
Cutting Through the Noise

July 27, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Inflation and the Next Market Leaders

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business. Published July 25, 2009. Knowing the right questions to ask is an important and difficult part of any decision-making process. For the last two weeks I've been parked on the edge of Crystal Lake, Ont., where the right...

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July 21, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

The Credit Crisis 101

If you look up the term ‘credit crisis’ on Google, you’ll get close to 50 million results. Over the past year or so, you would be hard pressed to find two more commonly used words in the business world (other than the usual expletives that abound in falling...

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July 13, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Five Lessons From the Recession - Relearned

A lot of thought has been going into the lessons learned from the recession. That's prompted me to think about what has come out of the turmoil in the capital markets. It didn't take long to come up with a list. Here are my top five lessons learned, or should...

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July 10, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Second Quarter Review

In this podcast, Tom and Scott review the second quarter of 2009. The equity markets rebounded sharply in the quarter, with many stocks posting strong gains. The corporate bond market also enjoyed a long-awaited recovery, as yields declined...

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July 2, 2009

By Tom Bradley

It Will Never be the Same

“Things will never be quite the same again. Western businesses in particular will be well served by moderating future expectations. That goes for investors too.” - Tim Price, PFP Wealth Management, June 22nd, 2009. I read Tim Price regularly and always...

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June 27, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Fixed Income Gems Can Still Be Had if You Add a Bit of Risk

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business. Published June 27, 2009. Over the past nine months, I've talked often in this space about risk being cheap. Investors can't let past losses blind them to the opportunities that have emerged from the banking crisis and...

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June 24, 2009

By Tom Bradley


We need your help Aretha! It seems that the little Canadian technology company that could, Research in Motion, has trouble getting respect. This is hardly a statistically robust analysis, but it has been evident to me for years that RIM and its hugely...

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June 18, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Tom & Christine Discuss the Global Equity Fund

Christine Montgomery from Edinburgh Partners, the manager of our Global Equity Fund, has been traveling in North America this week meeting with companies (research) and clients (hand-holding). We dragged her out of the San Francisco fog and welcomed her to...

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June 16, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Book Review: Panic

Panic is a compilation of articles that shed light on the most severe upheavals in recent financial history – the crash of ’87, the Russian default and subsequent collapse of Long Term Capital Management, the Asian currency...

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June 14, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Hedge Fund Costs Add up to Bad Math

I'm not a hedge fund manager, but I find their place in the industry to be forever fascinating. Indeed, this week I went so far as to publicly debate the proposition “Hedge funds are dead” with Toreigh Stuart of Man Investments, a hedge fund conglomerate...

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June 10, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Hedge Funds are Dead

Be it resolved that hedge funds are dead - or at least the model as we know it needs to change. This is the position that Tom Bradley argued in a debate yesterday at a luncheon held by the Alternative Investment Management Association (Canada’s...

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June 8, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Re-balancing When Needed

Last week Chris and I met with Scott Robertson, a financial planner from Ottawa. Scott is a veteran and has a straight-forward, no-nonsense approach to his craft. That was clear when we asked him when and how often his clients re-balance their portfolios...

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June 4, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Is It Justified?

People are having trouble with this rally. Indeed, I admitted to being uneasy about the speed and magnitude of the market’s move in a recent post. What’s spooking people is that it’s happening at a time when the economy is in the dumper and it's not clear...

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May 30, 2009

By Tom Bradley

The State of the Canadian Investor

As our firm passes the two-year mark, we aren't able to generalize about where our clients are coming from or why they chose us, but we can make some observations about what their previous portfolios looked like, and more broadly, the state of the...

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May 28, 2009

By Tom Bradley

You Go Girl!

“Fess up, fellows: The masters of the universe have turned out to be masters of disaster. No matter which aspect of the financial crisis you consider, there is a man behind it.” This was the opening paragraph of an article recently posted in the Wall Street Journal that reinforces our view that women are great investors, and even better...

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May 26, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Teachers Expel BCE

The Ontario Teachers Pension Plan (Teachers) came within a hair of buying BCE at $42.75. Clearly the powers that be at Teachers thought enough of the BCE franchise that they were willing to pay up for it and use substantial amounts of leverage...

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May 23, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Trading Range

In 26 years of doing this, one of the phrases I find least useful is, the market “is range bound” or “will stay in a narrow trading range over the next X months”. I don’t have conclusive data on it, but I believe that these types of predictions are almost...

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May 21, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

A Tip of the Hat to the 'Capitalist'

Blogger Canadian Capitalist published a complimentary posting on Steadyhand the other day. He highlighted four aspects of our firm that we emphasize on our website and in our conversations with investors: Low cost, Concentration, Co-investment...

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May 19, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Uneasy About the Market Bounce?

Stock markets have rebounded 25-35% since the lows reached in March. Feeling uneasy about the recent bounce? In this podcast, Tom expands on his recent Globe and Mail column and provides some advice to investors who are unsure what to do...

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May 16, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Uneasy About the Market Bounce? Just Stick to Your Plan

The Globe and Mail, Report on Business. Published May 16, 2009. What do we do now? Has the market gone too far too fast? Is it projecting too robust an economic recovery? Is it going to give back its gains as corporate earnings continue to disappoint? Or is...

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May 14, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Everyone is an Economist II

As I pointed out in a recent post, we all have a tendency to become economists at extreme times like this. Everyone has a view on the economy, the dollar, Ben Bernanke, U.S. consumer debt and Wall Street’s demise. And with our increased focus comes...

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May 13, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Morningstar Study: The Investor Experience

Morningstar recently published a comprehensive report on the ‘investment climate’ for mutual fund investors titled Global Fund Investor Experience. The report analyzes the fund marketplace in a number of countries around the world, highlighting the strengths...

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May 8, 2009

By Tom Bradley

"I Don't Know"

That’s my answer when asked where the dollar is going. As regular readers know, I’m not short on opinions, nor is it the case that I’m not well informed on the economic and political forces at work. I just think predicting currency movements is impossible...

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May 7, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Safety is Expensive

We’ve been advising clients that safety is expensive these days. In other words, investors are getting paid very little for holding low-risk assets such as money market products and government bonds. The counterpoint is that the latter securities...

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May 5, 2009

By Tom Bradley

When in Doubt, go BIG

A writer in the Financial Times this morning suggested that BMW and Mercedes need to worry about scale. With Fiat and Porsche playing the role of consolidators, the auto industry is going to have fewer, larger players. Therefore, as the logic goes...

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