
Cutting Through the Noise

October 20, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Tom Talks with Larry Lunn

Tom recently sat down with Larry Lunn, the Chairman and founder of Connor, Clark & Lunn (CC&L), to talk shop. At the front end of the podcast, Larry discusses where we are in the economic recovery and his view on [the hot topic of] inflation. He then addresses...

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October 18, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

BNN Interview - Canada vs Foreign

Tom was on Business News Network (BNN) on Friday talking about finding a balance between domestic and foreign investments (his Saturday Globe column focuses on the same topic). Canadian investors have an emphasis on Canadian securities...

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October 18, 2009

By Tom Bradley

If a Country is Too Good to be True...Then Diversify

Oh Canada! In the constant debate about whether this rally is for real or not, there is an underlying subtext. It relates to how much emphasis investors should put on Canada. In the discussion, there are many who are asking the question, why bother putting...

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October 9, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Third Quarter Review

In this podcast, Tom and I review the third quarter of 2009. It was another strong period for equities. U.S. stocks posted their best quarter in a decade, while the TSX and many overseas markets posted double-digit returns. A rising loonie negatively impacted...

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October 6, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Are Balanced Funds Overrated?

In her Mutual Fund column in the October MoneySense magazine, Suzane Abboud looked at what balanced funds did through the market crisis, specifically how they managed their asset mix. A big part of the reason for owning a balanced fund is...

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October 3, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Third-quarter Data Will Expose the Good, Bad and Ugly

One of the really fun events on the Street is the “Up the Down Market” dinner held annually in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal in support of the Down Syndrome Research Foundation. The focus of the evening is a game based on a stock market...

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October 2, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Who's Managing Your Fund?

In a recent posting (Complacency: A Major Misstep of Mutual Fund Investors), I talked about how commonplace fund mergers and manager changes have become in our industry. I referred to manager changes at Trimark, fund mergers at Ethical and...

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September 28, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Stuck in the Middle?

I don’t believe in trying to precisely time the market. For our clients’ portfolios, and my own, I strive to be approximately right, as opposed to exactly wrong. Having said that, last fall and early this year we were as aggressive as we'll ever be in pushing clients...

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September 23, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Steadyhand - As Seen on TV

A Steadyhand advertising campaign is starting today. It’s pretty extensive, but not all of you will see it. That’s because the magazine, newspaper, television and on-line ads are targeted at Southern Ontario (more on that later). I never thought we’d be advertising...

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September 21, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Pillar #3 - Business Practices

In a nutshell, it all comes down to a few self-centered questions. Is this the way we want our money managed? Is this who we want doing it? Is this the way we want to be serviced, charged and communicated to? Call us selfish, but the answers to those...

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September 19, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Complacency: A Major Misstep of Mutual Fund Investors

Individual investors (and their advisers) are far too patient when it comes to dealing with changes in their mutual funds. They're quick to make moves based on short-term trends and performance, but slow to recognize the impact of fundamental shifts in personnel...

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September 16, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Turn off the Tap

I read that the recession is over. Both Ben Bernanke, the U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman, and Mark Carney, the Bank of Canada Governor, have said so. I also read that out here on the wet coast, our provincial government has been dragging its...

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September 15, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Nokia - The Next Episode

Nokia is an interesting story. To many North Americans, the company is viewed as a has-been. While its cell phones may have been all the rage a decade ago, its star has fallen considerably as Apple and RIM have taken over as the market leaders thanks to...

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September 9, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Equity Fund Update

On my recent trip to Toronto, I spent some time at the CGOV office, meeting with Gord O’Reilly, the manager of the Equity Fund, as well as other partners of the firm. Out of all the conversations, pizza and beer came very little that was new - even though...

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September 8, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Correction: Steadyhand Savings Fund Performance

The Globe and Mail ran an article yesterday on how money market funds are holding up given the historically low interest rate environment (The Best and Worst Places to Park Your Cash). The article highlighted our Savings Fund as the top performing fund...

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September 5, 2009

By Tom Bradley

No One's Cornered the Market on the Best Strategy

I feel like I'm really up to speed right now. With the lousy weather in Ontario and Manitoba cottage country, there's been more time for reading. And while I still can't tell you what “quantitative easing” is, I've firmed up my view on all kinds of other topics...

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August 27, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Everyone is an Economist III

In postings on March 31st and May 14th, I mused that the financial crisis and market meltdown had turned everybody into an economist. We all have a view on how deep the recession will be, where the dollar is headed and when the recovery will come...

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August 26, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Who's Guaranteeing Who?

Be warned. I write this after a long day, a glass of wine and having just read an article on ‘Target Date’ funds in Monday’s Report on Business (Target-date Funds Miss Their Mark). Shirley Won’s piece on these packaged, marketing-driven, fee-laden...

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August 24, 2009

By Scott Ronalds

Podcast: Wrong for the Right Reasons

In this podcast, Tom expands on his latest Globe and Mail column, which focuses on the traits that he looks for in a money manager. More specifically, he highlights two things that he watches for and studies very intently: 1) the temperament of the...

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August 24, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Temperament, not Technique, is Key for Managers

Being an analyst or portfolio manager means you are destined to make lots of mistakes. They say the great ones are right 60 per cent of the time, which means they're wrong 40 per cent of the time. There aren't too many professions where you're allowed...

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August 19, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Small-Cap Equity Fund Update

The Steadyhand Small-Cap Equity Fund has been one of the top funds in its category since it started in early 2007. But in getting there, the fund has traced quite a different path compared to that of the market and other small-cap funds. That's because the...

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August 12, 2009

By Tom Bradley

They Consolidate, We Smile

I walked into the office this morning to the news that AIC, the troubled fund company owned by Michael Lee-Chin, has been sold to Manulife. I smiled. I always smile when I hear that more consolidation has occurred in the wealth management industry. That’s...

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August 9, 2009

By Tom Bradley

Clients Should Take the Reins in Setting Bonus Payments

It may not be politically correct to admit it, but I have mixed feelings on the billions of dollars worth of bonuses being paid out on Wall Street. I'm always wary of hysterical, highly politicized issues that have only one side to them. But in this case, I've...

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August 5, 2009

By Tom Bradley

The Dash for Trash

This current market rally has been characterized as ‘a dash for trash’. In other words, lower quality companies have seen their stocks bounce back dramatically, while the higher quality ones have experienced more modest gains. When the companies that...

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July 29, 2009

By Tom Bradley

The Right Questions - An Addendum

In my last posting, I talked about the questions that money managers should be asking. I focused on three – inflation, the next market leaders and valuation. There is an additional question that individual investors (and their advisors) should be asking...

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