equity Fund, Edinburgh Partners Ltd. (EPL), has had a personnel change that is of interest to Steadyhand clients. Christine Montgomery has left EPL and joined another firm in Edinburgh, Martin Currie. While the firms are comparable...

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November 10, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Banks and Common Equity

In the Economics Focus column in the October 31st Economist magazine, the question is asked, “Why are the banks so averse to raising equity?” It’s a great question, particularly in the aftermath of last year’s worldwide banking meltdown. It has been a...

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November 4, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Housing Stocks Make me Squeamish; I'm Glad We've Got a New One

Housing stocks make me squeamish. It was painful to watch them fall like a rock over the last couple of years as the U.S. real estate market imploded. A number of companies faced bankruptcy or saw their share prices slashed due to stretched balance sheets...

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November 1, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Be Wary of Candy-coated Mutual Funds

When you're trick or treating, keep an eye out for mutual funds dressed up as closed-end funds. The latest innovation to take hold in the Canadian wealth management industry is “closed-until-open” funds. There has been a wave of new offerings that...

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October 30, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

The Scariest Investments of 2009

We could’ve had some fun with a list of the scariest Halloween costumes this year. Bernie Madoff, Allen Stanford and Jon & Kate come to mind. But we thought it would be more educational, and just as fun, to highlight some of this year’s scariest investments...

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October 29, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

A Latter-Day Charles Dickens?

In a recent article written about Steadyhand titled "Mischievous Strangers and a Steadyhand", Karin Mizgala draws a connection between Tom Bradley and Charles Dickens. Very flattering. Especially when compared to some of the other comparisons...

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October 28, 2009

By Tom Bradley

A Pop Quiz

Quick. It’s February 28th, 2010. The Olympics are just ending and you have to make a last minute RRSP contribution. What would you do? Five seconds. Four. Three. Two. One. Time is up. OK. If you answered: Put it in the Money Market Fund and think about...

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October 26, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Preaching to the Converted...Absolutely

The preacher: Tim Price, Director of Investment at PFP Wealth Management in the U.K. The converted: Steadyhand, Manager of the ‘undex’ funds. As noted in previous posts, I enjoy reading Mr. Price’s weekly note. He challenges the conventional thinking that...

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October 22, 2009

By Tom Bradley

More Navel Gazing on Balanced Funds

I’ve had lots of feedback on a posting I did on Balanced Funds – some as comments on the blog and other as feedback to me directly. A comment from a reader aptly named You Missed The Point said, “A good balanced fund with low fees and experienced with...

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