
Cutting Through the Noise

September 7, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Conficts of Interests? What Conflicts? Part II

It was revealed last week that regulators are looking into potential conflicts of interest between the banks and their clients. According to the Globe and Mail, the enforcement division of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada...

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September 4, 2010

By Tom Bradley

The Case for Dividend Stocks

One of the joys of my day job is talking with smart, turned-on people from all aspects and levels of the investment business. My good fortune comes from having a long and diverse career (as Woody Allen put it, 90 per cent of life is just showing...

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August 30, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Bearish Millionaires - Bring it on

t was reported this week that millionaires are feeling more bearish. The Spectrem Millionaire Investor Confidence Index fell to -18, which represents “mildly bearish territory”. Prior to the August score, the index had been in neutral range (-10 to +10)...

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August 21, 2010

By Tom Bradley

The Fine Art of Making the Right Investment Call

Portfolio management is both a science and an art. The science can be learned from finance professors and investment books. The art part, however, comes from years at the school of hard knocks. Like every grizzled money manager who’s...

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August 9, 2010

By Tom Bradley

When Investors and Their Advisers Don’t See Eye-to-Eye

In my last column I talked about fear and investors who wanted to get out of the market. My advice (don’t do it) was based on valuation, investor sentiment and the difficulty of timing the market. It was aimed at helping the investor make the best decision. But...

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August 6, 2010

By Tom Bradley

The Back Hand – Relief from the Macro Gloom

Everything we read about the economy these days is depressing – too much debt, scary demographics (with regard to social security and healthcare), weak political leadership and a warming planet. As an antidote to this macro gloom, there were lots of positives...

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July 24, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Making a Go of it, Despite the Doom and Gloom

In my quarterly letter to clients I used the word “discouraged” to describe investor sentiment. In the few days since we published it, however, I’m starting to think a better word is “despair.” Too regularly I’m being asked whether it’s time to get out of the...

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July 13, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Summer Reruns – Part II

In this week’s rerun, we travel back to May 2008 for a brief look at the negative sentiment and opportunities in the corporate bond market at the time. As it turns out, the soil was fertile indeed. The managers of our funds report to us formally...

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July 10, 2010

By Tom Bradley

When Browsing for Bargains, Beware the Value Trap

I’ve had a bias to owning higher quality companies since 2007. In a challenging economy with unpredictable credit markets, it seemed reasonable to pay a premium for stable profits, excess cash flow and strong balance sheets. I knew the companies...

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July 9, 2010

By Tom Bradley

The Back Hand – The Heat Is On

Below are some observations and musings on the week that was – a recent feature that we’ve aptly coined The Back Hand. The Next Wall Street? – I’m desperately trying to come up with an investing analogy for the LeBron James signing with the Miami Heat

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June 27, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Morningstar Research Doesn't Get Respect it Deserves

There has never been more investment information available to investors, so it’s frustrating to see the release of the Morningstar Stewardship Grades, the most useful piece of research to come out in decades, slide by with little or no coverage from...

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June 12, 2010

By Tom Bradley

The Long and Short of Real Estate Investing

We’re starting to see stories about a softening real estate market in Canada. Listings are up, sales are down, and even the always bullish industry executives are predicting lower prices in the coming year. It reminded me of a quote I saw recently: “Real is...

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May 31, 2010

By Tom Bradley

ETFs Gone Wild

It was announced last week that BMO is adding 8 new ETFs to its lineup. It now offers 30 ETFs, up from zero a year ago. With every new offering, BMO is getting narrower in its focus. The current batch gives the investor specific exposure to junior oil stocks, junior...

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May 29, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Avoiding Benchmark-oriented Mediocrity

I’m just back from a few days in Scotland. Sightseeing, golf and a meeting with one of our equity managers was the order of the day. For the golf, I stuck to convention and kept track of my pars, bogies and, unfortunately, the “others.” For my meeting with...

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May 27, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Catching up with Edinburgh Partners

Last week I met with Edinburgh Partners Ltd (EPL), the manager of our Global Equity Fund, on their home turf. Here are the highlights. EPL has been in existence for almost 7 years and has been very successful. They manage C$11.4 billion for corporate...

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May 16, 2010

By Tom Bradley

In Times of Crisis, Approximation Beats Perfection

As we ride the market volatility caused by Europe’s economic turmoil, I can’t help but think back to Oct. 19, 1987, a date that will forever be imprinted in my memory. Black Monday saw the Dow drop 23 per cent, while the TSX was down 11 per cent...

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May 5, 2010

By Tom Bradley

All Quiet on the PPN Front?

In the media and this blog, it’s been pretty quiet when it comes to principal protected notes (PPNs). Regular readers will know that we have been critical of these bank-issued products and have written about them often. I don’t have a sense of how...

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May 2, 2010

By Tom Bradley

The Secret Behind Succession Plans and Stock Picks

Burgundy Asset Management sent a letter to its clients this week announcing changes to its management structure. Two years from now CEO Tony Arrell will step down and hand the reins over to the current Chief Investment Officer, Richard Rooney...

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April 21, 2010

By Tom Bradley

China Interrupted

I am not an economist and have never been to China. But I am an investor and a student of market cycles, and as such, I’m always wary when something that is far from certain starts being assumed as part of the foundation of the capital markets. Today China is...

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April 17, 2010

By Tom Bradley

ETF Providers Have Cluttered a Pristine Landscape

Four years ago my business partner Neil Jensen and I were sitting on Kits Beach contemplating a new mutual fund company. As we looked out at the competitive horizon, we could see a wave coming at us. It was called ETFs (exchange-traded funds), and...

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April 4, 2010

By Tom Bradley

It's Not a Question of Whether to Invest - But How

"Tom, is now a good time to invest?" When I get that question at a party or reception, I freeze up. It's weird because I'm reasonably competent at social banter, especially when I have a cocktail in my hand, and I certainly have views on these kind of things. But I...

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March 26, 2010

By Tom Bradley

California Here I Come

Dear Madam / Sir, Re: Application for a trader position. I read with interest that Google is looking to hire traders to manage its $24 billion cash reserve. I would like to apply. I have attached my resume for your consideration and would like to emphasize a...

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March 22, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Who is Buying This Stuff?

Kevin O’Leary is an intentionally controversial figure. I quite enjoy his TV small doses. He stirs the pot and is a great offset to my favorite TV host, Amanda Lang. I’m not sure what Mr. O’Leary’s day job is exactly, but part of it entails marketing closed...

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March 21, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Dear Bank Directors: Bask in Glory...or Look to Growth

There are more than a few money managers who, as large shareholders of the Canadian banks, harbour a secret desire to have a seat at the boardroom table. They've studied these institutions for years and feel they have something to offer. But in reality...

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March 18, 2010

By Tom Bradley

Small-Cap Fund Update

It’s always great to visit Montreal, but last Thursday was particularly timely for reasons beyond the sunny, warm weather. It is the home turf for Wil Wutherich, the manager of our Small-Cap Fund, a fund that has just turned three years old (along with the rest...

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